Plans? Bah!

Tolik bite his lip, scowling. "I'm sorry to hear it. Two companions down..." He shakes his head sadly. "Let me gather my thoughts for a bit, then I'll tell you our story."

Tolik leans back, pressing against his hurt wing. He jerks up sharply and takes in a short breath. He blinks several times, takes a deep breath, and begins the to retell the events.

"I suppose I'll start when we first left you all, though Forte likely told you part of the story. Forte came back to us, bearing all the weapons which you were not allowed to take into the city. We settled in, with Daegwyn watching the gates and the rest of us farther away. And the first night passed uneventfully, with the exception of a group of what appeared to be lumberjacks..." He raises an eyebrow, to see if you have any idea of what he might be talking about. "They stealthily headed to the river, and rather than taking the bridge, took a rowboat to the small eastern island. We didn't follow or see them again."

"Anyway, next morning, there was a terrible cacophony coming from the north side of town. The guards were wearing ceremonial uniforms, and Forte left us to investigate."

"Now just the three of us sat, making small talk. The conversation, much like it did the first night we all met, turned to talks of good and evil, balance and neutrality, and all that. And I said some things, and Antonia said some other things, and soon enough the bored chitchat had turned into something that was not quite an argument."

"Well, Antonia decided to draw it to a conclusion, before feelings really got hurt. And I left, going to study, leaving her and Daegwyn alone. Eventually, she came and found me, but the conversation had died, and I was engrossed in my studies. She had not been gone long when I heard hoof beats below. I didn't see any reason why it would be Antonia or Daegwyn, so I sat still on branch. And I would have been fine but for that gust of wind."

"He looked up, saw me, and then rode on, trying to pretend he had not. Poor job of it too. I skirted over to where our camp was, and after a moments discussion, it was decided the best option would be for me to try to stop him with a sleep spell. I took off after him, and had just gotten in sight, when, to my horror, he pulled out a bow."

"I zigged and zagged, but he got a lucky shot through my wing. I went plummeting to the ground, and the last thing I remember is how bad the dirt tasted."

"Next thing I know, there's this horrible pain. I can hear ripping, and I could hear screaming, and it took me a moment to realize it was my wing ripping, and my voice screaming. I open my eyes to see the bastard, blood on his hands, climbing back on his horse and riding off. Daegwyn is in the bushes with an arrow sticking out of him, and Antonia comes out of the bushes toward me."

"So Antonia does the priestly thing, with the blue light and the tingling, and suddenly the pain is bearable. I manage to get onto a horse, and we head back to camp to pack up. Antonia heads off really quick to check see if the guy kept his word and left. Nope. He comes out with a small army, I suppose to get me and his revenge, cuz Daegwyn got him with an arrow."

"We got away, they didn't have horses, and soon enough we were here. I spent most of the trip half-asleep, so maybe it wasn't a short trip." He shrugs. "Well, I've rambled long enough. Daegwyn, Antonia? Anything to add?"

He slumps back, forgetting about his wing again. As he snaps forward again, he mutters a string of curses under his breath, most involving what he'd like to do to the coward that shot him.

Once everyone has settled down for a bit and caught up on the news of both groups, Rhune looks up. "It would seem that we are all in need of some rest and healing. However, I don't know how much time we have before Golthar comes after us. it might be prudent that we at least travel a little further ways from this spot to rest till dawn. After that we can see what we need to do and how best to do it."

"Anyway, we have several things to discuss." says Ullar, while trying to find a comfortable place to sit.

"When the original party, where Rhune and I are the only ones remaining, found the blue tube in Florence, we were all anxious to find out what's in it. We puzzled and puzzled but finally resigned. After all this time, we know have a very good idea where we can find someone who might explain this tube to us; one of the Gnolls in Death's Head Country. If we present that tube at the first sight of danger, it could keep us from getting instantly killed, so please all, remember that."

Tolik interjects. "I could see it getting us killed too, if the gnolls see it the wrong way. I mean, the gnoll left with it, died, and then we turn up with it? Doesn't do much to promote our innocence."

"Tolik's right. We never thought of that," agrees Forte.

"Perhaps. But we could say that we are returning it, as a Gnoll, who was betrayed by the Jerbohans, carried it. Just make sure that nobody wears any signs of Jerboha. I'd hate to see that we're ambushed and that somebody wears a cross of Jerboha." replies Ullar.

"I can't speak to a gnoll. Can you? I just want to avoid getting into that situation, where we do nothing wrong, but get fried anyway." Tolik says with a shrug.

"Well.. we're going to get friend anyhow, that's the sad part of this whole adventure." says Ullar, on a rather ironic tone. "The Gnoll in Florence was able to speak common just a tiny bit and I certainly hope we encounter another of his sort.."

"However, now we have to pass Death's Head Country for the area which is laying behind it; the so called Golden Valley, which Stephen got a map of. But Golthar added a whole new chapter to this story. Before we start discussing what to do, I'd like to hear Stephan's story of what has happened. As far as I know, we were sent out by Petr to rescue his brother; which was captured by an evil mage. Golthar just told us something completely different. So please Stephen, enlighten us with your story!" says Ullar, while looking at the red-haired man.

Forte, who had remained silent after Golthar's accusation, seems very interested in Stephen's side of the story. He stares intensely into the red-haired man's eyes, waiting impatiently to hear his tale.

Stephen looks at the man quizzically, "What story is that? The story of my capture by Golthar? We were attacked by the goblins at Illyakana. Gregor and his men can testify to that. My brother asked you to rescue me, and you did. What is to be told? Others were captured in the raids as well. I was not alone!" He seems rather defensive.

"Well, what to do now? Are we all willing to risk our lives in an adventure to get more wealth and accompany Stephen to the Golden Valley, or is our first objective to finally, ..." and a big sigh escapes the ex-gladiator, ".. find out what is in this blue tube what could be an answer to the Jerbohan oppression?"

"Ullar, I have a feeling that the Golden valley is where we need to go anyway. But I do agree that we need to first see if the gnolls of Death's Head are the ones that can help us. I can put the tube where we can get to it easily and present it as soon as we can. Now as for healing we need to do that as soon as possible but as I understand it the priests now need to rest and pray. So let's set up watch and camp. Also Pietro said he might be able to tell me if the baby is alright. I would like to know about that." she's cradling her arm.

"That woman in Threshold and Golthar were after the map to the Golden Valley. Was Hrothgar after this as well? Or did he want the blue tube? I don't remember. What I do remember is that I foolishly trusted that mercenary and told him about Sukiskayn. I fear for their lives and I rather return to Sukiskayn to make sure that they are not raided by the Bishop's soldiers."

"Yes so do I, but there is nothing we can do about that now. As much as I would like to return to the village to see if they are alright we can't really do that. We would have to return through Threshold both ways and I am almost certain that it would be disastrous to delay any longer in finding out about the tube. I know, Ullar, it is a difficult decision but we must go on from here I think." she says to her friend as she reaches out to him obviously at odds with what she just said in her mind and heart.

"Well, if Golthar's accusation is true, it's not Sukiskayn we should be worried about," says Forte. "Hrothgar was supposed to deliver us to the lady. I think she wanted both, the tube and the map. I think they're connected. No matter what she claimed," Forte pauses a second to let a shudder work its way through his body. "It doesn't really matter what we do. Both items require us to venture into Death's Head country. To return to Suskiskayn would be a foolish waste of time."

"We're in no condition to enter Death's Head Country, and unless someone can heal our wounds I strongly advise against entering. On the other hand, it seems to be the wisest thing to stay together and not to split up. I'm unsure what will happen to Plebius; if he gets caught I'm sure the Bishop and his men can force him to confess something which not only will lead to his own downfall, but which can probably be used against us as well." Ullar continues.

"We need to rest a bit and get healed. Then we need to go to Death's Head country. We do not have time to return to Sukiskayn." Forte crosses his arms, as if he has made a decision that can not be reversed.

"A bit of rest? I can't remember the last night I slept in a decent bed...Well.. actually, I can, it was the night before, but that cost us about, ehm, well a lot of gold... Did I already tell anyone that this part of the land stinks! I hope it's not going to start to rain soon, for that will influence my mood even more.." says Ullar, while kicking away some pebbles in frustration.

"My friends, we're in a big mess. Perhaps now is the time to re-evaluate all the information we have in our heads and on the maps we're carrying. At least, that is what I'd like to do!" Ullar concludes.

Unfolding his arms, Forte laughs when Ullar says they're in a big mess. "You've heard my thoughts. Rest and travel on."

Rhees nods at Ullar's assessment, "Someone mentioned that the blue tube might contain a way to undo the Bishop's charm. Given what you, Rhune and Ullar, described about the time you met this make sense. Didn't the animal headed humanoid - a gnoll someone called it - say that the blue tube held the secret to undoing the Bishop's power. If this is the case, it would be a powerful tool indeed. Before we face the Bishop and his minions again, whether it be in Sukiskayn or the Golden Valley, I think we should make sure we can use this tool. My vote would be to find a good hideaway so we can all rest and recover fully and maybe even learn a little about the magic we've acquired, especially the scroll and those rings. The Death's Head will be a dangerous place and we should be as ready as possible. And then we head to Death's Head, tread cautiously and carefully, and hope the blue tube buys us a measure of welcome. If Pietro, Antonia and I are to be of help in everyone's physical recovery we need to sleep soon."

"Exactly what I'm aiming at. Perhaps I'm too worried about Sukiskayn, but Petr and his clan might be in danger.." says Ullar, pausing a moment for the dramatic effect, ".. as well as our investment" he adds, quasi-cynical.

"Or, they might BE the danger," Forte says, referring once again to Golthar's accusation.

"Huh? What do you mean?" inquires Ullar, who seems to be very tired from the fighting, the traveling and the continuous fleeing from pursuers.

"I don't know that we have the materials to examine fully all of the stuff. I can cast the spell Ratlin was going to do, but I would still have to have the materials. And I don't see much chance of finding a pearl in the middle of a forest. And speaking of Ratlin, did we ever figure out what happened to him?"

Ullar shakes his head. "He just departed. I think he's still in Threshold somewhere, but I'm not going back to search for him, at least, not now."

"Does anyone have a way or have a suggestion how we can inform them? I agree with Forte that riding back would be a loss of time, but at least I have to warn them."

"How about carrier pigeon?" Forte suggests, looking at Tolik.

"Or perhaps a charmed small bird?" Caboto interjects with a weary grin, "to take your suggesting seriously. I have heard that there are spells that could allow this. Perhaps Rhees or Pietro could send a message that way."

"That would be neat," says Forte. "Do you have to speak 'bird' for it to work?"

"Yes" says Caboto.

"And you can speak 'bird'?" Forte asks in wonder. "Where did you learn that?"

"Ahhh, Forte. Were sarcasm a lucrative art form you would be rich. It is late, forgive me if I do wish to encourage you further. Rhees can better explain the magic to you than I."

"Speak Bird? Don't you mean you have to be able to speak Raven? Or Crow? Or Pigeon?" Ullar asks, clearly interested.

Forte turns to Ullar. "You mean there are different bird languages?" he asks, incredulously.

"Well.. I don't know, but I always assumed so. There is also not one two-leg language, so I expected that there is a difference between those species as well. Perhaps I'm wrong, please enlighten me!" replies Ullar, glad to be able to speak about something else than the mess they are in.

Tolik shrugs. "A lot of that was lost to my people, but as I understand, they are more like dialects of the same language, none of which are overly complicated. But the different species accent them so much that they are for all intents and purposes different. So a crow and a canary would be unable to communicate, but an African swallow could understand a European swallow."

"Not that they could really converse much, with brains the size of peas. Their language would consist of only a few phrases, so even speaking the language might make it tough to get the creature to do what you want."

Rhees appears happy to join in to a conversation so removed from the more recent worries, "Yes, I'd been taught something similar, Tolik. I suspect individuals more . . .sympathetic . . .to the animal kingdom might take offense at your 'brain the size of a pea characterization'. But you are right, in communicating with animals, language in the human sense isn't really the appropriate concept. It's a far more primal communication. Although there are means to align your being with an animal's essence so it will perform tasks for you - though I doubt it will understand what it is doing. As I mentioned earlier, though, I am not yet skilled enough to accomplish this. Antonia, though, is more attuned to the animal world than I - avians especially, I gather. Perhaps she can tap into powers I cannot."

Tolik watches, somewhat amused. "Bird... hehe. But really, if it was an eagle, I might be able to convey enough, though that's questionable. A pigeon however, is horrid, sounds much like crow. And I can't say I know anyone who can non-magically speak to a pigeon."

Ullar looks at the priests and spell casters in the group: "Anyone able to pull this off?" and then, on a more quiet tone...".. and is anyone willing to write them a message? I, eh.. , I have a cramp in my hand.."

"If we can send it then I can write it." Rhune replies looking up ready to do so should they proceed.

"This talking about birds and their language gave me an idea. Can everybody tell what languages they speak? That way we know what we can expect if we meet a certain race, might be really handy information. Personally I can speak the human languages of Greek and Italian, and naturally I speak the Elven language." Pietro looks around, waiting for a reaction.

"Italian, obviously" says Caboto, "and smatterings of Greek and Latin. I am also fluent in gnomish."

"I speak elvish and common that is all." Rhune replies.

"Just the common tongue we all speak," says Forte a little glumly.

"I second that, although it's the regional dialect of Florence..." says Ullar.

"Your talents lie in other directions Forte." Says Rhees with a supportive

smile to the warrior. Turning to Pietro who originated the question he adds, "I speak Italian, French, Gaelic and Elven - I can write in all but French."

With a tone matching Caboto's weariness, Rhees agrees, "There is truth in your unspoken wisdom, Giovani. Tolik has been sorely tried for over a week now - he needs to rest as much as we do, and his talents will be needed with us. I cannot speak for Pietro or Antonia, but I have heard of magics similar to what you suggest. I have been meditating on such interventions of a higher order. I have made some observations lately that give me reason to hope I may have a breakthrough soon, but at this point I cannot perform such a feat - I am sorry."

Tolik gives Rhees a grateful look, but not interrupting the man.

Pietro ponders for a moment. "It may sound strange, that a priest of Hermes. who is the Messenger God, knows of no prayer that can transport messages over big distances, I will look into it as well. There may be a way to use a prayer that can do such a thing." He looks intrigued, almost like giving a candy to a child.

"Indeed" agrees Caboto. "Had I the time, and access to my studio and workshop overlooking the harbor I would design such a spell myself, and ones to detect and dispel the Bishop's magical enslavement. That, or a least sought to find treaties or lore that would tell me of past men of learning who had crafted such spells. It would not be easy research. Had the Bishop or his predecessors learned of these works, I fear they would have been burned, and their makers killed or in hiding."

Caboto looks worried. "Could it be that some 'heretical' or unorthodox magic researchers in the recent past in Italy may have discovered magics dangerous to the Bishop and their Jerbohan machinations? Yee gods! I fear for some of my tutors."

Troubled, Caboto will be wracking his brain overnight trying to recall any stories or accounts of deaths or disaster befalling such men, particularly those who were, by style or reputation, anarchistic or novel in their thinking.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 May 2001

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