The large goblin speaks when Amibar translates what Forte has to say, "Large human, red hair?" When he gets the nod, "Man is no longer here. Other goblins take him to Skinny-Legs at tower. They wear collars on necks, yellow skin."
Forte's face perks up at the mention of the tower. It seems they will get to travel there very soon.
The chief looks somewhat dubiously at the group, "Some you at human village we burn. We do not do this to harm you. Forced by big chief. We no profit by it. Lose many good goblins and get nothing. Big chief say we get much money, but humans have none. Take horses from Vipers, sell to woman, but not enough money to replace my goblins. Now you kill all wolves and more goblins. Tribe destroyed by this thing." He looks genuinely sad, "We no wish to fight. Must rest from fighting. We will no bother humans for much time. Only wish to take care of our home now."
A dark look briefly crosses Forte's face, as he remembers helping to kill his former employer Fyodorll.
As the goblin chief talks, Rhune watches the room. When he mentions the collar about the neck of the other goblins her ears perk up.....the little sprites had collars as well.......she wonders..."We are sorry about your wolves.....We didn't know,” she replies looking toward Amibar to translate.
Amibar translates everything, right up to Rhune's apology, looking at her disapprovingly. "Sorry, are you? Remember it was THEM who attacked US, not the other way. They had it coming, is my opinion..."
"Maybe....and maybe not. Look around you Amibar. we are outnumbered here.....they could have easily killed us all by now but haven't done it. I think he tells the truth." Rhune replies softly
Dakath looks at Rhune surprised before nodding in agreement with Amibar "He's right if I remember rightly it was me who was chased by them. I'm not sorry."
"Oh alright. we won't get into it but I would chase you too if you snuck up on my home in the middle of the night,” she utters softly and then shuts up.
Dakath chuckled before leaning over to her "If you were chasing me Rhune I'd be delighted if you caught me."
Forte nods in agreement with Amibar, but quickly stifles a brief burst of guilt for the two goblins he dumped in the evil water.
Ullar shrugs. "Let's not discuss about that. Rhune, I guess you witnessed the same as me. The Goblins were cheering their wolves while they made them attack us. I don't think this has anything to do with sneaking up at houses. However if your point is that we should benefit from this situation as much as possible I totally agree with you!"
The goblin looks at the party almost pleadingly, "You go now. Find you friend. We not cause you trouble."
Dakath moved into the room with Asif's bow strung and drawn, he notches an arrow and waits to see who to attack. He listens carefully to Amibar's translation, he turns to the Gnome "Ask him where Stephen was taken. Then tell them we'll go."
He un-notches the arrow but keeps it handy.
"Maybe you could answer some more questions for us then we will go." Rhune adds as she lowers her sword......"We know that there might be some giants back that way. Are there? And who is this big chief that forced you?" Rhune asks the goblin in a concerned tone of voice.
The goblin chief sighs, obviously a bit frustrated, "Red-hair man go to tower to talk to Skinny-Legs. Not say where tower is. Big chief know this, name Vlack, rides big wolf, with big sword. He go there too, after red-hair man. Some days ago."
Forte's eyes perk up once again, remembering Ullar's earlier vision and his comment about Ullar taking the sword for himself.
The chief looks confused when he thinks about Amibar's translation of Rhune's words, "Giants? Not know giants. Big weasels that way, belong to big chief. We not go that way."
"And why is that?" asks Ullar, who has been quiet for most of the time, observing all the Goblins.
Ami's scarred face breaks into a smile. " Giants for 'Tasha, it seems, not for us...."
Forte smiles at the news.
When Amibar translates Ullar's question, the big goblin looks at him with d'uh written all over his face. "Big weasels not like us go there. Is their place."
Ullar's reaction is slapping his forehead, expressing that he agrees that it was a stupid question, at least, he tries to get that message over.
Asif listens to the tale with creeping sadness overcoming him. Goblins although alien to his culture, suddenly took on a more human/cultural perspective not unlike the Bedouin from his home. Small clans of the extended families of the Bedouin often where drawn into fruitless wars, paying a great debt in blood for little reward. Standing to the back of the party he whispers to those in front of him:
"As cursed as the tongues of the goblins may be my friends, for some strange reason the light of truth issues from their lips. I think the pain their leader feels for the dead of his tribe has brought him enlightenment. The pain of loss drains one of energy, leaving little for lies and deceit. I say it be time to leave these poor creatures in peace and follow the path of our lost friend as revealed to us now."
"I don't know about 'enlightenment', umm, Efendi" Amibar tries the foreign word haltingly, " but I have no desire to fight these creatures either. Let's be on our way."
Asif turns and smiles at the gnome, mystified as always by the wide variety of humanoid species in the land of the Merchant princes of Italy.
"That is good efendi, continued blood letting of an enemy already upon its knees and suing for peace, its not honorable. We have found the path of our missing friend and I suggest we follow it before it goes too cold"
The goblin chief looks at Asif as he pleads the case. He does not look aggressive, nor do any of his bodyguard. They seem rather tired.
Rhune listens to Asif's words, "I agree. something about what they were saying.....some of the goblins indeed wore collars as did the sprites....think that whoever put the collar on them is our enemy."
"Yes my love, the light of Aten reveals the presence of some evil heka, based around those collars. Through them I fear some unknown enemy controls many minions like a puppeteer. Destroying his victims will bring us no closer to the truth. To the heart of the web must we strike. This heart must we find and very soon before all is lost to us"
Dakath nods at Asif "An expression we used to use in the guild was, cut off the head and the limbs are useless."
Asif laughs. "Ah that expression is most amusing and wise efendi. I doubt whether some of the greatest wise men of the age ever thought to put something so simply. The common man often displays greater wisdom than the most learned scholar"
Dakath smiles "Glad you like it, some of our wise men would do well to listen to us commoners. Unfortunately, it seems the only time they truly listen is when you have a blade at their throat."
"Collars" says Ullar, wondering out loud. "Perhaps you are right. I'm not a magician, nor will I ever be, but if the magicks has grown so strong that even whole tribes can be controlled by a simple collar the balance really need to be adjusted.."
Realizing what he just said, Ullar frowns. "Jeez. I can sound really stupid" he adds with a smile.
Grinning at the big man, "It is ok, Ullar.....happens to the best of us." Rhune replies.
"Let's get this Big Boss Vlack. We can discuss a plan more in detail once we're on our way."
"Chief, what can you tell us about those white wolf? Or are the more of them? Does it have any special powers? Or does your Big Boss have any special powers we should know of? The more information we get from you, the sooner you will able to run your tribe the way you think is best."
"Yes anything you can tell us will be helpful." Rhune agrees.
As the run of questions comes quickly from Amibar's translation, the goblin shrugs and answers, "White wolf have ice mouth. All peoples know this. Only one he rides. No powers, magicks. Only big sword."
" mouth?" Rhune utters....."that doesn't sound too good......."
"Ah, yes. That big and mean sword strapped on his back when he is riding" replies Ullar, clearly remembering it from his vision.
"Look Chief. We do not like your Big Boss, and you are giving me the expression that you don't like him either. Therefore I have a proposal for you. What if you come along with us towards this tower. We know it's near this place and we are about to settle business with Vlack. He has done way too much harm to this area." Ullar pauses for a moment to see the Chief his first reaction.
Forte is surprised by Ullar's suggestion, but a smile crosses his lips as he realizes the strength the goblins would add to their party. He looks around at the goblins, hoping that at least one of them is a shaman who may help them with more magic.
Hearing Ullar's request, the goblin chief smiles, thoughtfully.
"However, I'm sure nobility would not get you to help with us. If I understood correctly you were forced to fight the humans and were promised great prizes in return. Well, I'm telling you, Vlack is the one who has taken all the treasure. I think it's nothing but fair that you get your amount of the treasure as well, so why don't you come with us with all the men you can spare."
The chief looks very dubious about this suggestion. "We go to human's houses. No treasure there. Big Chief not go in. He not have treasure either."
"He has no treasure? I doubt that. I think he just made you attack the villages which he knew there were no treasure, for I bet he didn't want you to be successful!" says Ullar, his voice raising.
"Big Chief, it's obvious that you have the capabilities to be a true leader to all the Goblins around here, and not only those in your tribe. It is my guess Vlack thinks the same about this and he wants to keep you cornered. He makes you attack the hardest places, where there is no loot to gain, trying to make your man feel unhappy and shorten your tribe of warriors by those assignments. I bet Vlack is afraid of you and rather sees you dead!"
"If you and your men would aid us, I'm sure we can beat this Vlack guy. And then you can take over his position! Imagine yourself riding his wolf. You sure would make an impression on the Goblins present. Not only of your tribe, but on the surrounding tribes as well!"
"Big Chief, King of the Goblins!" are the last words in yet another speech of Ullar (who is just as surprised as most of the group members that he had this in him).
The goblin chief seems utterly confused. There must be some problem in translation, as he is not at all pleased with Ullar's attempts to rouse his passions.
If this still doesn't convince the Chief, Ullar has one more ace in his sleeve. "Ok Chief, let's make it a bit more appealing for you. We've captured 6 of your tribe. I bet you can use all the resources you have to rebuild your tribe and become self-sufficient again. You have my word of honor on it that we will release them if you and your men join us in this quest."
Perhaps there are better uses for goblins - as hostages - than just killing them after all... Forte wonders silently.
Rhune listens to Ullar's pleas to the goblins. "That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we can turn the tide on this person Vlack and we could use all the help we can get.....(whispering so that only Ullar can hear) never thought I would want to work with goblins though."
Ullar winks at her. "Me neither" he whispers
The chief looks very thoughtful. "We no go with you. My men will no fight Vlack. He strong. You give back goblins, I give you old woman. Also tell you, big weasels guard Vlack's home. Help you to go there?" He inquires.
"That would be great, thank you" replies Ullar.
Tag waits patiently while Amibar translates and then listens to Ullar as he tries to recruit these humanoids. He touches Ullar gently on the shoulder as he finishes his speech. "Ullar, mio amico. I had the same idea myself and you have spoken it well. In the arena if you hold a knife to an enemies throat and he agrees to yield then you spare him and you know he will not take you in the back while you take the crowds applause, si. But consider will these creatures hold to the honor of the bargain. Could they not just as easily turn on us when it would hurt us most, for the love of gold and loyalty to their old masters." He sighs and lowers his crossbow. "Let us trust in our friends alone for this task, si."
Ullar whispers to Taglio: "I doubt they will take it, but perhaps it will make him feel guilty and get us some extra info."
A smile appears on the warriors face, while he looks at the Chief.
Tag nods acknowledging Ullar's good thinking.
And indeed it appears to have worked. Within a few minutes, the chief has worked out a deal with Ullar, through Amibar. He sends one of his goblins out to the corridor to the right (straight ahead of you from before). Almost immediately, you hear what sounds like a woman's voice loudly yelling in the same tongue that Petr's folk spoke in at Sukiskayn. Turning the corner, you see that several large goblins are dragging an old, skinny woman.
Seeing you, she sighs in relief, and speaks to you all, "We go home now?" She seems just slightly addlepated, or perhaps is in some type of shock.
Forte stares at the woman, wondering how they'll protect her when he can barely protect himself. Or if they'll have to delay their hunt for Stephen to return her to Petr's compound.
Ullar whispers to Rhune: "Rhune, can you comfort her? And tell her she will be heading home soon? Your soothing voice seems to calm down people" he says, briefly smiling at her.
After the conversation with the Chief, Ullar faces the rest of the group. "Well. it seems we're off to the Tower. I bet it's the same tower Forte saw in his dream. I've got some faint directions from the elven spokesman from the lake so I suggest we get going ASAP."
"With or without our goblin hostages?" asks Forte with a sly grin at Ullar. "Or is that our new goblin companions?"
Ullar returns the grin. "Well. we made a deal and I agreed on releasing the Goblins for this woman. I guess bargaining is still not my strongest point" he adds, considering the six goblins vs. 1 human deal.
Dakath turns to the others "Well I guess we move in the direction that Vlack headed in. Shall we ?" with that he moves to leave the compound and continue following the river.
"Yes I believe that is our wisest course efendi. The sooner will follow this trail while it still has some warmth the better it will be for the safe return of our friend. I am ready we are finished here I think"
"Yes let's go." Rhune replies softly edging closer to him.
Looking at the goblins, Ami turns to the group. " It seems they have told us all they know. As for the weasels, I doubt they would have any useful information, though I could probably converse with them to make sure. If they're not aggressive, that is." He hitches his backpack higher on his back. " I say we head for the tower - you dreamt about it, Forte, am I right?"
"Yes. It came during a vision when I was struck down in a battle." The massive warrior shows his mace to Amibar. "I think the vision actually came from this mace." Forte looks thoughtfully at the weapon, and then back at Amibar. "It seems to have some unusual properties. Especially when I fight, uh, things that are dead. You know, those skeletons. And things like that."
Dakath chuckles, he seems none the worse for his near death experience, and turns to Forte. "I bet that tower's not the only thing he's dreamt about, and I'll wager it's not the only one he'd like to fulfill."
Forte smiles at Dakath, but those nearest to him can see a slight blush on his face which, fortunately, does not turn too bright or too large