
On the other side of the river, the path turns more northward. Following it according to Stephen's direction, you travel into the dark. The path is easy to see, though, and you can still move slowly by the moonlight. After some hours of travel, as everyone feels ready for sleep, you see the small peaceful village about a mile ahead. There are no obvious signs of guards or anyone awake, but being an elven village, that doesn't mean they aren't there.

Stephen looks to you for what to do next, as he seems a bit flustered by the experience with Akhitos, finally realizing what the big deal is with all of you.

Arkady mutters for Stephen to be silent in Russian. "Well, what shall we do? Shall one of the elves approach and see if we can have safe passage?"

"I think we can go ahead Stephen. It should be alright for now. Once we sell the horses we will be on our way and out of your hair." she says with a smile, as she waits for the others to move out.

Ullar frowns. "Stephen, what is up? I thought you had done business with these elves before? Is there anything we need to know?"

Stephen shakes his head. "No, I apologize." He seems to right himself, clearing his head.

"Anyway, I'd say we all enter the village, with Stephen, Taras and all of members who are elf, or part-elf up front. If they see we bring their sacred horses, we have nothing to fear" concludes Ullar.

The group decides to move into Rifflian, and rides forward slowly, with the elven members of the group (Rhune and Pietro) riding ahead of the rest, though Stephen assures you that the Riffliani, or Callarii, as they call themselves sometimes, are peaceful and will not attack strangers without cause. In his usual manner, Dakath dismounts and moves off to the side alone, watching for anything out of the ordinary.

Mounting a slight rise, the group rubs their eyes. Some type of optical illusion or true magic made the village seem closer than it was. It also appears to have concealed a barrier to the group's arrival, yet another river blocking the path, one of some width. It appears impassable to those on foot. There are also thick woods surrounding the place, which seemed smaller from the previous vantage. The butt right upon the village itself, and spread onto this side of the river as well. Dakath vanished into those on your side.

The village itself is set on the western side of the river, which flows southward at a rapid pace. There is a jetty on the shore with a small ferry boat attached to it, most likely your means of crossing. However, what is more noticeable is the craft at the end of the jetty. Just casting off is a magnificent vessel almost fifty feet long. As it moves out into the river, its sail unfurls revealing a rearing unicorn emblazoned across it. At the head of the ship stand an elf dressed in dazzling armor and a surcoat that also bears the rampant unicorn device. Soon the wind catches the sail and the vessel glides down the river towards Arezzo.

This is a fascinating sight for many of you, who have never seen such a craft nor it's magnificently garbed helmsman. However, there is no way to catch the craft, which has already caught the current and begun to pick up speed. The unicorn device seems somewhat familiar, but you cannot place it.

You are momentarily distracted by a thunk, as only Asif's great dexterity and vision enable him to jerk his head aside as an arrow lands in a tree alongside him, almost skewering him. There is a piece of cloth attached to shaft. As Asif and some others ignore the cloth, rushing toward the source of the attack, somewhere amongst the woods to the south, someone grabs it. It has some scribble upon it. Once given to someone that knows how to read, Tolik reads it, "Time to get some help" It is signed, "DAK".

"Uhh, hey, wait up, it wasn't shot at... Oh never mind!" Tolik announces as Asif and several of the others chase down to the river side. Tolik takes the cloth and reads it silently, then looks around at the surrounding woods as he holds out the message for someone else to read.

Springing into the woods, Asif reaches the shore quickly, unable to find the source of the missile. However, he sees, just for a moment, a small figure attached to the side of the magnificent ship's life raft. The figure turns for a moment, flashing a large smile and waving. Then it disappears under the gunwales of the small side-ship as the larger vessel gains speed, gradually departing down the river.

Alongside the shore, Asif sees much of Dakath's gear, his leathers, his weapons, and even his pack have been left. He must have only taken a few small things with him. Looking amongst his pack, Asif finds that he apparently took all the gems that he carried for the group, along with anything else portable of value. He also appears to have taken all those strange items he purchased from Akhitos, leaving all else either on his horse or along the shore.

Arkady glares darkly at the departing vessel. "Great!! How fortuitous of Dak. I suppose he will have a new name if he returns."

You can do nothing about it at this point, and thus move closer to the river. On the eastern side (yours), there is another smaller jetty, from which a small post juts up. Attached to the post is a medium-sized brass bell. On the opposite shore, several slight figures peer toward the departing craft from the dock.

"Well it seems that Dakath has gone to get us some help" Rhune utters with a smile. "shall we set about getting across the river." she adds frowning and puzzling as to where she has seen the unicorn symbol before.

Tolik comes up to where Dakath left his belongings with a frown on his face. "Oh, so he is GONE," he says with a flair for the obvious. The scowl on his face is replaced with a smile, however, when he looks up and sees the near elven village and the elves upon the shore. "It will be good to be among elves again," he mutters softly.

"Hmm.. he is gone, as well as our jewelry. He better comes up with some good assistance..." says Ullar with a smile, clearly intending that he is not truly annoyed.

"Let's take his stuff, I think he wants it when he gets back" says Ullar, while putting Dakath his possessions in the saddle bags on Zephyr.

Still cranky, Arkady spurs his horse for the bell and rings it with great force. "HELLO Rifflian!!! We have Horses for You!!!!" The voices cackle and wait for the sharp elven arrows to pierce and fell the moody Slav.

No such aggressive action takes place. Indeed, one of the elves hails you, waves, and begins dragging the ferry boat across.

Arkady sighs and waits for the elves. His moodiness could probably be quenched in some action but it looks like none is to be had. Slumping somewhat he waits sullenly for the ferry.

Once the ferry-man reaches you, he calls out in fluid Italian, "Hail and well-met. You just missed the Elven Guard and our hero Lucien, called the Fair by his comrades. He is a son of Rifflian, you know!" He guides a group of you onto the slight but strong ferry, "I apologize for there being a price attached to the ride, but the Bishop's taxes are quite strenuous, particularly on our kind." He glances at Pietro and Rhune knowingly. "The ferry cost helps us bear it. We are not a wealthy village, I am afraid."

"Hello. I am Rhune Morthaine. please to meet you finally." Rhune replies to the man.

The man nods his head, his gaze focusing on the goods the party bears. "And you." He says briefly.

He looks to the white horses, "Magnificent!" He utters, "Such we have not seen in many of your lifetimes. Indeed I was but a boy the last time such fine stallions were brought to us, by humans that time as well, interestingly enough." His pace is continuous and smooth, tinged with friendliness. His smile, while not expansive, seems sincere and pleased. "In any case, I would be pleased to exchange one of these fine creatures for passage, if you are so inclined. If not, the price is one gold floren for each man, and two for each steed. All told, that's 86 gold coins."

Rhune sighs at the high price but lets others do the negotiating.

Stephen and Taras look helplessly at each other. They clearly did not expect to have to pay so much merely to reach their destination, what with the steep ferry price from the gnomes and now this. Stephen quickly maneuvers himself into merchant mode, though, and begins negotiating with the fellow. Eventually, he sells one of the horses to the ferryman for the cost of passage, along with Taras and his horse's return, and another 45 gold. He does not seem particularly pleased, hoping that he would be able to get more for them, but he seems satisfied that it's a better deal by fifty percent than the one given him by Akhitos.

Finally crossing the river after several trips, the ferryman smiles at you and wishes you well. The village itself is quite small, with only two larger than home sized buildings. The symbol of the white horse is prevalent throughout the village, on doors and small statues.

Arkady slowly rides forward and watches for anything out of the ordinary. His senses and mind have been alert since the ferryman mentioned the Bishop.

Stephen motions toward the center of town. " I and my nephew will go on and see whether we can get any of the regular residents to purchase some horses, then we'll move the rest on to Prestelle the Trader and sell them off to her. If any of you would like to come with, that'd be just fine." He nods his head at Rhune and Pietro.

Pietro nods at Stephen. "I will join you, I am not a trader by nature and will not participate in it, but if you think though that it will be wise to join you, I will."

"Yes I would like to go with you. I would like to see what kind of deal I can get for the horse." she says to Stephen. "Also I would like to see if I could get the dress made and if so how long it would take." Rhune adds. "Maybe you can take my horse that way I don't have to worry about it." she says as she dismounts and hands the reigns over.

Stephen looks at her strangely, "The elves are not interested in common horses, I am afraid, only the white horses we brought." He hands the bridle of Rhune's riding horse back to her. "If you refer to the white horses, we shall be sure to sell them for the most we can get."

She looks at him with a puzzled expression. "I didn't think they would be, Stephen. I meant let someone take my horse to the inn and have it stabled so I can walk with you without having to lead him with us." she says in a low voice.

Stephen looks at her, clearly puzzled as well, "Then why give the reigns to me? Rather give them to your friends, who are going there anyway." He clearly still seems out of sorts with the revelations of Akhitos.

Ullar looks at Stephen. "Too bad Dakath is gone. I could assist you in negotiating with the elves, but only if you want me to. Otherwise I'll go to the Silver Swan as you suggested."

"Just one thing, we're still interested in some special equipment. I think that if they can provide us that, it could be a part of our profit in this deal." adds Ullar.

Stephen shrugs his shoulders, "If you wish to barter with the elves for special equipment, that is acceptable. You still have eleven horses with which to deal. The traders will not be open at this late hour, though, so if you wish to trade in the morning, that would work out fine."

"The others should head over to the Silver Swan and make arrangements for lodging for the night. I'll pay from the proceeds of the horse and leave the rest with Taras. I guess we won't make as much as I expected, but it'll be enough, what with the money you all already donated to the village." He points over toward a two story building near the eastern edge. "Ask for Stubbs Platterman. Tell him I'm in town and he'll give us a good deal. We'll be with you shortly." It seems strange for him to be trying to make deals this late at night, but who knows?

"Stephan, I will come with you. I am not yet weary and perhaps the haggling of horse merchants will send me to slumber." Arkady follows Stephan and Taras warily, he is expecting trouble or a trap.

Looking at Asif and smiling softly at him, "A room together, my love?" Rhune asks him in Arabic. She takes her pack with her and her bow and quiver of arrows. "If someone can put the rest in the room that would be wonderful. And see how much it would cost to have a bath ready, please?" she asks blushing suddenly.

Ratlin grins when Rhune mentions the bath, "Yes, a bath would be great now. Also, if everyone wants to stay here a few days, I can work on identifying those items."

"That would be helpful," notes Forte. The warrior dismounts in his usual awkward way. He takes his backpack which contains his personal funds, his axe, mace, bow, and arrows in with him. The rest of his gear he leaves on the horses. "Oh, yeah," he mutters, turning back to his gear. He rummages around until he finds one of his new shirts, then heads for the inn. "Uh, could somebody get the door for me?" he asks a little sheepishly when he arrives at the door, hands too full to open it.

Tolik wordlessly opens the door for Forte, sparing the man the snide comment that should come with. Turning to Ratlin, Tolik asks, "I was looking over that spell, among others, while you all were shopping. It looked like a pretty demanding spell, with a pretty good chance of revealing nothing. Or am I missing something in my studies? In any case, you should be getting some sleep, it'll be a long day for you to pull it off." Tolik sounds unsure, as if he has not studied it as much as he might like.

Forte offers a hearty "Thanks" to Tolik as he passes through the door. He sets his stuff upon the first empty table he sees and looks around for the proprietor.

"That would be nice. to have a few days where we could rest and recoup would be great. and perhaps I could even get the dress made here." Rhune says with a smile.

Ratlin thinks for a moment and then his eyes widen, "Wait a minute. The spell requires a pearl that is worth at least 100 gold, and I'll need one for each item. Are we going to be able to afford it?"

No one in the group has a pearl at all, and money at this point is rather slim. In the morning, if this is the group's desire, you'll have to find someone in the small village selling such.

For all his eagerness to arrive here, Tolik fails to seem as exuberant as he was on the way in. In fact, he is being extra cautious, much as he was upon first meeting up with everyone. His cloak is wrapped tightly around, and the hood is up over his head. No reason is apparent for his strange behavior, and any guess at why he is acting strangely would be little more than a guess.

Tolik doesn't reply to Stephan and makes no move to follow him, staying instead with the main group. He heads with everyone toward the inn, not taking the lead but not following at the very back as usual either.

The groups separate, Stephen and Taras taking Rhune, Pietro, and Arkady with him while the others head for the inn. The Silver Swan is close enough that you walk directly to it as the first group heads for the market square.

It's a homely place, built for comfort more than for utility, it appears. Walking in, you see that place is uninhabited except for a small fellow working behind a plain bar. Approaching him, he smiles and motions for you to approach, "What will you have, fine peoples? A drink to wash off the dust from the road? A dessert? Surely a room for the night? You'll find my prices most reasonable." He moves to serve you whatever drinks you order himself, as you see no waiters about.

As he is doing so, he converses with you. "You just missed your odd friends. The woman and her associates. Came through yesterday looking for you all. Asked all about town for you, matter of fact. I hope you manage to find her. I hate to see someone unhappy." He rambles on for a while, serving whatever needs you have. A room for the night is 2 gold florens, drinks and food at just slightly higher than normal prices. However, the kitchen is closed, so there is nothing hot. He will provide cold pie or bread if you like.

"A woman? Could you describe her to me? I'm curious who it could be!" says Ullar. "Oh.. pardon me, I indeed like some food, a bath and a bed for the night, as well as someone who can take care of my horse. I don't mind eating some cold pie" adds Ullar, once again smiling.

"Maybe it's the one the Arab merchant was talking about," pipes up Ami from his seat, " the one working for the bishop. It seems she is very close to finding us..." he looks a bit worried at that.

Tolik scratches his head, as if another possibility is coming to him. After several bites of pie, he asks, "Any chance the other group could have been here? The woman could be, ohhh, what was her name, Antonia?" He raises an eyebrow to Ratlin asking for confirmation of this fact. "It probably isn't, but it would be a more pleasant possibility. And they group would definitely be classified as odd, as I suppose we would."

Ratlin shrugs and stays silent.

"Can you tell me something about your hero, the one who sailed away half an hour ago? His ship looks impressive! And can you tell me anything about what is going on in this part of the country? It seems the area is flooded with Goblins, as we've encountered several!" Ullar asks

The small man nods, "Ah, yes, once you have rested for the night, we shall talk much in the morning, my friends." He leaves Ullar without answers to his questions for the nonce, busily preparing what the group asked for. It appears that he is filling all the orders himself, as you don't see anyone else in the place.

As he heads into the kitchen and then into the back of the building, you see that he descends toward the floor. Looking past the bar, you see that there is a gradually rising platform behind it, upon which the fellow was standing. Looking at him now, he cannot be much more than three feet in height! The few of you that remember Sam realize that he is a halfling.

Ratlin smirks at this thinking more of Ami.

Tolik raises an eye brow towards the other members of the group, questioning if they have any idea what the man is talking about. Then he turns to the barkeep, saying, "Yes I'd take a room, and some pie and a glass of wine before I head up," and back to the group, "So what is the plan? Are we staying for a wedding, or are the other matters too pressing?"

He settles down at a table with his wine and pie, and eats slowly with an occasional sip of wine. He looks very comfortable, and is quite willing to stay for as long as it takes for the wedding.

"I don't see why we can't wait." Ratlin replies. He looks over at the Halfling and asks for some pie and a glass of wine as well.

Ullar smiles at Tolik. His change in attitude does appeal to the warrior who likes the occasional sarcastic comment, although is unsure what the history is between Tolik and Ratlin.

"As far as I'm concerned we sell 'our' horses to the Rifflians and get ourselves the rest of the necessary supplies. We need at least one more draft horse to carry some of our stuff. Next to that I'm curious what the Rifflians know about the Centaurs which some of our group encountered a few weeks ago. Somehow I have the feeling that they are connected to some events."

Ratlin looks up from his dessert and asks, "Centaurs? How did the meeting go?"

"As for the wedding, I don't mind waiting for about a week until everything is ready. Rhune and Asif deserve a decent wedding and not a hasty one. We are not in a rush. It seems that our pursuers were already here and I don't expect them back so soon but we should check that."

"I agree" Arkady says "Rhune. Asif. If you need anything from me to help with you happy day just ask and I will be glad to provide."

Tolik nods, with savoring his pie as he listens.

Ullar turns to the bartender: "Sir, could you tell us if our friend was planning to return here?" After any answer, Ullar continues his point of view:

Stubbs looks a bit tiredly at the group from all his running around. "We shall talk upon breakfast." He is too busy for conversation for the rest of the night, but he brings a nice cold pie forward in full for you to share and fills the drink orders, then directs you all to your rooms and bids you good night, collecting around five gold coins from each of you. That leaves most of you with extra, some with lots extra, but Asif's coin purse is emptied out finally. However, Forte still has almost four hundred gold in party loot upon his horse, so any that wish more carrying around money can surely get it from him.

"A week to train, repair, rest and perhaps relax would all suit us well. I'm sure that the mountain with it's treasure will wait for us. What do you all say?" Ullar asks.

"Sounds fine to me," replies Tolik. "I could use the chance to get a grasp on these spells. And if word is to be on the mountain that we are coming, it is doubtless already there, so we might as well take the time to rest up before heading into danger."

"That should give me time to find the items I need for the identification of our items as well. I have a suggestion though. I think that those of you who want items discerned ought to pay for the pearl needed since it would take a bit out of me once I am done." Ratlin adds.



Whatever Happened to....(Dakath's Departure)

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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 March 2001

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