Retrieving Asif's Horse

They see that the first group is making it's way quickly but cautiously outside the circle, hoping not to alert the shadow things. The second group is considerably less cautious, but moves in behind them quickly.

Joining up with the others, "Ah it might be worthwhile if we moved just a little faster," Rhune murmurs as she looks over her shoulder behind her.

As it is impossible to see the things in the pitch black, the group dreads the first feel of their chilling touch. Amazingly, however, everyone reaches the area where the horses have fled to. Upon the last person reaching the outside of the burned out soil, the sun returns to the sky. The shadow creatures and the mace holder are nowhere in sight, though the tomb opening remains just as when the party arrived. Asif's horse remains within the circle, whinnying pitifully, apparently unable to rise of it's own strength.

"Yeah!" Ullar exclaims..."We got it!" The warrior feels like a child who just rang the bell at the neighbors house and ran away...but then more intense. A smile appears at his face.

Xania laughs and shakes her head. "Of course we did. Too bad about the mask and robes though, but that guy didn't seem to want to sit still while we stripped him."

"Yeah.. stupid guy," says Ullar, doing a pretty good imitation of a moron. "I just love adrenaline," Ullar adds.

Dakath grins at Ullar "I have to agree with you there my friend. Although when I was a child I got that kind of rush when I had broken into the Mayor's house and stolen various documents for my Grandfather. Ringing a door bell and running just didn't seem to appeal to me much."

"Well...everyone gets his or her kick from something else," Ullar replies, with a major wink to Dakath, nodding to Xania.

"I must admit I get my kicks from other things," Xania replies.

"Oh? Care to share it with the rest of us?" An innocent face of Ullar, blinking with his eyes.

Xania simply remains silent, an enigmatic smile on her face.

Dakath merely grins at him, "Come on let's get this horse and leave this area. Why do we always stand round chatting when we face impending danger?"

Dakath looks around at the group and then examines the mace held in his hands. He then turns to look at the open tomb, doubt creeping into his mind, filled with visions of a relentless undead pursuer.

"Don't you think we should close the tomb? We don't want to be followed do we?" He moves over to Forte and Ullar. "So can any of you guys use a mace?" Without waiting for an answer he hands one of them the item before mounting Stenu.

Ullar smiles, and pats his horse on his neck again.

"What are we going to do about Asif's horse?" he asks the rest of the group...

Her heart going out to the wounded horse, "Perhaps I could go after him? I am quick and small and I might be able to get him out before the shadows return," Rhune says obviously concerned about the horse.

Asif bellows loudly to the sky:

"Flee foul fiends of hell from the holy light of Aten. May his life giving fire consume your rotten souls. Under the light of Aten, the dead have no place. Flee to your dark realm, we wish to see you no more."

Asif then walks slowly towards his horse, calling with soothing words to it in Arabic.

"Fear not Desert wind, Aten protects us now. Steady boy, we now leave this foul place and all is well."

Tag turns to Asif. "Asif my friend your steed is in danger! I will do anything I can to help recover him from the shadows. Come."

Asif already whispering soothing words to his stead, glances over his shoulder in the direction of Tag.

Very quietly so as to not frighten the horse he says:

"Thank you efendi."

Now that the humans are safe, Xania looks at Asif's horse with some concern. "I wish we could get him out of there. Do you think we could attach ropes to our own horses and have them pull him out of the circle? It seems safe enough outside the mounds."

"I agree. That might be a good idea, Xania. But one of us will have to go inside the circle to tie the ropes on to him. I could do that," Rhune replies.

Dakath seeing that they're not about to go yet, dismounts Stenu. "Alright, has anyone got any rope we can use to pull Asif's horse beyond the circle?"

As he moves past Xania he places a reassuring hand on her arm.

Xania throws him a grateful look. "The warhorses would probably be best and most capable of pulling, but I'll lend Noir as well if we can get him out of there. If we can get more than one rope, let's tie it to whoever goes in to try and tie the horse. Then we can pull them out if nothing else works and they are weakened."

Rhune is already rummaging around in her backpack. "I think I have some rope in here somewhere," she says trying to find her rope.

Dakath turns back to Xania and looks at her with concern. He moves over to her and helps her to her horse. "Rest on Noir a while, the rest of us can tend to Asif's horse," he smiles at her and pats her leg as she sits on her horse.

Xania leans on Dakath for a moment, then stands and walks on her own, as if unwilling to admit more than a little weakness.

Dakath shrugs, "Very well I'll go back in and tie a rope around the horse." He shakes his head, "I must be mad."

"Wait. I can do it, if you would prefer," Rhune calls out to him.

"So could I," replies Xania. "But probably someone that is good with horses and not weakened would be best," she adds.

Xania shrugs, slightly embarrassed.

"Do you want me to try and tie the horse? I have more experiences with horses and I'm sure there are those that would not miss me were I to be trapped inside there," she grins ruefully. "You are definitely more tactful than I am."

Dakath smiles and shakes his head, "That's not necessary Xania. We'd all benefit more by you resting and getting back to full health. Besides I'd miss you."

"Well, I was also thinking of the horse. I have some experience with them and you don't," she touches his cheek lightly, "Thank you."

Forte interjects, "But if a shadow attacks you while you try to help the horse, then we'll really be in trouble. Let one of us try it first, at least," he finishes, looking at Ullar and Dakath.

Dakath smiles at her "I think we'll manage, just rest a while. You can thank me later." He winks at her as he begins to prepare rescuing Asif's mount.

Xania's smile changes in quality to a more enigmatic one. "I certainly hope so," she purrs.

Ullar rides Zephyr away from the group and dismounts to vent his frustration at a nearby tree.

Forte follows him, just to say, "Don't use your weapon on the tree. Trust me, I speak from personal experience." After pausing a few seconds he adds, "Let's just get out of here as soon as possible. We can work on our interpersonal skills on the ride away. And thanks for grave-robbing with me! We'll have to do it again sometime," he says with a wink before walking away.

"Thanks Forte," Ullar says, glad that the other fighter is able to calm down his temper. "I enjoyed it just as well," he says after a few seconds.

"Oh.. how I hunger for a beer!"

Dakath continues to tie the rope around his waist and praying to whoever's going to be listening to keep him safe, he wants to be thanked later...

Forte walks over to Dakath, "I'll hold the rope while you get the horse," he says, reaching for the other end of the rope. "Would you really kill him in his sleep for that?" asks Forte, still curious about the earlier conversation. "I mean, I think Xania would just do it herself if necessary!" he laughs nervously.

Dakath looks up at Forte before leaning closer "Honestly, no I probably wouldn't I like Ullar It's just.... well you know what I mean."

"Yes, I think I do," responds Forte.

Asif interrupts, "It is alright Dakath. Desert wind is my steed, and I wish not you to put yourself in unnecessary danger. No disrespect also efendi but I am more a horseman than you. By rights I should go for I have the steed's confidence. I am more likely to calm its fears."

"He's right," Xania agrees quickly, "Actually, any horse that is well-treated by its rider will be more likely to respond well to that person. And Asif is very good to his horse," she is completely serious, for once.

Ullar, returning with Forte from his tree-punching, just shakes his head at another mood-change of the vixen in the party.

"Need any help Asif, just call me."

Dakath can't fault Asif's reasoning, "Very well my friend, be careful though."

"Fear not Efendi, most careful shall I be. I dislike this place as much as desert wind. That is for sure."

Forte waits to see if Dakath gives the rope to Asif, but also holds on to the other end of the rope just to be ready to drag out whoever decides to retrieve the steed. The massive warrior, suddenly nervous and jittery, keeps glancing at the tomb's entrance - hoping the occupant does not emerge.

Dakath relinquishes the rope and gives it to Asif, "Be sure to be quick."

Asif makes short measured steps towards his frightened stead, calling to it in Arabic as he moves closer.

"Be strong Desert wind, all shall be well once we leave this place. Show courage, be strong like the Centaur horse lord. I will not leave you here, we are one together upon the same path of fate. Feel the rays of Aten upon your back, the solar disc dispels all darkness. We shall soon be safe."

Asif then gently reaches for the reins with his right hand, and is strokes the nose of the terrified creature with his left.

Augustus sees Asif's steed struggling to get to it's feet. The young priest holds aloft the holy symbol of Jerbohah to ward off the shadow-things as he tries to coax/push/pull the animal beyond the edge of the circle.

Putting Xania's plan into action, Asif takes a rope from Forte. Asif initially has quite some difficulty getting his horse's cooperation, as his nervousness about the shadows combined with the horse's general panic make things very dicey. Interestingly enough, the shadow creatures do not make an appearance, nor does the sky turn black again, even though Asif crossed over into the barren circle.

With some great effort from Asif, the group is finally able to tie the rope to the unsteady horse's bridle. They then tie the rope onto Forte's warhorse, who fairly easily yanks the much lighter horse out of the area.

At the conclusion of this, those who strength was affected by the shadows begin to feel it returning. After a few minutes, the warriors feel much better, and Xania's physical strength returns to nearly the equal of her sharp wit.

Asif's horse, however, remains very weak and you realize that you will be unable to ride out of this area any time soon. Those who enjoyed the previous foray look with a combination of anticipation and nervousness at the other two barren circles to the right of that which they just entered.

When the shadow monsters do not return, Augustus relaxes slightly, but remains wary. Offering to help in any way to get Asif's steed out of the circle and back to health, the priest examines the equine for any injuries (veterinary healing) and tends to it's needs.

Looking at the other two barrow mounds, Augustus says, "I will need some time to pray before we go into another tomb."

"I don't think anyone would deny you rest, Augustus. I am sorely tired as well, though the weakness from the shadows had passed. Once Asif's horse is whole, shall we go and see what we can do about a camp?" Xania asks of all present.

"Well, Ullar, you up for some more grave-robbing while we wait for the horse to recover?" asks Forte, looking at the other mounds. Still nervous, he hopes Ullar says no, but now that he's opened his big mouth, he may have to pay the price.

"Eh..." Ullar, not sure if Forte is serious. "Eh...sure...I'm not a wimp."

Turning serious, Forte asks Xania, "How long before Asif's horse can travel? What exactly is wrong with it?"

"I'm not sure. I'm not really a healer," she hesitates, "We had horses when I was younger. My family did."

Rhees listens to Xania, hoping she will have an answer. When she does not, he suggests, "In the absence of better evidence, it may be reasonable to believe that the horse will recover in a time similar to our own party members who were affected by the shadows. Since it was just recently afflicted, and more strongly than most of our companions, we might assume that it will be a few hours yet."

"That seems logical. I would not want to leave it, even if we must stay later than you would like," Xania adds.

"Asif, what do you think? You are likely more knowledgeable about horses than I?" Xania asks.

"Yes I think that is true. Desert wind is much stronger and more healthy than I. He will recover in time. but it is no physical injury that hurts him. It is mental, the evil heka that permeates this place. It is enough to make any sensitive animal skittish. Once he has his confidence back, all shall be fine."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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