Finally, some R&R

After the words of the elven leader Ullar looks around in the group, figuring out if anyone is going to speak for the group.

Remembering he didn't introduce himself, he bows his head slightly and speaks once more: "My name is Ullar Capachio. It seems that you know about our quest and regarding that quest, I'd like to have a word with you about the powers of this lake."

The elven leader nods his head and walks over toward Ullar to converse. They speak for some minutes privately.

"Sir, I'm unsure how to put this, but when I entered this lake for the first time I had some sort of a vision. In this vision a petrified forest appeared, including a large Goblinoid and a white wolf."

The elf nods absently, not showing any sign of recognition.

Pausing for a moment, to see the man's reaction, Ullar continuous: "I'm curious whether you can give me any information where this petrified forest might be. And if there is a ruined tower there as well" he quickly adds, remembering something about Forte his vision.

The man nods more enthusiastically, "The forest you speak of is not far to the south of here, less than a day's ride. If you follow the southern rivulet for perhaps ten miles and then head west, you will run into it. It is a few miles across. If the river gave you that vision, you must go there." He pauses.

With a less joyful tone, "As for the ruined tower, that is on the other side of the Windrush river. This is the river that the humans you speak of have settled along. Xitaqa is the tower's name. A foul sorcerer lived there hundreds of years ago. He blasted the top of the tower off himself. Presumably he destroyed himself in that explosion, as we never heard about him again. Foul magicks still lurk in that place, though. If you go there, be wary." He yields back to Ullar's questioning.

"The second thing I'd like to speak to you about is the matter of the lady who traveled to the lake. What can you tell me about her? We heard her voice, but never found her body or any other clues regarding her stay at the isle. Could it be that she has been slain by the evil spirit and that this spirit used her voice to distract us, or do you think she is still alive?"

He returns, "All things are possible. We know very little about the dark spirit on the island. However, from what we have been told, our guess is that she was enveloped by the spirit, enough that when the mirror was destroyed, she was displaced along with it. Wherever the spirit is, she, and the other you speak of, are with it, undoubtedly enduring some mighty torment. If our theory is correct."

"The last thing which I could use some advice on is this potion." Ullar removes the potion from his pack, handing it over to the elven leader. "We've found it somewhere, but we're unable to determine what it does. Perhaps your knowledge can aid us here."

He shakes his head sadly, "I am afraid that such being a human item, human magicks must be used to unravel it. Our magicks are much simpler, and more complex. I cannot help you with that. I am sorry."

Then Ullar returns to the group. He stands up. "My friends.." he says, while looking at Xania and next dashing from one to another "When we first arrived at this lake, some of us did benefit from the healing powers of it. I had a different experience. I had some kind of a vision, which showed me presumably Steven. In a petrified forest he was surrounded by Goblins. One in particular was frightening. A huge Goblin, riding a white wolf and armed with a large two-handed sword."

Ullar pauses for a moment, waiting for any questions.

"Well, there's a new two-handed sword for you, Ullar! Just walk up and take it from him!" roars Forte with laughter. As his mirth recedes, Forte asks more seriously, "I wonder if the ruined tower from my vision is in the petrified forest.... or if the forest is another place they've taken him."

Ullar grins at Forte. "Yeah.. as soon as I appear there I think he'll hand over his sword to me, for he knows I'm Ullar." Ullar replies, a huge grin appearing on his face.

"Well.. at least we got some sort of lead to Steven. However, as our previous encounter refreshed our minds, we also have the Blue Tube. I'm curious if these elves, who possess quite some magick if they can put us in 'isolation' are able to give us any answers on how to open it. Marika, or the voice pretending to be Marika's, reminded me about the greater evil we're dealing with here."

"Yes at least we have a lead on for asking the elves about the blue tube that might be good.... They might have a way of opening it or they might know someone who can." Rhune adds in a soft, low voice.

"I suggest we let them try to open it after this isolation thingy, don't you agree?" Ullar adds.

As soon as he realizes what he has said, Ullar looks at Taglio, his lips moving without saying anything. Making up his mind, the warrior continues. "I don't know about everything Auggie and Tag, but I do know that this Bishop of Florence was an evil man. That doesn't imply that all followers of Jerboha are evil, but it gives me the idea that it is better to avoid them than to contest them."

"As soon as we find Steven, I'd like to devote myself to finding a way how to open this tube. Not only because of curiosity, but because of some strange inner feeling as well. And I just can't put my finger on it at what this inner feeling is exactly."

"So, I'm curious, what do all of you think about this?"

"I think I need some armor. *Any* armor. And some new clothes," Forte replies, looking down at the chest hole in his ragged tunic. "After that, I'm with you," he says, gesturing toward the entire group.

"Yes let's find Stephan first and then see about this blue tube and get it open." Rhune agrees. Then pausing and scuffing her foot in the dirt, "I...I.... would like to apologize to all of you for my behavior.... especially to you Xania." she looks quickly at the young mage, "I remember.... .all.... that.... .I did.... .and I am very sorry.... .I.... .ah.... also remember why.... at least I think it is why.... " She casts a glance at Forte.... "I could certainly use the weeks worth of rest, but we don't know how large of an area this magic will affect.... .if.... would .... ...prefer.... ..that I didn't stay inside.... I understand.... ..Perhaps I can try to explain, if not inside the magic then when you get out.... " half expecting the others to not want her inside the area of Magic, Rhune quickly turns and walks a little distance away to sit on a long...her head down and long curly hair pulled in front so no one can see her face.... or the tears in her eyes.

Xania shrugs, "You were not in control of your actions. I do not hold them against you. 'You' owe me nothing. I am only glad that you did not accidentally slay me, though I am sure others are not as glad."

Rhune offers Xania a half smile, "Thank you. But I tried and that is enough for me to offer an explanation. If not to you then to the others.... .... .It is the way I am Xania." she says in low voice and with a shrug.

"As far as I'm concerned you were controlled by the evil spirit and no opportunity to control your actions. I do not hold this against you, and I doubt others will as well, but I can't judge for them. " Ullar responds predictably.

"Thank... you... Ullar. It... is appreciated.... But I will ...wait... to see... what... the others... think first." Rhune utters in a low halting voice with her head down you can not be certain if she is crying or not.

"Of course you will be with us." A puzzled looks crosses Forte's face. "Why would it be otherwise?" He looks around at the others, seeing if they share the same thoughts about Rhune's presence in the group.

"Thank you, Forte. I guess I thought that since I tried to kill Xania and betrayed the rest of the party.... ..I thought.... ..that.... you know.... ..that you wouldn't want me with you in the enchantment." she says as she tries to smile at the warrior. She looks at Asif who has been very quiet during this whole thing, wondering what he is thinking and wishing he would say something to her.

"I have no problem with Rhune coming along, as I have already said. If I had truly believed she was not controlled, I would have simply killed her when I knocked her out." replies Xania.

"However, why all the long pauses between each word, Rhune?"

OOC: Here I am envisioning a small female elf doing Captain Kirk "We.... must.... .find.... .Stephen.... ."

Rhune sniffles and is quiet for a few minutes then looks up at Xania, it is obvious now why there were long pauses as you can tell she is crying.

Forte laughs and says, "Xania, I certainly don't want you dead. You have saved my life -- ALL of our lives -- just now. And other times, too. You are an excellent compatriot."

Xania's look softens as she looks toward Forte. "I was not referring to you, Forte. I am glad you survived."

Ullar looks at Xania. His lips curl a little, giving his face a sad look. However, the warrior says nothing and continuous to listen to the others.

"Yes she is. And so are you Forte." Rhune adds in a low voice. Noticing that Forte hasn't really spoken to her but has only included her in his gesture.

"Why, thank you, Rhune." Forte smiles at the elf.

Rhune beams at Forte's smile. Feeling a little better than she did she looks at the others and sighs deeply. But as she looks toward Xania a frown comes across her face for a brief moment.... She still remembers what she tried to do and some of the things that were said...and that she deeply regrets.

Rhune offers him a wan smile.... She can not figure out if he still angry with her or not...She waits for a moment longer to see what the rest of the party wishes are and if there are no objections she steps closer to Asif when the Elf is ready for the enchantment. When the elf arrives she looks at Asif and then the elf, "You said that the enchantment ends if we do anything violent or do any impure activities.... ..But you have not said what you consider these impure activities might be. Ah...I.... ah.... well.... would like to know.... love making to be impure?" she looks quickly at Asif and blushes.

The man looks again at her curiously, "Whatever outland rituals you consider proper may be conducted. I assume that you are not mated, and thus any such conduct would be improper to my clan, but you may do as you feel right about. If it results in the termination of the spell, it will be more due to the feelings of those conducting such activity than we who prepared the spell." He seems distinctly uncomfortable with the topic and departs soon after.

Asif returns Rhune's glance with a broad smile, a shiver of comprehension going up his spine. Many thoughts race through his mind. His grasp of elvish so much more clear since his experiences upon the Island and within the water of this Heka tainted lake. Nervously he moves closer to Rhune putting his arm around her waist and bowing slightly to the Elvish spokesman. Eager to surprise Rhune with his growing grasp of the elvish tongue he issues a greeting to the man in simple, properly accentuated elvish.

A shiver of delight runs through Rhune as Asif puts his arm around her. And she looks up at him and smiles.

"We accept with great honor the blessing of your gods. I wish too that Aten (Asif points to the sun) who lights the path of my people returns this great kindness tenfold to your people. Please accept my thanks. Fear not, for both Rhune and my heart have been freely given to each other. I hold no fear that our future union is not blessed"

Rhune turns and looks up at Asif with surprise.... .A slow grin crosses her face at his apparent command of her language.

Upon the departure of the spokesmen Asif whispers to Rhune.

"Your heart is now my heart and mine yours. Our destiny is together and I fear not the consequences of that which brings such a flush of brightness to your cheeks"

The flush getting deeper, "And I don't fear either, Asif. But this new command of elvish? How? I mean when?" she asks in a flustered tone of voice.

Asif strokes Rhune's burning cheeks with his fingers.

"Sorry be I my love, that I not let on that my elvish has developed so much in recent weeks. I understand much more than I am able to speak. Sorry be I by your embarrassment at my understanding of those words your spoke to the priest. This time that we rest shall we grow closer"

Nuzzling Asif's fingers with her cheeks, "You speak it well though. And I am not all that embarrassed that you understood what I was talking about.. And I look forward to growing closer together, Asif. Much closer." she answers with smile and sparkling mischievous eyes.

"The language of your people is surely that of poets and most pleasing to the hear. How could I not, a man of a people with such a great love of music not be inspired to try and understand the words that flow like water upon a thirsty land. Your tongue is as beautiful as its womenfolk, and with the light of Aten sparkling in your hair how could I not be suitably inspired. We rest now, let us find some place we can be together. Indeed I feel in need of the refreshing waters of the lake. This sanctuary shall bring great happiness and healing to us. But I must I ask of you but one question. Please Pray not, tell me that you have a jealous brother who wants the life of any who try to claim his sisters heart. That such a event would happen twice in a lifetime would be a terrible fate indeed"

Rhune just smiles at him. "Then follow me, and we can share a swim together. As for having a brother, I do. But I doubt seriously as whether he would be jealous or not.... he is just a baby, after all he is only 88 years old." she replies taking his hand and leading him off to the lake.... she watches him out the corner of her eye as she begins to take her clothes off....

Having no arguments presented by the rest of the group, Rhune joins you in the time isolation.

A day passes outside while those within get the full effects of a week. Xania is quite pleased to get the time to envelop herself in her studies, and spends very little time doing anything else for fear of disrupting the spell. Most of the others do little during this time.

During the nights when they are at rest Asif will find Rhune lying closer to him, snuggled against his side and shoulder, her slender arm across his chest. He will also discovered something else about Rhune as the every so often she apparently dreams of him as she murmurs his name with a smile and her body seems to respond to that smile.

Taglio joins the others marveling at the magic of these strange, but friendly creatures. He approaches Xania soon after coming into the 'isolation'.

"Xania, I would much appreciate your help in getting my spell casting right. Can you spare me a little time away from your studies?"

Xania nods.

When the answer is yes Tag spends the time practicing and studying his new art and his book and building up his strength.

Both seem to get some satisfaction from the work, as both their moods are quite light after the sessions.

In his spare time, he can be seen tuning, cleaning and strumming his battered lute.

Forte works hard on Ullar's plate mail, refitting it for his large frame. At the same time Kyo works with him, teaching him the crude points of leather working. However, he has little spare time, and Kyo's techniques are very strange to the larger man. Very efficient, as he requires almost nothing in the way of resources, but unusual to the more modern Italian. He begins to gain comprehension by the end of the week. More importantly, he emerges from the forge, dirty and sweating, having toiled virtually the entire week while the others for the most part rested. But he has finished the armor. Ullar finds it fits him almost perfectly. The work is crude, and the armor has lost a bit of it's shine in the process, but it fits and will protect him very well.

"Thank you Forte!" says Ullar, enthusiastically. Proud to finally wear a plate-mail armor, the warrior can't do anything but smile.

"Platemail" he murmurs softly, with glittering eyes. "Kewl! I only dreamed about wearing it, and now thanks to you Forte and Kyo, I own a suit!"

Along with carrying Forte's two-hander, Ullar is now very much in the larger man's debt. He attempts to assist at the forge, but Forte finds Ullar completely unable to handle any skilled tasks, and thus is typically only good for carting things about and being around for fitting purposes.

Asif the son of a weaponcrafter spends some time watching the work upon the forge. Inquisitive as to how the Europeans perform such work as compared to the workshops of his father and brothers. At some time he shall offer up a number of suggestions as to how to improve the forging of some of the metal work.

Between the three warriors, there are many tales to be told. Guided by the elven leader's advice and Forte's exhaustion, they are unable to spar or use weapons at any time.

The food and drink are light and extremely refreshing. Even without the benefit of any type of magical healing, the group emerges from the isolation at the end of the week feeling stronger and healthier than they can ever recall. However, their garb does not reflect this. Other than Ullar, now resplendent in only slightly dented plate mail, most of the group wears tattered clothing and rent armor along with broken weapons.

Ullar, realizing how worn out the party must look, offers a set of his spare clothes to the large warriors. "It's not armor, but I guess that a clean set of clothes will at least freshen your mind."

"Next time we enter a village, or city, please bring to my mind that I have to buy new ones" he adds, with a smile.

"Thanks, Ullar," says Forte gratefully, glad to have something better to wear than his tattered farmer's clothing.

When they emerge, the elves offer up clothing to them. Unfortunately, their slight frames, small even amongst those people, do not provide for a fit to any but Dakath, Xania, Taglio, and Rhune. The warriors are too large, and Amibar is too small. They also provide elven arrows to all the archers that require them, much finer than the crude shafts most of you have been using, as well as long swords and daggers to those who request them.

Forte accepts the arrows with profuse thanks, delighted to have arrows even superior to those he makes himself...which he never thought possible before now.

Rhune accepts the clothing and also the offer of bathing in the lake once more asking if they might perhaps have some soap or some scent that she could use. She then puts on the new clothes and the armor that she has. She also accepts the elven arrows with gratitude.

She emerges from the lake bath quite refreshed. However, as with before, she gains no special insight from it. Once clothed in the elvish gifts, she looks quite appealing, much the same as she did when most of you first met her.

All in all, the break is quite relaxing. The elves seem just as pleased when you emerge as they did when you went in to the small displaced area. Before you leave, as a last favor, the elves offer you another dousing in the lake.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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