He then rushes with all of you, and most of the clan, toward the strange golden tapestry with the shapes. You remember noting it when you were here before, but only in passing.
Curious as to what will happen, Rhune struggles to her feet and with the help of Asif follows the others to the tapestry, waiting to see what happens.
Ami looks at the tapestry with interest. "So what is it supposed to be?" he asks Ullar quietly.
"I don't know Amibar. We'll just have to be patient I guess." says the ex-gladiator.
Stephen draws out the ebony box and it's contents, the silver needle and golden thread. As the needle is touched to the tapestry, it sparkles brightly and it's golden thread shimmers. Moving of it's own volition, the needle magically weaves through the golden tapestry, subtly changing the areas it passes through. Soon the geometric patterns are gone, replaced by a beautifully executed map depicting a coastline, rivers, and a pulsating golden area nestled in a mountain range.
Forte's eyes grow large as he watches the needle work its magic on the tapestry.
"Ingenious" Dakath says as he watches the transformation. "A golden tapestry, is that wise? What with all the thieves and brigands around?"
Stephen eyes Dakath dubiously at that, but says nothing.
Eyes wide with awe, "I wonder why that is so important to these people?" Rhune speculates, "Hmmmm...I wonder if it has anything to do with that scroll case I got at the meeting."
Asif eyes too are wide with wonder and the unbelievable heka being worked in the tapestry.
"By Aten this is indeed the work of the gods or there messengers the Djinn. Surely no man would have the power to manufacture such a marvel!!"
Arkady follows Stephan to see the golden tapestry. He watches in amazement as the needle weaves it self and then scrambles to fetch his notebook and draw what he has seen. He tries to copy the map as well. "Boga!! That is the most amazing thing I have seen in Italy."
Mouthing a big and silent "Wow!", Amibar is mesmerized by the needle's magic weaving. A wondering look is on his uncomely face as the map comes into being. "Where is that?" he asks, "and what's that glowing area in the mountains?"
Stephen and some of the clan elders study the tapestry, taking note of this location or that.
Tolik takes in the sight warily, looking less at the map and needle than around at the rest of the room. He is more concerned with possible side effects of the actions, rather than with the unfolding map. He carefully takes in the reactions of the other people.
Ullar's mouth opens in awe. "What... Which... Who..." he stutters, seeing the forces of magic at work here. "What kind of map is this?" the warrior inquires, when the needle is finished.
He retrieves the map he took from Golthar's hiding place and starts the two of them to compare, showing the map to anyone interested
The map from the tower is much more detailed, covering quite a bit smaller area, but the rough geographical factors are somewhat the same. Golthar's map has the settlements in the woods marked out and Arezzo, while the tapestry has no such detail, only rivers and mountains.
Rhune looks with interest at the map, noting the details and the differences between the two, curious about the tapestry itself.
Laughing, Arkady heads back to feed his horse and strip off his gear. Once he is down to trousers he splashes and bathes in some well water and sings a joyous song in the language of his birth.
Asif too heads back to check on his horse "Kharrt-as". He smiles in greeting to Arkady. He take a brush to his stead his hand movements slow and steady and obviously of a trained horseman.
"Saleem efendi, we are not well know to one another. But in one thing we are the same. We share a love of horses and both appear to come from people who hold them in high regard. In my land a horse and warrior in many instances become like brothers. Each must have trust for the other, for in the desert and in battle each must rely on the other for survival. It is believed that when one truly has the trust of ones stead, they shall reveal their real name. This they reveal by their mannerisms. My steed is called in my tongue "Kharrt-as" which in the tongue of this merchants land means Desert wind. The stead of Dakath, is named "Stenu" which means prince. (Asif glances at Dakath's horse) Look at him, efendi anyone would think the horse was a sultan for the pride he displays. Mine on the other hand is as fast as the desert wind and as unstoppable. Tell me friend of your land. We are both strangers here I fear "
Arkady smiles warmly at Asif. "Truly my friend a horse is a joy and a gift from God. My mother's people live in their saddles, their children learn to ride before they can walk. These are the Cossacks whose blood flows in my veins. This horse, this wonderful beast, he and I made a bargain in the tower and now he will stay with me for the rest of his days. 'Krilpesh' or wing foot I name him and he shall be my steed. He is a fine animal and quite brave Asif. Do you know that he rode through the tower of the goblins when all others had to be led??"
Asif smiles fully understanding all that Arkady speaks. "Yes efendi by what you say our people are indeed very similar in belief. I too learn to ride at the same time as I took the first tentative steps as a babe. This deal you speak of is most enlightening. Rare is it to find such enlightenment in an infidel."
Then frightened that he may have given offence by his use of words, Asif bows slightly touching his forehead lips, mouth and heart with his right hand. "I mean no disrespect in calling you an infidel, for my people force not the ways of our gods on others. There are those who and enlightened by the way of Aten (Asif casts his eyes to the sun) and those that follow another path of truth, whether it be Jeborah or any other deity.".
Arkady bows formally to Asif. "No offense is taken my friend." "My homeland Asif??" Arkady's eyes glaze over and he speaks as one would of a lover. "My home Asif is a rich and plentiful land, far more a cornucopia than Canaan. The wheat grows taller than a man and the rivers team with fish. We have dark rich soil and clean crisp air. The steppe stretches away for ever and never leaves your sight. Churches adorned with the most beautiful onions of gold and enamel.
Asif heart leaps briefly with homesickness as he senses the love Arkady has for his home. A love deeply shared for his own home upon the Nile.
"No matter the path of fate efendi, blessed are those who still carry the memories of the place of there birth. We share a love of horses efendi as well as a certain homesickness for the home we have left far behind. "
Arkady smiles with sadness at Asif. "Truly. I yearn for Mother Russia like I yearn for food and drink. The only comfort I have is places like this where my countrymen gather and keep alive the spirit of home."
"And the women are the most beautiful in the world." He sighs lustily and then looks suddenly at Asif. "Not to Offend my Friend, Rhune is a magnificent woman. I would easily compare her to the Russian Lasses I dream of."
Asif laughs. "Oh efendi, oh efendi how can you say such things unless you have walked through the bazaars of my home of Akhetaten, or (Asif then whispers quietly) or stole a glance over the forbidden walls of garden of the Sultans harem, There was beauty I though never to see rivaled until I came to this land and found Rhune. Such memories efendi..... ".
Arkady grins wickedly at the thought of Harems full of beautiful women. "One day I will pry you from Rune and we will compare the women of our homelands in a trip to find me a wife."
" So true efendi what a adventure would be had in pursuing such a quest. (Asif laughs despite the pain of his side). Yes indeed efendi, the pursuit of such companionship and the eventual finding of such a soul mate eases much the hearts yearning for the distant home. And if truth be know efendi this strange land is so damn cold. Shared blankets indeed bring much joy and contentment!"
"Strangers!! No more are we strangers." He grips Asif and kisses the Egyptian twice on each cheek. "Now we are known and we are friends. Say stranger no more" Arkady continues to bathe and then washes the sweat and dirt from his steed with a song of the open steppe.
Asif is surprised by the similarity of custom in the greeting of friends. He confidently returns the greeting. "That pleases me much efendi, we must talk again but now I fear my love may be looking for me. She worries about me, especially since I received this"
Asif holds his bandaged abdomen. "It has troubled me much in the past few days. Anyway enough of my troubles."
"Indeed, your wounds were grave. I have overtired you. Rest, make merry, heal thyself so that we may once again ride forth in glory."
"You must come and share a meal with us efendi." Asif completes his brushing of Desert wind, waves and then walks away in search of Rhune.
"That would give me great joy my friend. I will seek you out later."
Rhune is already lying down as the trip and injuries takes it toll on her. Laying next to Asif, she is glad to feel his arms around her.
Arkady revels in his heritage here. He only speaks Italian when absolutely needed. He sings dances and drinks with all the vigor of his Slavic soul. This touch of Rus being far more healing than Pietro's spells upon Arkady.
As some stay and discuss the tapestry, others go out to get cleaned up and rest their worn horses. After some discussion, Stephen turns toward Amibar and whoever else has remained. "You see there the coastline? That is the area of Pisa, as near as I can tell, and this...." He traces the river from there eastward on the map, "seems to be the river Arno, what we call the Volaga, in tribute to the great Volga." He again moves his finger down a curve, "past Florence, then down south to Arezzo. That is the path I took to get here when I met up with some of you. Or rather you all tried to stow away on my ship!" he laughs with the remembrance.
"Then the river heads north to Stia, but look here." He points to an offshoot of the river heading west. "Most not native to this area might not recognize this, as the Windrush is not important enough to draw too much attention. North of it is the settlement of Threshold, as the locals call it. I do not know it's Italian name, or if it even has one. Rough community. Thieves and river pirates there." Amibar notes that none of the communities mentioned, including Florence, is indicated on the map. It seems to be purely geographical.
"Threshold lies near a small lake at the foot of the Black Peaks, or the Apennines, as the Italians call them. I know the river's source is further upriver, within the mountains themselves. From this map, though, it appears that somewhere near the river source, there is a valley of some sort, that's the golden area. My guess is that this is what Golthar was looking for. What it is, though, I haven't the slightest idea." He seems rather intrigued by the map.
Ullar peers at the map as well, silently wondering why that area could be so important.
Stellios, the one-armed manservant, chuckles from the crowd in the hall, "Best be sure that's where you want to go. That's Death's Head country up there. There's reasons why no one's ever explored that area. The hyena-men kill all they capture, and capture all that go up there."
Dakath turns cynically to the manservant "I don't think I have to worry, everything that gets it's teeth into me seems to not like the taste and spit me out."
"Hyena-men? Can you tell us more about them? I think we have something of them, which we will have to return." says Ullar, looking over at Rhune.
"We call them gnolls. Pretty vicious actually, and much smarter than goblins." Rhune replies as she shudders.
Stellios chuckles, "I can only say what I've heard, that the Death's Head worship death itself, some dog-skull or something of the sort, and capture, then sacrifice or eat, or both, any that go into that land. Only one I ever heard of returned from that place, and he was quite mad. Kept raving about rocks and howling and heads on pikes. Didn't live very long, as he apparently escaped by jumping off a cliff!
While that seems to bring the rest down a bit, Stephen remains optimistic, "Surely those that made this map had a way to bypass the Death's Head. We know to follow the river, though I wonder if this scroll would help us to find the way." His eyes gleam with anticipation, "We shall find out, and then we shall go there. What say you?" He asks the party members present anxiously.
Dakath rubs his chin thoughtfully glancing at the map "Getting through that country will be a difficult challenge, a man could make a name for himself sneaking through a land such as that." He grins "I'll volunteer to scout for any party brave enough to enter there."
"Seems like a great adventure, which might bring us.." says Ullar, with a nod to Rhune and Asif, ".. the original members of our group, a little closer to unravel the mystery of a so called blue-tube'.
"I certainly hope so, my friend. I really want to know what that is all about." she nods in agreement.
"However, I'm curious about this Death's Head. What is it? Are there any stories you can tell us?" asks Ullar, eager to hear them.
Stephen frowns, "As Stellios said, little is known. I know nothing at all."
As soon as all the talking has been finished about the maps and Golthar's motives, Ullar asks Petr to lead them to a room where everyone can rest and where they can discuss their future plans. He asks Petr if Stephen and Taras, and perhaps any new clan-heads can join them, as he has some issues to be discussed upon.
"As you can see, we're not in a very good shape, again. However, we got Stephen back, as promised." says Ullar, trying to counterweight his words.
"Stephen said something about a great reward if we could get him back here before Golthar arrived. Again, we succeeded. But I'm expecting him here soon, perhaps even too soon for us to get ready. I think it is wise to send out a scout to Misha's Ferry, since they will have to cross the river there. Perhaps it is wise to see what has become of Ilyakana and Segenyev as well."
Petr nods his head, "That is wise. I shall send one of my people, unless you wish it to be your scout and merchant, who seems to have a sharp eye." He smilingly indicates Dakath. "In any case, it is a good idea. Illyakana and Segenyev have been burned to the ground. Survivors from their camps are even now here. I doubt they are of any interest. I can send a scout to Illyakana, as it is not far from here. However, Segenyev is a day's ride, and I wouldn't trust to a man alone at night in the forest. Not with how things have been of late."
"If Dakath feels up to it, which I doubt, we can surely ask him. But I think that one of your men or youths would be perfect for the job as well. It's just a scouting function. As soon as he hears or suspects anything he should return here!" replies Ullar.
Dakath grins "As I have said I will be happy to scout ahead."
"Stephen, Petr. I don't want to put more weight upon your shoulders, but Stephen promised us a great reward if we helped him getting back here. Well, we did and I'm curious what kind of reward this would be. It can't be any wealth in terms of gold or coins, for you really need that. Still, Stephen was speaking about a 'great reward', so what is it my friend?" says Ullar, while looking Stephen right in the eyes.
Stephen looks at Ullar, somewhat sadly, as Petr responds, "All that we have to offer is what I originally offered, half the proceeds from the sale of the horses. Would that I could give you more, of course, but there is nothing more that we have. When the horses are sold, there should be a decent amount of profit from that, and we shall give you half, which should be quite a bit of money."
"Petr, Stephen, Taras..." Ullar says, while starting to get eye- contact with Dakath and the rest of the group as well.
"We've arrived here for the third time. It seems to me that your numbers have increased and that more and more people from the surrounding camps and villages are gathering here. With the threats of goblin-raids still present I was thinking of establishing a stronghold here where we can build up a force strong enough to rid these surroundings of goblins and any other scum present."
Glancing at Petr in particular, Ullar continues: "In our attempt to free Stephen we've got our hands on the riches of Golthar. It's quite some money and I know you can really use this to re-establish your camp, Petr. I am willing to donate my share to you, if you will use it to buy primary supplies, weapons and armor and start training everyone capable in the skills of combat. Perhaps you can even manufacture those yourselves, if you can buy the resources, but that's a decision you'll have to make."
"Uh, Ullar," interrupts Forte, "don't you think you should keep *some* of your money to buy yourself a new sword? And maybe a new helm? And provisions?"
"I certainly will, my friend. But besides this gold we all have some other valuables...I'll make sure you will get your sword back... and I will get myself a new helmet." the warrior replies
Taras' eyes gleam with Ullar's proposal, but Petr seems a bit more dubious.
"I know that there remains a lot of work to be done here, but I think that if you work in shifts, the training and the rebuilding can be combined. If my companions don't have any other plans I will gladly take the training in man-to-man fights with greatswords or handaxes on myself, and I can train your men in the usage of spears. I'm sure my friends here have other skills which can be taught to them and of course you have quite some skills yourselves as well."
"The reason I'm suggesting this is because we've found out that the Bishop of Florence and his men are behind these goblin-raids. If the corruption amongst the followers of Jerboha grows, I fear for your camp Petr. It's obvious that they are after that carpet of yours and they won't hesitate to kill all of us while trying to get it. If we can build up a small force of trained men here in Sukiskayn we're quite capable of defending it, since it's been built up as a little fort!"
"I know, this is a long-shot, but I'm curious how all of you think about this. Do you think it can be achieved?" Ullar asks, looking around for anyone to respond...
Petr and Stephen look intently at each other, then they and Taras fall deeply into discussion with Ullar about the merits of the plan, logistics, armaments, development time, etc. It seems they have embraced the plan, but it will take quite a bit of money and time.
Reserving 200 gold of his share Arkady gives the rest to Petr in private. "Brother take the gladiator's advice make this a fortress full of strong arms and bright shields. Remember the proud hosts of our past, Kniaz Igor and Kniaz Aleksandr Nevsky . Do not fall to the latinate way as I have. Axes and stout backs will strike more fear than a thousand rapiers. Velkii Rus na zhil b ti!!!*" (* Great Russia will live in you)
"Ullar, I think your plan is sound and bears great merit. If any require instruction in the longsword I will gladly offer my services."
"I think your plan is a good one, Ullar. We cannot take all that gold, too heavy and awkward. Where will we will be able to spend it anyway? We have to talk about it though, to make sure the money is well spent, and that we do not give it to the wrong person. Considering the division around here, I think we have to give all the groups roughly the same amount of money, otherwise the division will get a lot worse. They are a bit too eager for my taste, but hopefully they will do a lot of good with the money." Pietro replies.
"Agreed. However, I think with Gregor, Petr and one more from the Segenyev camp we have quite the right persons for the job. I think that they'll have to discuss this proposal with their friends and families but I intend to suggest it to them this evening." says Ullar, looking around for more remarks on the plan.
After a brief night's rest, the party awakes to find the settlement teeming with activity. The scores of people who have been staying here for the last few weeks all seem to be up and about. Tables from inside have been set up outside with crude benches and the chairs from the inside as well.