On the Road Again

Tag happily accepts the gifts of the elves.

He finds that his existing injuries are wiped away completely by a dip in the lake. Indeed, he feels as if he could conquer the world. However, he also gains no special insight, or at least nothing he speaks of the rest of the group.

Grimy from a week at the forge, Forte gladly follows Tag's lead and bathes in the lake. When done, he finally puts on the clothes Ullar lent him and feels better than he has in weeks.

Once this is done, the leader of the pixies emerges from wherever he has hidden himself. He speaks to Xania, "We are much in your debt, magic mistress, and would like to offer you these as a token of our appreciation. He brings forth three tiny vials from somewhere and hands them to her. These will heal your wounds magically. They are quite potent, even for ones of your size. Anything else that we can do, please just ask."

Xania bows torn between embarrassment and pleasure at the pixie's words. "Thank you," she finally decides upon, bowing to the pixie, and taking the vials. "Unfortunately, I am sure we will use them."

A glimmer of a smile crosses her face, "Most likely on that big lug over there." She points at Forte.

"Either way, it is appreciated. I have only the greatest respect for you and your own magicks," she adds.

The slight fairy nods, "We have not forgotten your act of mercy on the lake. We shall never forget it."

"Thank you, for all your help as well. We would like to talk to you about a blue tube that I have. We have not been able to open it as it seems to be magically sealed...We were wondering if you could take a look at it and perhaps see if you could open it or know of someone who might be able to," Rhune asks the man.

"Or is this tube sealed with 'human' magick as well," Ullar inquires.

The lead pixie laughs, "I am afraid we know nothing of such mundane magics, human or any other sort. You must look elsewhere for that."

Xania turns to the lake demons. "I thank you for the clothing as well."

"If that evil returns again, or becomes active somewhere else in the world, will you know? And, if so, would you be able to let us know? I can't help but think that whatever it was, it likely bears us a grudge."

The elfin leader smiles slightly, "It is impossible to know what the future might bring. If the waters gift us with that knowledge and it is within our means, we shall surely alert you. You are most likely correct in your assumption." The man seems rather taken with Xania, though his words do not betray that.

"Also, does anyone know what became of Augustus? Our healer?"

The man's face darkens considerably, "We have spoken with the other human about this. Sadly, our assumption must be that he was transferred-" here his common seems to be unable to properly translate the term, "-with the dark spirit of the mirror and the spirit of the woman who tried to help us." He seems rather embarrassed. "We apologize for bringing her with us. We did not realize the risk it would entail to her. If we are able to ascertain anything about their whereabouts, we shall surely tell you with all expediency."

Ullar frowns. "You brought her with you? To where? I assume she is the 'other human' you are referring to, or are there any more who tried to free the lake from it's evil and..." Ullar sighs, "... were not successful".

The elf merely nods sadly.

"Anyway, I'd like to be informed if you ever have any news of the woman her whereabouts."

In a low voice he adds, softly: "She is kinda special to me, you know."

Tag speaks to the pixies and elves after the time alone. "Good creatures, I thank you for your hospitality and kindness. If you do not mind, I have composed a ballad in honor of the victory we have won and our friendship. It is not much, but consider it a gift from our group to your people, that this time will be remembered."

With this said he brings out his lute and begins to play a light tune of melancholy tone, with intervals of brighter strumming emphasizing the moments of action.

Tired they came battered and bruised, trod through the valley of shadows. To the lake's misty shore, fearful and used, from the statue that spat in the barrows.

There, they did tremble and wonder at signs, that their lady had taken a wander, over the lake in a perilous barge, and mirrored her heart tore asunder.

Lucky were they to find on that day, the people who live by the shore, magic did play in the water and spray, restored all their hopes from before.

Bodly they poled cross liquid at tide, challenged the spirits to faulter, and Asif did lose, his helmet and pride, lost in the deep murky water.

The faeries did come, not 'the djin' as said some, to drive our heros from sight, but a witch bright and young with a wave and a hum, magic'ly put them to flight.

Onward they rode to an island and temple, chalky and ancient it rose, from a forest and grove there enchantment did snare them, crept in right under their nose.

Rhune was filled with a madness and rage, her eyes could not see, though she harkened, for the lake's eiry gaze shone through the haze, and mirrored her hearts love darkened.

Trapped were they then and rattled and ranted, bones from beyond lifes curtain, did charge and swing and all through the din, did try to take life from the liv'en.

If my tale does sound like hell and a day, consider your own precious ass, for taken it may by a demon of clay, in a mirror of jewels and glass.

Then Ullar the hero came like Deniro, to shatter the dreams of the evil, saved all his friends and the faeries and then, made a new set of grieves on an anvil.

A puzzled look crosses Forte's face at the final line of this verse.

If friendships call should take you at last, across to a place of great harm, remember by half that mirrors of glass, will shatter on Ullar's strong arm.

Faeries or djin can all be sucked in, by evil in all its disguises, but friendship and taste will never disgrace, provided you know what your size is."

Tag finishes then and waits for the applause.

"A wonderful song," Forte compliments, without applauding. "And almost accurate, too," the warrior adds, with a quiet 'hrumph' escaping his lips at the end of the sentence.

Which he gets from Ullar, although he quickly responds: "Ehm... Taglio. It is due to Xania that the mirror is broken. She tried to bash me, and although she failed, due to this action the mirror felt down."

"But still.. I like your song!"

After the song finishes, Xania starts to speak, when Ullar jumps in, gently pointing out that Tag is wrong. Seeing his continued glaring in her direction, Xania steps aside and goes and whispers something to Dakath. After she finishes, she hugs him and then gathers her gear.

Xania whispers, "I am tired of Saint Rhune and Demon Xania. Even when I risk my life to save everyone, it seems not to matter. Ullar is determined to make me a villain for anything I say or do. And he won't allow me to even speak in my own defense. Rhune tries to kill me; she's a saint. I stun her and save the party; I'm a bitch. Sorry, Dakath, this isn't something I can live with. If I stay, I will try to kill Ullar, and likely fail--with him and everyone save you, perhaps, killing me instead. It is better that I leave, and find some to travel with that don't think a woman is only good when she does whatever a man tells her."

"Fare well."

Dakath looks saddened by what Xania whispers to him and he returns her hug warmly.

"Oh, whoops. I am sorry Xania. I was unconscious remember and did not see that you and Ullar did this heroic thing together." Tag chuckles at the thought of Xania felling Ullar with her charge. "I will rewrite those verses I promise."

Then, pausing for a moment, he asks: "Who is this Deniro guy? I've never heard of him!"

Rhune smiles at Tag's song and then burst into applause for the young man's talent. "Surely, Taglio you would be most welcome in the homes of the bards of my people.... They would enjoy your talent very much," she says to him.

Asif out of sorts since recovering consciousness looks up listening with keen intent to the song. His face is a pattern of deep confusion, his body taut with the frustration of lost memory.

"A great tale efendi, but pity this poor son of Aten who remembers nothing of it. The memory of the entire visit to the island is like a forgotten dream to me. Beyond the fight against the skeletons I remember nothing. I know nothing of this mirror or this epic battle fought. My sole memory of the island is falling under a sea of slashing bone, and being called to awake by both Rhune and the voice of a lost friend. Funny but the voice I dreamt was that of the priestess Marika. Was she upon the island?"

Rhune, sitting next to him, leans over and, "I will explain everything... or at least try to." Rhune then tells Asif everything that happened on the island, including how she tried to kill Xania. She leaves very little out. And at the point where she is telling him of her attempt on Xania's life there are tears in her purple eyes. "Asif, I think I know why this happened and if you want to know about that I can tell you as well. I... love you Asif," she adds to him looking at him with those deep purple eyes.

"Mio amico, I am glad you are back, for a moment there I thought you lost to us. I have missed your eloquent discourses and insights. Of course we will try to explain all that has happened." Tag listens to Rhune explain the details of the adventure and chimes in at appropriate moments with his own version of events.

"Much thanks efendi for your time in explaining these events. Much pain is felt when ones mind has no memory of days past. It is great to find that we all remain fit and whole despite our experiences upon the island" Asif replies.

As the group gets ready to depart, Ullar speaks once more: "I've told you about the vision I had in the lake. I've took this up with the elven leader and he recognized the petrified forest. It would be south of here, no longer than a day ride. If we follow the southern rivulet for about 10 miles and then head west, we'll reach it. I take it that they are no longer there, but perhaps we can find some tracks of them."

"So, if you don't mind, I'd like to ride up front with Asif and Dakath. Their sharp eyes could serve us best there, I think."

"Regarding Forte's tower, according to the elven leader this one is located on the other side of the Windrush river, where Petr and his clan have settled down. It seemed that some powerful wizard has blew the top of it, and himself, with some powerful magick. The tower's name is Xitaqa. The word goes that foul magicks still lure in that area, so if we are to approach it, we'll have to be really cautious." Ullar says, while looking at Xania in particular.

Forte pays close attention to Ullar's information about the tower, committing it to memory.

Ullar pauses for a moment, to see if anyone has objections to his proposal. If not, he rides to the front on Zephyr, softly speaking to his horse (again) and informing it about what has happened to the party the last couple of days.

"Leslie would be proud to have a platemail like this, I think," he says, patting Zephyr on the neck.

"I am for going to this petrified forest first and seeing if we can finally rescue Stephan. Then perhaps we can go to the tower and check it out," Rhune adds as she falls into place behind Asif. Unless the elves can do something about the blue tube.

Moving to Noir, Xania mounts easily, well-rested after the week of studying. She then rides away back toward the village they had helped. She doesn't look back.

Looking up at the others Rhune notices Xania's actions, "Xania, why don't you come with you us? We could use and do need your magic. And other abilities as well."

Xania shakes her head. "I am sorry, Rhune, but I am tired of trying to help people that hate me. Perhaps you were charmed, but I know the nature of charms is that it is very difficult to force people to do what they don't really feel in their hearts. Ullar would have killed me without the charm, and will not even let me be angry at the fact that my deeds are ignored by those I help. He threatened me and called me a liar when I told him of your situation, and never truly apologized to me. Perhaps he meant to, but he would not look me in the eye, so I guess it was likely lip service at best. And, right after he swore never to misjudge me again, he did so, thinking I really wanted to kill you and not just get the mirror."

Ullar looks at Xania when she is speaking. He shakes his head in disbelief, a truly sad look in his eyes. But, alas, he says nothing.

"I know you wouldn't kill me, Xania. Any more that I would you. It has never been in my heart to kill you or anyone else for that matter. Please don't go," Rhune replies to the young woman.

Xania continues on, "It is clear to me that my presence here is neither wanted or asked for. And I have no wish to impose it on those that do not wish it there, nor, despite what any have said about me or any names they have called the one that saved you and them from the evil magicks of the mirror, do I truly wish anyone ill."

One of Ullar's brows rises. It seems the warrior finally sees, at least something of the whole issue, in perspective.

"I want you here and I don't think I am alone in that." Rhune says, looking at Dakath in particular but also including the others.

"Dakath has the dagger you gave me. I will keep the flasks and spellbook I was given since without my interaction, the pixies would have been killed, even though they were only charmed, like you were." Xania keeps going.

"Despite this, I have no ill feelings toward you, Rhune. And, I can assure you that I would not attempt to seduce Asif, even if he would possibly be interested in me, which he wouldn't, because I don't 'steal' things. I only take what is free and freely given. I hope that in your heart where those words of hate came from, you can believe this someday and know that I wish you only the best in life."

"I already do, Xania. Those words were not mine.... .but that 'other' Rhune. Whatever was in control of me was playing on the long dead animosity between elves and humans. And it was using the feelings of a young girl to fuel them.... I want you stay please."

"And, I admit that part of the blame here is mine. I have always been quick to take offense and when men tell me what I should do, I have problems with that." Xania's dark eyes go cloudy for a moment.

Ullar sighs, loud and clear. An inner turmoil is being fought and now and then something of it can be read on Ullar his face. Ullar is a proud man, but this whole situation makes him feel really, really uncomfortable. He is about to say something, when Xania continues.

She turns to everyone present. "For any real or imagined slights I gave you, I am truly sorry. I wish that I could change my nature so that I could continue on your journeys with you, but, alas, I am how I am. I hope to someday find those that can accept my sharp tongue and judge me by what I do, rather than what insult I may give, accidentally or no. In return, I will try to be more tolerant of the next travelers I meet, in hopes that I will not incur the continued criticism of those that do not favor my behavior." She includes Ullar in her gaze, though she knows he is still ignoring her based on her being upset, though clearly more hurt than angry, from the song.

Ullar looks at Xania. He tries to judge her gaze at him, but fails to find the words to express his feelings. Ullar doesn't find a balance between his pride springing from his (former) image as gladiator, and the respect he has for other human beings, including females. Again, he can nothing but sigh, deeply.

"I did a long time ago, Xania. You are a good companion and a friend," Rhune replies to her.

"Peace and good fortune to you all," Xania finishes

Tag looks melancholy at these words of Xania's and her impending departure. Quickly he rummages through his pack. He then pulls out the silver incense burner found in the tomb and approaches Xania.

"Xania, I too am very sorry to see you go. You have saved our lives many times and also shown us something of the truth in our own hearts with your words. We can all learn from what you have tried to show us. I really hope that the words of my song are not the reason that you are leaving, but if you must go please take this gift from me and know that I will think of you and regret you are gone. Perhaps you can burn some sweet smelling incense in it from time to time and pray for us."

With that Tag gives Xania the ornate silver incense burner.

"May Jerboha guide you safely and you find happiness."

With that she rides on toward Sukiskayn.

Dakath watches her move to Noir for a moment, before silently preparing for his own journey. "Safe passage Xania." he says quietly to himself.

Rhune watches her go and sighs. She turns towards the others and shrugs her shoulders, "I am sorry. I didn't want her to leave." Rhune walks off a ways to be by herself for a while.


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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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