Wolf Dunking

On the boat.....

As Leslie dashes toward the sleeping creature, a deep growl issues from it's throat. With supernatural speed, it is on its feet and leaping toward the broad warrior, fangs bared and mouth wide open, targeting the tempting thick neck of the athletic fellow.

Leslie is taken aback by the creature's size and speed, but continues his charge with bloodthirsty recklessness in his eyes. Then the huge dog is upon him, landing full force on his chest. Even Ullar is amazed to see Leslie only stagger and not fall with the impact. In fact, in desperation he has dropped his sword and grasped the beast's furry neck in his strong fingers. For a moment, the hot breath of the monster comes closer and closer to Leslie's neck. Realizing that he cannot hold the animal off forever, he thrusts it away and to the left in a vain attempt to regain his huge weapon. However, he underestimates his own strength. With a yelp and a splash, the wolf clears the deck and goes plunging into the rapidly flowing river.

Recovering his sword, Leslie wipes off his arm where the great wolf's saliva dribbled on him. Grateful for his luck with the wolf, he is nevertheless cross with himself on the loss of his weapon on such a crucial moment. "Way to go, big boy. You handled that wolf with all the grace of a lumberjack...."

Those on the shore take aim, but the great fanged head does not resurface, either pulled too far downstream or drowned. Meanwhile, Leslie dusts himself off and returns to Ullar, who still holds the door closed. As the hinges are on this side, the door apparently opens outward, but the creature inside apparently still has not been distracted from it's gruesome feast. Looking about, there are loose planks of wood and some nails that might be used to nail the door shut, though such would surely draw the creature's attention. It is a sturdy door, however, and if it could be held against the weight of whatever lies within, time should be sufficient to barricade it properly.

"OK Ullar, let's do it your way. I'll hold the door, while you nail it shut." With that, Leslie plants his feet securely on the boat deck, leaning his shoulder into the door and bracing with his hands.

Ullar hammers the door shut, barricading the handle with some wood as well.

"Ok, let's get this boat to the other side Leslie," the warrior says, moving over to the rope to get it over to the others.

Meanwhile, the thing on the shore reacts to the dog being thrown into the river. It rises from it's perch quickly and silently and shoots across the river. Jacobus attempts to close the distance, but there is no hope of that. It flies in a straight shot toward the ship, not drawing the attention of either warrior, appearing headed for the northern forest, low to the ground. It never reaches it's destination, however.

Jacobus comes running out of the forest towards the remains of the party on this bank. "Hell's teeth!!" he swears, "We've been followed. I moved back into the forest to find one of those Bat-like creatures watching us. I think we need to be a bit more careful now. It flew off in that direction," he indicates directly towards Misha's cabin. Jacobus mumbles something to himself about being sloppy and moves over to his horse shaking his head. "I think we should get over the other side as soon as possible and check out Misha's cabin."

Xania waves at those on the boat, trying to indicate that they need to bring the ferry back to shore so the rest can cross.

Stenu shies away from Jacobus slightly, "Now's not the time for games!!" he tells the horse. Surprisingly, the horse obeys and Jacobus is surprised for a moment, before taking it by the reigns and moving toward the bank.

"You're doing better, Jacobus," Xania grins wickedly despite her worries at the news he's relayed. "And here I thought you were the submissive type."

Jacobus can't help but smile at her comments. He turns towards her and grins, "I guess I'm just full of surprises, eh?" He gives her a wink as he turns his horse back to the bank to wait for the ferry.

Rhune looks at the bat flying over Misha's cabin. To herself, 'damn.' She stands and heads back to where her horse is and grabs his reigns. "I don't like this. I wish they would hurry and bring that boat back over here so we can get across," she says to the others when she joins them.

Unable to take a clear shot at the creature as it leaps into the river, Asif holds his fire but in making that decision has an arrow drawn and ready as the other creature takes flight. Asif whispers a quiet prayer as he unleashed a volley of arrows at the creature flying across the river. His draw is fast, strong, and practiced and a number of arrows snake into the air in the direction of the creature.

"Aten guide my shafts and bring divine judgment to the enemies of your creation."

It appears that Aten is indeed with Asif, as his uncanny accuracy with archery continues. The first arrow skates off the creature's lower left wing, sending it spinning, but not for long. The second plunges into it's chest and sends it plummeting into the river, where it disappears without a sound, leaving nothing but a small ripple where it landed. It does not resurface.

Jacobus turns back to face Asif. "Good shooting my friend, at least now it won't be reporting back." He can't help but grin.

"Aten does indeed smile upon those who fight in his name Efendi. I wish not to pry Jacobus, for each man has his own calling when it comes to his or her faith. But to what deity does your heart call? I think, no fate is fully of our choosing, they (Asif points to the heavens) decide." (Asif smiles at his little joke.)

Jacobus turns to face Asif and grins knowing full well his answer is going to confuse him. "Asif, my friend, I have no faith in any Gods. I have no time for them and they have none for me, I choose my own path, I will not be bound by that which I can not see."

Asif looks at Jacobus strangely.

"That is sad Efendi. (Asif puts his hand on Jacobus' shoulder in an comradely fashion.) But worry not, that you are not seen by the Gods. For as Aten is my witness I am sure one looks upon you with favor. Mortals do not walk alone, that I am sure despite my short time upon Aten's creation. Someone up there (Asif points to the heavens) brought us all together for a purpose. The Prophets say that adversity brings wisdom. What could be more adverse than my exile. Aten has sent me thousands of miles away from my home and family for reasons I pray I had answers to. We together walk the same path of fate this day, Aten put me upon it to bring me wisdom. Maybe this be why you put upon this same path. It may be your chance to open your heart to that divine he or she who regards you with favor. I hope this makes sense efendi, Rhune has worked much with my Italian and it has improved yes?"

Jacobus grins at Asif "I thank you for your words of wisdom my friend, but to have a God you have to believe in them. My destiny is shaped by my own hand," he winks at him. "Besides, I used to sell fake religious artifacts to the Sect of Jerboha and even if I do say so myself, had a handle on the whole market. Religion takes the fun out of life and I don't think I could be trusted by any God that choose to accept me," he chuckles to himself.

Rhune also looks to Asif, her purple eyes sparkling, "That was very good, Asif. I didn't think I would have a chance hitting it myself," she says with a smile.

Asif nods in Rhune's direction with a big grin on his face. "It is Aten's will. I thank him for the skill he grants me. Come Efendi, I think it is time to help our comrades across the river."

The two brawny warriors, meanwhile, occupy themselves with nailing the creature inside the ship's cabin. Neither is terribly handy with a hammer and nails, but their enthusiasm makes up for it. After some minutes, the door is securely barricaded. While Leslie stays aboard with his great sword drawn, Ullar pushes the ferry boat back over to the other shore (OOC: Note here, the southern shore clearing is some yards downstream of the ferry to the north, just about sufficient for the boat to reach the shore while being dragged across with the long pole set upon it for just such maneuvering.) Ullar does not find it anywhere as easy to cart the ferry across without the benefit of pulling the rope. He has no knowledge of guiding such a craft, and for a few brief moments, it does not appear that he will manage to get across on his own at all, as the natural tendency of the ferry is to go east, with the current, and not south, across it. However, Ullar is as stubborn as he is strong, and with great effort, he makes his way, only missing the southern clearing by some ten yards. With some help from Forte and Asif, they are able to drag the ferry back to it's mounting spot and begin the slow process of shuttling themselves across.

After nearly an hour of this, with those who made the trek before now appreciating how much easier it was without steeds, you all manage to cross over and board the craft. You witness the same blood and gore that the two warriors did, with the notable addition of loud growling, barking, and the occasional heavy thump of something impacting the door of the cabin, now crudely nailed shut. Leslie appears to not be having much difficulty holding it, though.

As those suited to the matter prepare to slay the feaster within, the others explore the ship. However, even those small luxuries that existed previously have been stripped. The hold, previously largely unoccupied (and very small in any case) is completely empty. The rower's benches, within the hold, are totally unoccupied except for one unlucky fellow that appears to have been beaten to death where he sat. Blood lies in pools around five other bench seats as well.

Above decks, the wheel is the only thing left standing. Several items have been destroyed, making them unrecognizable, and not a single barrel, box, or crate remains anywhere on the ship. The small cabin is the only unexplored portion by the time you all have satisfied yourselves. It only remains for the battle with the monster within it to be concluded, though no one is optimistic that it will contain anything of value either.

Jacobus climbs on top of the cabin roof and listens through the roof. He looks up at the others. "Well, we've got it mad, who wants to open up the door?" When he says this he stands above the door on the cabin roof and draws his long sword.

"My what big teeth you have..." murmurs Xania. "I think I'd prefer to not open the door thanks very much."

Ignoring Xania's comment, "Guess that will be me, facing the consequences of my decision," Ullar says, with an unknown sound of determination in his voice.

The warrior's mind is still filled with thoughts regarding what could have happened to Marika, or what made her decide to leave the party behind without a sign.

Augustus nods in agreement. "If you are willing, the spirit of Jebohah may aid in your attack. Who is going to face the beast?"

Even without armor, Ullar appears to be the volunteer to face the charge of the beast. Augustus briefly chants some words and crosses Ullar with his thumb and the crook of his index finger. Ullar immediately feels a tingle of the effect of some magic. Somewhat leery about being magicked by a Catolik, he finds that the feeling is actually quite invigorating.

"Is there anyway we can open it from a distance? Maybe drive a spear through the door with a rope and pull it, then have our noble archers shoot the beast without risking too much injury?" Xania adds.

Jacobus looks on at the party on the boat "Does anyone actually know what we have caught in here?" He drops to the roof again to try and determine what is trapped inside the cabin.

>From the growls inside, his best guess is that another of the wolves lies within. Nothing coming from inside gives him any reason to think otherwise.

Forte turns to Ullar, "What did this beast look like? Another wolf?"

Ullar shrugs his shoulders, having never actually looked inside to see what the creature was.

"Wait Ullar, I have a plan." Leslie lays a big hand on the warrior's arm to halt him. "The archers will get on the roof, along with anybody who isn't a "natural" warrior. One of those will stay down, open the door, and take cover behind it as it opens. The rest of us will be here to greet whatever it is in there with our swords, while the archers will have a clear shot from above. What do you all think?"

"That sounds good, Leslie. but you'll have Jacobus and Asif up there already. I am wearing armor and I can use a sword pretty well. I will stay down here," Rhune replies to Leslie's plan

Jacobus hops off the roof lightly "Sounds fine to me. I'll open the door and keep hidden behind it, hopefully I'll be able to attack it from the rear."

Jacobus offers to help Xania reach the cabin roof.

Xania gratefully receives his assistance. "Haven't climbed much in my lifetime," she grins.

"I like it," responds Forte enthusiastically. Do you want me to use sword or bow?" he asks, looking around at the group.

"Why don't you go up, Forte, we've got more than enough swords down here, and not enough archers up there."

Leslie look around the group. "And give Augustus a hand up, won't you?"

Forte climbs on top of the cabin, helps Augustus up, draws his bow and prepares an arrow.

Jacobus cannot help but admire the view as Xania's shapely posterior is lifted up onto the roof, and he is briefly distracted from the plan, but Leslie's words bring him around quickly enough. Forte easily lifts Brother Augustus up behind her, interfering with Jacobus' view in any respect. Contrary to Rhune's thoughts, neither Jacobus nor Asif climb up top, though Forte follows Augustus, needing the help of the other two large men to accomplish the deed. Augustus draws forth his bola, though he recognizes that it would be more dangerous for his friends to use it in this situation than the creature. Xania holds her spell ready in reserve. Forte draws forth his English longbow and sets an arrow to the string, leaning over the edge of the roof.

Once everybody who needs to climbs up and everyone is in place, Leslie nods to Jacobus. "OK, buddy, open up.

"Look lively, people, it's show time!" Leslie seems to be enjoying himself, his face glowing with anticipation for the coming melee.

Ullar nods, obviously agreeing with Leslie's plan.

Rhune steps off to the side of the door, her magical long sword in her hands, "I am ready whenever you are," she nods to Leslie as the rest get into position.

Asif stands beside her. A flash of steel heralds the drawing of his twin scimitars whose red hue catches the sunlight. Exotic in their manufacture, the red ore from which the blades were formed reacts brightly with the sun. A ripple of light dances on the drawn blades.

Forte looks at the twin blades, intrigued by the red metal. He start to move over for a closer look, when Leslie motions for him to climb onto the roof.

Rhune's eyes are drawn to the flashing blades. She has never seen metal that color before. With the sun shining on it, it almost looks like the blade is a tongue of fire. She smiles perhaps it is a sign from Asif's god that he is with him, "Asif, from the looks of your sword blade, it looks as if your Aten is once again with you," she whispers to him, her tone one that suggests complete belief in what she just said, not one of derision.

Rhune turns from Asif and grips her sword just a little tighter. She is off to the side of the door, not just in front of it. Hopefully this will give her the opportunity to attack from behind. But whether it does or not she plans on attacking anyway. Her deep purple eyes grow even darker as she begins to anticipate battle. Though she is no fighter she has always been one never to back from a fight unless absolutely necessary.

Leslie draws forth his massive blade as the others on the deck clear space for him to use it. This cramps those allied to him, as the craft is fairly small. Recognizing that this situation would only be confounded by Ullar drawing his blade, of nearly as great a size, Ullar instead wisely sets his long spear to take the charge of the beast as it hopefully dashes from the cabin. Asif and Rhune set themselves on the other side of Ullar's centerpiece.

With the motion given, Jacobus attempts to open the door. Sadly, this is no easy task. Both Leslie and Ullar drove the nails in with some relish, and Jacobus' more normal muscles are not up to the task of prying them loose. Cursing, Leslie sets himself to removing the planks one by one, knowing that with the size of his weapon and his closeness, he will be unable to participate immediately in the combat. Jacobus stands off to the side, waiting for his opportunity. After several boards have been undone, the creature crashes into the door again, this time snapping another board and loosening several more. Hoping the beast will do his work for him, Leslie moves himself back into position and once again draws his gargantuan sword.

As Jacobus gingerly pries at the boards, attempting to help the monster free itself, suddenly the door comes free of it's hinges, snapping loudly from the center as the blood-matted fur of the second wolf makes itself visible. The creature has clearly done itself some damage bashing into the door, but that is not enough to keep it from launching itself through the breach in the door. It charges with blinding speed toward the group. It does not appear mindless, though, swerving away from Ullar's planted spear and Leslies huge blade toward the rather less menacing figures of Asif and Rhune.

Asif's speed is remarkable, but no match for the frustrated wolf, who is upon him in seconds. Forte launches a pair of arrows at the creature, but his aim is not as fine as the Arab's. One arrow appears to skid by the creature, but does not faze it in the slightest. With a bloodcurdling howl, the beast launches itself toward Asif. However, Asif's almost inhuman speed thwarts it's attack, as he spins away from the beast, at the same time crossing both his blades in a vicious slash at the creature. Both turn at the same time, and the group can see that Asif bears no trace of injury, while he has opened a ragged tear in the creature's chest, from which it's life's blood is even now draining.

Wary, with it's death rapidly approaching, the creature exchanges feints with Asif and his shadow, Rhune, clearly not pleased with it's choice of opponents. Neither Ullar nor Leslie are able to lend a hand at the close quarters the monster and the foreigner now keep each other. Another snapping lunge, followed equally quickly by lightning thrusts from Asif, yields neither anything tangible. Rhune, at the same time marveling at Asif's grace and speed and hesitant to intrude upon the beauty of his swordplay, is unable to find an opening to help herself.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 27 October 2000

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