Dakath, Ullar, Amibar, Arkady, and Tolik head off back into the spider library to track down the horses. Stephen accompanies them to help in whatever way he can.
Arkady falls silent as they enter the building but the curses and swearing continues in his head. The voices are back with Arkady's temper. In his mood he gives them rein and trembles with mad rage as he stalks
Following the tracks that lead into the library, back into the main room where Ullar so splendidly killed the white wolf yesterday, Stephen points to the southeast door as being where they took the horses.
Though Ullar is confident that there are no guards present, Dakath takes no such chances, opening the door very cautiously. He sees what looks very much like a guardroom, but it appears uninhabited. The chamber, as much of the tower, is faded, but still opulent, with a splendid mosaic floor and painted plaster walls and ceiling.
The furniture, on the other hand, is blocky and crude, probably goblin make. As Dakath motions for Ullar to come in, he hears a noise from behind that same furniture. He leaps for cover as five tallish goblinoids lean over from their points of concealment, firing crossbows at you!
Ullar charges into the room once the flight of quarrels knocks Dakath down. He looks to have been hit by three of them, something that would surely kill a regular man. However, Dakath's luck is with him, as even without armor, the wounds were only glancing, and shakily he gets back to his feet.
Dakath rests himself against the wall as the others finish off the goblin guards. "Hell's teeth." he manages through gritted teeth.
Waving his hands about quickly, Amibar manages to fell two of the monsters with his sleeping spell. Ullar, Stephen, and Arkady charge into the other three. Ignoring minor wounds from the creature's swords, the three men attack with their blades and a vengeance.
Arkady bellows in Russian as he hacks and chops. Spittle flies from his frothing lips as the goblins fall beneath his blade.
With a mad hack, Arkady cuts his opponent nearly in half as Stephen's lunge badly wounds his. Ullar misses, but not by much. Ullar smashes into his target's chest as Arkady finishes off Stephen's with a quick thrust.
Rising up to join you, Tolik tends to the warrior's wounds and Dakath's several, finding the sword wounds superficial at best, but the bolts were more severe. Dakath is in rather seriously bad shape. But he continues on, not one to call it quits, even as the others gesture vainly to stop him.
Arkady bites hard on his tongue to keep silent and chases after Dakath.
"Thank you Tolik" he manages as he limps forward, discarding any offers of help from the others "I want out of here."
Traveling through a set of huge bronze doors, the entrance, you remember, he sees the massive staircase down into the canal. Followed by the rest of the party, he descends. The hobgoblins must have set off some kind of alarm, though, as you hear the sounds of baboons howling and goblins chanting all around.
Underneath it, though, Dakath's sharp ears hear a horse whinnying as well, coming from the stable. Seeing no opponent yet in sight, he dashes toward the stable, so very close. Within it are all nine of your horses. The most recent acquisitions, Arkady's, Pietro's, Ratlin's, and Tolik's, seem strangely pleased to be in the place, and Forte and Ullar's warhorses look contented, but the others for the most part are rather put out.
"I never really liked that horse, now here it is fraternizing with the enemy." Tolik says with a gleam in his eye.
Ullar looks at the animals. From their attitudes, he is fairly certain that the newer riding horses were stabled here before, thus their ease at being around the monkeys and the goblins.
Dakath awkwardly mounts Stenu, he leans forward, patting Stenu's Mane "Get me out of this alive and there's a bale of the finest hay for you when we reach civilization."
Arkady swings up into the saddle and sheathes his maine gauche. Making sure all his armor straps are tight he grips the silmar blade and leans forward to talk to the horse. "My brother of the steppe, give your feet wings and I will care for you for ever. As the steppe and the Tartar and the Cossack flow in my veins I say FLY!!!!!!' He kicks back his stirrups and makes a run for the door.
As the others come in, you can hear the sounds coming from outside, like a virtual army of goblins and monkeys converging. But you are set to the task, grabbing the bridles of the horses (you note that the horses have been brushed and cleaned, interestingly) and rushing back out the door.
Glimpses of the wild-looking baboons, goblins peering down from the tops of the cliffs, goblins with bows! Rushing up the staircase, the sounds diminish somewhat, but you hear a louder, deeper, more distinctive voice also, speaking in an unknown language.
Those up on the cliffside begin the hear the noise as well, seeing groups of goblins and chained baboons rushing about, out of range, but coming closer. There appear to be scores, perhaps hundreds.
Rhune shudders at the sounds of the goblins and baboons. It is a sound she is not likely to forget anytime soon. She knocks an arrow in her bow and sticks several more in the ground next to her to be ready.
With a quick glance Ullar tries to find any clan-marks on these goblins, but dashes on with the horses he is leading.
They seem to be the same yellow-skinned goblins you all faced in the canals below. No other tribes seem to be with them.
An arrow clanks off Ullar's armor, and several more begin flying toward you, fortunately not hitting any of the horses. And then they are back into the tower, and safe for the moment. Leading the horses through the library and through the back door, you emerge onto the clifftop, not far away from your companions.
Arkady ducks low as he rides his steed through the library and out to his friends. Leaping of the horse Arkady slings the bags of gold onto his mount and remounts. "Davai!!! Davai!! Let's go."
However, the goblins are getting closer to this location as well, firing arrows as they come, but most are out of range, though one hits the ground right next to Forte's foot.
"Merdaiolo," Forte curses the goblin archer with a look of hate on his face, though he does not waste an arrow attempting to retaliate.
Even though they are out of range for the most part, Rhune, nonetheless lets fly with a volley of arrows at the apparent closest one, rising as quickly as she can to put the sack of gold on the horse and mount, though her movements are slow and unsteady she manages to mount without too much trouble.
With extreme haste, the group loads up their loot, mounts, and heads across the canal again over the narrow building. Seeing their prey escaping, the goblins unleash their pets, who begin rushing madly toward you. Stephen, who proves an easy hand on Ratlin's horse, leads the troupe to the north, obviously having a better idea where he is going than you all do.
The warriors are forced to balance their sacks of gold amongst the horses, particularly Ullar's, who carries Ullar in full plate mail and Ratlin, but through some speedy miracle, you manage it.
Tolik grins happily at the warrior as he rides. For once his inability to command his horse isn't putting him way behind the others. On the contrary, he is able to keep toward the front of the other's heavily laden animals.
Riding away at a quick pace (no galloping, sadly), you draw further and further from the monkeys chasing you. And finally they are out of sight. For just a moment, Asif sees a huge figure riding some white steed, but he is quickly left behind as well.
Asif casts a few glances over his shoulder at their shadowing white steed and prays silently in his wounded state that the enemy does not capture them. Upon evading the pursuit, he shouts to Rhune and those riding abreast of him.
"I thank Aten for our deliverance this day, but I fear we have not seen the last of that figure upon the white steed. Against all logic it is my feeling that his shadow still follows us, unseen. We must be on our guard for his eyes are like that of a hunter and we are his prey. My gut feeling tells me that dark heka to that figure is as important to him as air is to us. Tendrils of the shadow shall reach for us. We must be ready to strike back at it with the force of light."
Ullar pats Zephyr on his back. Softly he whispers to his horse: "I think I owe you my life today, Zephyr."
Somehow the ex-gladiator keeps talking to animals. He must have hit a wall somewhere or something, for this is not the first time he speaks to his horse.
Asif hears Ullar speaking to his horse and smiles. To him it a good measure of a man, the way of the desert and of the enlightened. He whispers to Ullar.
"Be not embarrassed by such talk efendi. It shows great enlightenment. In the land of my people a stead is not purely a beast of burden. In the desert a horse or camel should be valued as a friend for without it you shall soon be no more than bleached bones buried beneath the sand."
"Thanks Asif. I hope we can find some time at Sukiskayn where you can tell me more stories of your homeland." replies Ullar, smiling at the man. "Because, I need to be prepared when I give Rhune away." he adds with a smirk.
Asif laughs merrily at Ullar's jibe. "Yes most certainly efendi, an important place shall be found for you at the wedding ceremony."
Dakath laughs "Yes right next to the ale, would suit you eh Ullar ?" He looks at Asif "I don't believe you have a ring yet do you ? Hmmm, when we get back to civilization leave that with me you won't have to worry about that little deal. We're also going to need drink and lots of it. I'd recommend a luxury room for the night and flowers for Rhune etc etc. Quite a lot to think about eh ? my friend."
He slaps Asif on the back "It's a good job I know my way around a city. with a bit of skill I'm sure I could even steal you another Bride." he chuckles "I'm kidding, everything will be as legal as possible."
Asif's eyes flash with silent amusement. The brief show of emotion strong evidence that he has become much more comfortable with the language and customs of the land. Asif chuckles as he says:
"Ah efendi you have the heart of a Bedouin chief.... heheheh. But pardon my ignorance efendi what is the significance of the ring you speak off? Jewelry is a common gift given at weddings, but why a ring. Livestock, personal slaves, silks, fine cloth, Jewels are more common. My father upon marriage to my mother gave her alone a set of fine gold jeweled bracelets, a Mare from the Sultans own stable, two female personal slaves and ten bolts of imported woven cloth? Such an inventory taking not into account that which he gave to my mothers family for her hand".
Dakath shrugs "I'm no expert on the vows of marriage, and it may be different in Elven cultures but a wedding ring signifies ones commitment to each other, like a ring it can never be broken. Perhaps Mother Kuzma could explain it better."
"It depends on kind of religion the pair is following and the race the pair s from. Among humans and katolics, the ring is the physical component of the bond that two people share when they are married. In my hometown, the elven people used to say that the humans are using rings, so that they can tell who is married and who is not. Normally it is quite effective as well in letting people know that you are not available for courtship." Pietro says with a small smirk on his face.
Stephen leads you north, then westward. "We cannot trust that their crossing point will be unguarded, and I think another fight might not be in us today. We shall head to Misha's Ferry, and then on to the village."
"Horosho Stephan! Let us be gone from this hell." Arkady says.
Ullar nods in appreciation, thankful to have someone around who knows his ways around these places.
Uncharacteristically, you encounter no hostiles on your way across the hilly terrain, retracing your way here. Late in the afternoon, you come upon the Slaver camp where Leslie is buried. Seeing the carnage, Stephen is impressed, "You did this? No wonder you were in such bad shape when you arrived." He shakes his head in wonder.
"Oh, we got better," says Forte, "thanks to Petr and his clan. But we've had many skirmishes since then, with hardly a chance to rest and recover."
Continuing on, you reach Misha's cabin near nightfall. After debating with those of you who wish to stay, Stephen persuades you to continue on across the ferry, assuring you he could find his way to the village in the dark and blindfolded.
And so he does. As you get closer, you hear the baying of wolves in the distance, sounding disturbingly like it is getting nearer and nearer. However, you reach the village before they reach you.
You see that the gatehouse above the bridge appears to have been remade, of sorts, as a crude wooden shack in place of the fine tower that was burning when some of you first got here. There is a fellow unknown to you within it, who is on careful watch. Hailing him, Stephen sends him to get Petr.
Tolik isn't overly pleased to be returning to this village, but he knows this time he will keep his mouth shut.
Within a few minutes, Petr and his whole clan have roused themselves to come out and see you, particularly Stephen. Tears are in the eyes of the whole clan, though you note that some of those from other camps do not seem so merry.
A little suspicious, Ullar examines the ones who seem not to be pleased with their arrival, making some mental notes.
While Amibar seems to have gotten comfortable with his companions, the sight of so many strangers bustling about makes him quite nervous. Hiding his scarred face as best as he can in the hood of his cloak, he strives to remain close to Ullar's comforting hulk.
Tolik also wants to avoid the strangers. He keeps his cloak huddled tightly around himself and hood up. He seems to have a foreboding atmosphere around himself; he avoids his allies as well as the villagers.
Grateful to be some place relatively safe, Rhune practically falls off her horse in weariness. "Thank You Petr. It has been a trying day." she utters, her forehead slick with sweat of exertion her body is not ready for.
Pietro has been very quiet on the way back to the big camp. The riding didn't exactly help, he is on the verge of exhaustion and has reached his physical limits. You have to admire the way the elf composes himself. He looks like hell, but his eyes still shine with the same determination that has been there before.
Welcoming you, and now used to you being in a different group each time you return, Petr hugs each of you as several clan members apologize deeply to Arkady for having misjudged him so badly last time he was here. Coming into the main building, where you note there are cots strewn all about, you also note that some supplies appear to have been brought in, as there are wrappings and bags about, which were not here before.
Pietro slowly gets of his horse, a small smile on his face. "Good to see you Petr, we found the group we were looking for. Get me a place to sleep as fast as possible please, I've got a slight headache today." It is obvious that Pietro isn't seeing the division in the group of people.
Arkady stays at the back of the group and considers not even entering the village. When they are warmly greeted by Petr he comes forward expecting to be rebuffed. Once the villagers have apologized and said kind words Arkady smiles and his fears leave him. He chats merrily in Russian with the villagers and tells wild tales of all the exploits of the group.
While the clan members from this village, and several others, seem to embrace Arkady, it is obvious that some internal division is going on here, as several groups dismiss him and all the party members, clearly not happy with their situation.
Back-slapping and celebration put off for the moment, Petr approaches Ullar, "Those goods you requested arrived. Sadly, we had to use all the reserves of the settlement just for resources and food. But we got the oil, torches, and rations that you requested, and have kept them for you."
"Petr you are great!" says Ullar, while giving him a friendly hug. "I'm sorry to say that Rhees, Taglio and Xania all have gone their own ways. As to Augustus, I don't have a clue where he is."
"He's in the mirror. Or was, anyway," mumbles Forte, with a sad look on his face.
"However, I'm glad you got our supplies. I think I can easily repay you whatever you were short on our payment in advance" adds Ullar with a smile.
Several of you note that the people in the village are very curious about the huge bags of gold. Some seem to be of an awed nature, while others appear more envious.
Smiling at Petr, "Perhaps we can help with that. I know I can." she looks around towards the others as she hands her 100 gp to Petr.
Forte looks at Rhune as if she is crazy. "Careful now," he warns her, his stern expression suddenly changing to a big smile, "You'll need all the gold you can save for your wedding feast!"
"Don't worry, Forte. I am sure I can find more for that before I get married." Rhune smiles
The battered warrior then turns to Petr, "How much do you need for these supplies?"
Petr shakes his head, "You paid for this in advance, my friend. Do you not remember? I would ask no more of your generosity." You note however, that he gratefully takes Rhune's donation, smiling and bowing to her.
Upon hearing of a feast Arkady springs to his feet and embraces Petr, kissing him twice on each cheek. "Petr, savior. How my belly has yearned for a taste of home. Embrace me for I call you brother." His stomach grumbles loudly and he is now glad that his efforts to roast a monkey were thwarted.
The clan chief smiles at Arkady, "Indeed, if you have helped to save my brother, then clan-brother you shall be. And with what food we have left, a feast we shall have!"
Dakath, still sore from his wounds adds "Believe me anything warm would be welcome right now."
Talking with Mother Kuzma, Rhune tells her of her good fortune and the impending marriage with Asif, smiling at Asif if he is around, her tired eyes sparkling.
As Petr, even at this late hour, begins to prepare a great feast for the next day, Stephen speaks to him briefly. Arkady translates that he is explaining to his brother the events of the last week or so.
"Arkady" says Ullar as he moves closer to him. "Do they say anything about that Golthar guy and his intentions?"
Arkady shakes his head, "Only what we already have heard. Nothing more."