Wedding Plans

Arkady sighs but remains silent. His blood burns for action and his voices will rouse themselves to full volume for sure if they wait a week. But he wants to be a part of the groups happiness so he holds back his words and prays he can hold back his voices.

"Maybe it would be wise to find out how the Rifflians feel about the bishop and his minions," offers Amibar. "Maybe we can depend on them for assistance, or maybe they'll help our enemies..."

"Sounds like a good suggestion, but do you have any idea how to accomplish that? Asking it straight away might offend some people and work counter-productive.." replies Ullar, while looking at Amibar for an answer.

Looking up, "Well I am sure that this woman has described us to the people. Maybe if we find out how she brought it up and why she wanted to find us, it may help us figuring out how to approach them." Rhune replies.

"Well, after a few drinks one of us might start talking about his proud Catolik heritage and see how they react. Sort of a lively religious debate." Forte looks at Amibar and Ullar, "I was raised Catolik. I could do that."

Ullar looks at Forte and starts to smile. His smile turns to a grin and then the warrior starts to laugh out loud. "Pardon me.." he says, while trying to fight back the grinning, ".. but I really, really would like to see that. That sounds like a solid plan. I'm curious at what you will come up with!"

Tolik laughs. "You'd better wait for Pietro, he'd be mad if he missed it. He is the priest after all."

Ratlin just smirks, savoring his pie.

Arkady snorts with derision. "Of course if they have negative feelings they may just riddle us with arrows. Why the duplicity?? Find a priest in town ask him straight forward what the town's ties to the Katoliks are. The boatman said they pay taxes to the bishop after all."

Forte seems surprised to see the winged elf laugh. "Perhaps in a day or two, at dinner, we should have our little discussion," Forte says while looking around at the others. After a brief pause, he begins to look at the others with a serious face, saying, "I'm no master debater, but I think it shouldn't be too hard."

Meanwhile, at the market square, Stephen and Taras approach the empty area, with the moon only a quarter full in the sky. Reaching it, they wait a few moments.

Gradually, several elves approach, marveling at the beauty of the fine horses, running their hands along their backs reverently. They seem most impressed. Several approach each of you and cite their interest. Arkady seems to be taken as a bodyguard and he is not approached, but Rhune and Pietro both are. The villagers are quite friendly, and seem very pleased to see you, asking you dozens of questions about who you are and where you are from. They seem sincerely interested, and you guess that most of them have not left this village and the surrounding woods for all their hundreds of years.

Stephen and Taras let you both take it upon yourselves to sell the horses. Indeed, five interested villagers approach Pietro, while another three come to Rhune. Seems they like dealing with their own kind more. Stephen and Taras engage three more together, driving a hard bargain.

Each of those with Rhune and Pietro pick out the ones they seem to like, and sadly there is no bidding against each other. The elves seem very peaceful, and getting them to conflict with each other just somehow seems wrong. Rhune's customers offer 45, 60, and 75 for their interests, while Pietro's offer 75 apiece except for one older fellow, who offers only 45.

Taking the offer for 75, Rhune sells her white horse to the man. She smiles at him as she hands him the reigns to the magnificent animal.

The other two elves protest that she has not allowed them a chance to buy the horses they were interested in, and increase their offers to 60 and 75 gold pieces, respectively. They were not interested in Rhune's horse, but rather one each of the herd of 22, half of which the party is selling for their own profit.

Pietro talks to those interested in Rhune's horses, but his head for business is no better than hers. He sells seven horses for a grand total of 480 gold florens, which the elves pay in cash. That leaves three horses of the party's group to sell.

Once the dealing is done, the group all returns to the Silver Swan. Taras and Stephen sold their three, leaving them with eight. They tell you that they will be able to sell the remainder to Prestelle the Trader, and also buy whatever goods are still needed there. Prices are high for elven made goods, but quality is also high. Besides the eight that you attempted to sell in the square, there are three others left over from your party's share as well. Stephen asks one of you to accompany him to the Trader, as she also likes to deal with her own kind. He seems a bit bothered at the low offers he received, but he seems contented enough.

"I have already sold my horse, Ullar." Rhune volunteers to Ullar with a smile.

Arkady turns to Rhune with a smile. "Perhaps you could sell ours as well, since the elves appear to prefer dealing with other elves, rather than crazy old Slavs, Eh??"

Setting in at the Silver Swan, Rhune finds Asif has arranged for a bath for her as well as a room for them both, and the others may find equal accommodations. Stubbs Platteman (the innkeeper) tells Rhune that he can find a wonderful dressmaker for her, and it should only take a week or so to fashion such a dress as she has never seen before. He hears the talk of a wedding and is quite enthusiastic, promising to take care of all the details and allowing you to have it here, for a modest fee, of course.

She smiles at him and looks at the others, "A week? That is an awfully long time to wait. I am not sure. I will have to discuss it with my party members first." she says to him. She looks at Asif and the others. She would like to have the wedding take place now but is not sure it would be wise to stay a week. "First, however I would like to have that bath now." she says as she looks around at the others. "And maybe have these cloths cleaned. Asif, could I borrow a tunic to wear for a short while, please?"

Stubbs shakes his head, "Not necessary, madam. We have plenty of nice sleepwear in just your size. I shall have one brought to your bath, which I have already arranged." He points to a room alongside the kitchen, where a bit of steam can be seen coming from below the door. "Please make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you that is most kind of you." she says with a smile as she exits the room and goes to the bath.

As Rhune is bathing, a very young elven maid comes in, perhaps fifty or sixty, and gathers up her clothing, taking it away as she relaxes. The water is perfumed with oil, and the accommodations are quite luxurious for such a plain inn.

The first night in the Inn, Arkady steals up to Asif and Rhune's chambers. He taps lightly on the door and fingers the items he hold wrapped in cloth before him.

Hearing the tapping, Rhune slips from the bed and tosses on a tunic. Standing up quickly a wave of dizziness washes over her for just the briefest of moments. waiting for a moment longer walks over to the door as Asif meets her there. Opening the door, "Ah Arkady, hello. What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Good eve my friends. I have come to impart a gift from this sentimental old Slav." Arkady looks away from the lovers and blinks the tears away.

"Why thank you." she says to the young man.

"In my land it is the custom of the bride and groom to give a toast of their happiness in a goblet of great value. Thus I give you a goblet for such a toast." Reaching into his bundle he pulls forth the silver goblet he seized from the tower and hands it to Rhune.

"Oh it is lovely, Arkady." she exclaims as she takes the silver goblet, "I am honored my friend."

"As I fear the wedding may tax your funds I bring a Dowry of sorts for Rhune to buy her dress and Asif to have a feast prepared." Arkady hand Asif the hunting horn and 50 gold coins.

Watching Asif take the hunting horn and the money she smiles at him softly. "Be blessed and merry. Know that I have great warmth and affection for both of you in spite of our short knowledge of each other. I also have great wonder of your love and also some envy to be truthful. Perhaps one day I too will know such love."

Arkady kisses them both on their cheeks and turns to leave.

Rhune takes the kisses, "Thank you Arkady. This was very nice of you." she replies as he leaves. She returns to bed with Asif.

Upon the morning, Ratlin goes out searching for pearls. He is able to find a gem-merchant, but unfortunately all he has are very high quality pearls, as most of his lower value stones were purchased of late, and he hasn't gotten any new ones in stock. Seeing your plight, though, he will sell you the stones he has on site for only twelve hundred gold florens. He would prefer barter, and will give you a good offer on any stones the party now possesses.

Tolik, having been interested in the proceeding with the spell, accompanied Ratlin in search of pearls. Hearing the price offered, however, he casts a skeptical look at Ratlin, implying he is against the purchase but it's not his position to make the call.

Ratlin nods and says, "I will return later."

He leaves with Tolik and heads back to the Inn, "What about that strikes you odd Tolik? I may just be a little paranoid but his having sold all of his lower quality stones tell me that there was another mage here to purchase them. Of course it could just be my imagination. At any rate, I want to talk with the others about the price before buying any stones, since it is their items I am identifying and not my own."

Rhune is shown to the dressmaker in the morning as well, and finds an older elven woman, who is most pleased with the fabric. She promises a magnificent dress, and it will only cost Rhune 500 gold florens to produce it. It will take about a week, which is the same amount of time that Stubbs needs to prepare the ceremony.

Rhune stops at the dressmakers and looks around. The price is not all outrageous, and if the party agrees that they will stay for the week she will have it made, letting her take her measurements and everything for the dress. Her excitement at the impending wedding exudes every pore as she fairly skips around town getting things ready for it.

Rhune must get the money to pay for the dress from someone in the group, and Stubbs also requests an advance of one hundred gold pieces for the use of the Silver Swan for the ceremony. If you require food and drinks, another two hundred on top of that.

Rhune returns to the others and listens to Stubbs' prices and then takes out the aquamarine, star rose quartz and peridot and lays them on the table, adding all her gold and coin counts it out. Without knowing what the gems are worth she is unsure if she has enough money.

Looking at the others, "It would seem that the wedding is going to be expensive. The dressmaker wants 500 for making the dress. I will see if she will take gems instead." Tolik scowls at the display of wealth. "Umm, perhaps we should find someplace more private to discuss matters of finance? I mean, sure, everything seems friendly, but if that woman was truly what she seems, then seedy types could be lurking."

When they have adjourned (or not), Tolik says, "Of the groups, I have the gold ingots from the fountain, but I have no idea as to their worth. I think someone said around 150 gold, but I'm not for sure on that. They are in my room if we need them."

Rhune then departs for the dress makers. She takes it all and goes back to the dress makers to see if she will accept the gems instead of gold.

Approaching the dressmaker again, Rhune naively hands out all three of her gems. The older elven woman smiles at her graciously. "My dear, you should go and find out what these pretty stones are worth before offering them up. Were I a human, I would cheerfully take all three stones and provide you the dress in exchange. However, I am not. I shall take this." At that she holds up the most valuable of the three, the Smoky Rose Quartz. "And I shall begin today. You shall have your dress by the end of the week. I only need to have you in my shop for one hour each day for sizing and fitting." She bows to Rhune, pocketing the stone. "I shall see you upon the morrow."

Once she is done with her she goes back to the inn

Prestelle the Trader has the only other large building in the village, and it has a number of elven-made goods, high-quality, durable, and light, but expensive, of many different types. She takes offers on anything. She drives a very hard bargain on the remaining horses, offering only 30 gold apiece. After much negotiating, Stephen and Taras manage to get her to pay 75 apiece, which they do not seem particularly pleased with, but settle for. The trip was not as profitable as promised, not by a long shot.

As the group doesn't appear interested in selling their own horses, Pietro takes along the three remaining, selling them along with the villager's, for 75 apiece, totaling 225, which is added to the previous totals for 705 gold florens of party gold, not counting the 75 which Rhune kept for herself.

With this, the group pays in advance for rooms, which Stubbs gives you the quantity deal for 100 gold pieces. Figuring out the cost of boarding the horses, feeding them, and feeding yourselves, the total will be about another 300 approximately. The leftover 300 or so is taken out to Forte's warhorse. He now as the sum of a little less than 700 gold. If you wish to pay for the wedding arrangements for Rhune, that would cost three hundred of that. Alternately, Rhune could most likely trade her other two gems for the arrangements.

Taras departs the same day, on a riverboat heading south to Arezzo. He takes the money made from the Sukiskayners share of the horses, waving farewell to all of you.

Rhune bids farewell to the man and asks that he take care about things. She then gets with the others to discuss this other woman who was looking for them.

Ullar approaches Asif on a convenient moment. "Asif, how exactly do you imagine your wedding? Is there anything special we need to take notion of? You must be quite exited, marrying such a lovely lady! If there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask!"

Some time later, Ullar approaches Rhune: "Lovely one, you asked if I was willing to 'give' you away. Of course I am, however I'd like to know if there are any special customs I have to perform. Just tell my how you picture it and I'll do my best!" says Ullar, with a covered smile.

She smiles at the big man, "The only thing special Ullar is to say the following line when you give my hand to Asif; "I give you my daughter in surrogate, to love and hold now and forever." she places her hand on his shoulder in the process.

During the day, Ullar scours the village to find a weapon smith. The ex-gladiator is interested in getting all of his weapon sharpened and wants to purchase a two-handed sword, so that he can return Forte his own sword. Wandering around, he looks if he can find any clothing which he could wear at the wedding.

"Do you mind if I tag along, Ullar?" he asks the big guy. "I want to see the place, but I don't want to go alone..."

"No problem at all.." says Ullar

Forte, hoping to sharpen his battle axe as well, joins them to assist in carrying all the weapons.

While touring the village, Ami makes inquiries about whether there is a practitioner of magic around, who he can learn stronger spells from.

Ullar does not have much luck finding a weaponsmith, as this village seems very peaceful. He does manage to find a blacksmith that is willing to put an edge back on the group's battle-dulled blades, and he does so that very morning for a dozen gold coins. The fellow has never even seen a weapon of the size that Ullar is describing, and assures you that no such weapon exists in this village. He seems rather amused by the request.

Amibar is unable to find anyone practicing magic for a living, which the elves hereabouts find equally amusing to Ullar's request. Many have magical talents, but none teach them to others. Such powers are natural, after all, they jest with the gnome.

"Hrrmph. Natural to you, maybe," he mutters, a little miffed, "but after a lot of hard work for me..."

The elves he meets seem to sympathize, and finally one of them guides him to a scholar of sorts, who deals in strange magics. Amibar finds out that these "strange magics" are simply spells in other languages than elvish. However, the spells themselves are 'strange'. He only has a few of the power level that Amibar is interested in, and none are terribly enticing. One places a false magical trap on a treasure chest, while another alters existing fire to create sounds and sights of some magnitude. He also has a spell to detect magically hidden things or people. Lastly, he has a spell which creates an itch or rash on the target, making it difficult for them to concentrate on anything else. He is willing to sell you one of them for the chance to copy your two illusionary spells and four hundred gold coins.

Ami nearly staggers at the price. He doesn't mind letting the man copy his spells, but 400 gold coins. "I'm afraid I don't have so much money, sir, but I do have some friends with some other spells in their books. Perhaps we could lower the price in exchange for copying more spells?"

The man agrees, then Ami goes out and finds Tolik and Ratlin.

Returning to the inn, everyone reunites, having decided to rest here for the week in order to get ready for Rhune's wedding. It is indeed such a peaceful place that you deem it the perfect location for such a rest.

Tolik sighs contentedly, "Such a nice place. Quite quiet and peaceful, though perhaps a little dull." He sticks around for a little longer to listen to conversation, then wanders outside to the riverbank to scoop a handful of sand, then into the forest to see if he can find any recognizable herbs to keep his supplies fresh.

Resting peacefully in his tree, Tolik settles down for sleep, calmed and cheered by the elven community and the peace in the area. He has just managed to shut his eye when he hears someone tromping about not far away. Surely not an elf, with that resounding thump of a footstep!

Looking down, he sees a tall and beautiful human woman, naked as a jaybird, walking toward his tree, making quite a lot of noise. Looking closely, it's Antonia, the wolf-woman from the original group! She has seen him and begins approaching his tree.

She smiles as he jumps down to greet her.

Tolik smiles broadly as Antonia step into the clearing. But his happiness to see her dims somewhat when he sees her lack of proper attire. He turns his head to the side to avoid looking on her any more than necessary. He holds out his cloak to her with one hand while covering his eyes with his other hand, and says, "Uhh, hi... What are you doing here?" A slight blush colors his cheeks, even though he isn't the one standing naked.

Antonia smiles as his discomfort shows, "Sometimes I forget that most people consider this taboo" she giggles as she looks at herself and reaches up to take the proffered cloak, though all she does is hold it in front of her to cover those places that make him most uncomfortable.

Carefully avoiding the area directly around where she is standing, he scans the surrounding forest for the others in her group. "Hey, were you here a few days ago? We heard about someone looking for us, I was hoping it was you rather than one of these peoples friends. And where is everyone else? Asleep I suppose. And where is the wolf, didn't you have a wolf with you? You didn't by any chance hear any news of Celest and the large human from the elves by the lake did you? And..." He realizes he just mumbling because of nervousness and shuts his mouth. Then, at a more controlled rate of speech, he adds, "Lord Ullar, and the rest of his band, along with Ratlin and Pietro, are inside the inn, I believe in their rooms."

She smiles at him, giving no thought at all to the fact that she wears nothing. "Hello Tolik. It is good to see you well. I come because we all follow you and we have not been able to catch you for days, though we have tried. I come to ask that you delay moving on again for one day so that the rest of the group can catch up. I cannot stay for too long, as I expect to get no sleep this evening and I still have to return to gather Shadow and Grey. If I do not they will remain exactly where they are indefinitely and I cannot ask any packmate to do that." She gives him a heartwarming smile of complete trust though as usual, she shows no teeth in her smile.

Still not looking at her, he replies, "Okay, we have a wedding this week anyway that we are waiting for, so we surely will be here tomorrow. Everyone is staying at the inn, you find them there." He shrugs, "I'll tell them, though I think I'll wait till the morning. Yes, you made it just in time for Rhune and Asif's wedding. I'm sure they will be glad to have more people in attendance. I had best let you go, I'm sure you have other things to do tonight."

She smiles again, "I am glad for Asif and Rune. It is good. Please tell them that I look forward to seeing them wrapped in their happiness. As for Celest and the other, we have not returned there to know how they fare. Maybe it was those two who were looking for you as the pack has not been through here as of yet. I came alone to find you all as I know I could faster than the others and I knew that we were less than a full day behind you. When I left the pack they were at a gnomish ferry that you had gone through earlier. Shadow, my packmate, is doing fine. He could not keep up with me so he keeps Grey company." she smiles again. and looks to the sky.

"It is time for me to go. I look forward to seeing you again on the morrow." then she gets serious, "I hate to see those I know hurt. I worried when we saw one of your packs blood on the rocks after your large fight where you freed your friend."

"Hmm, it wasn't you? Darn. Well, I'll relay your message to everyone. We are all fine now, don't worry about us. Be careful getting back, there is all sorts of less than welcoming stuff out there." He seems to be more at ease now that she is covered, and even makes eye contact during his reply.

With all that said she becomes chipper again. She drops the cloak to the ground, hoping to fluster Tolik and giggles. Then in a leap she turns and begins running off into the dark, waiting till she is far enough to not be seen before she returns to the pack in exactly the way she came.

Sure enough, she get her wish as Tolik turns a nice shade of crimson at her openness. He is left in a rather dazed and confused state for several minutes after she leaves, until the sound of a bird rustling in the trees reminds him it is time for bed. Scooping his cloak up in his arms, he heads back up onto his branch and tries, with limited success, to go to sleep.

Once she gets back to her clothes she puts them all back on as she smiles to herself at the freedom of an evening spent away and free as a bird. She howls for shadow and whistles for Grey as she approaches the ferry.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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