"The problem of how to deal with the Bishop has been troubling me too. We followed you all you know. To the tower. Plebius had that prisoner who we captured at the attack where we all met. He charmed him with some mysterious magic and he gave us much information about Golthar and his minions. After we helped the Gnomes defeat the spider threat and a few Black Orcs we planned to come to you to help. We hoped to catch you and give you the tactical information, before you made your assault. Unfortunately, we were not quick enough, but I see you had no need, since you are all here safe and sound. Svobodnie Compangie di Itali, it has a good ring, and you think the key to the blue tube lies in Death's Head? Nasty place I hear. Still I have discovered that Plebius, Rhees, Caboto, Antonia, Manus and Daegwyn also are committed to defeating the Bishop. Since we have no clues, except the blue tube, I thought we should find you and learn if you had discovered anymore" Tag laughs. "I guess we are Svobodnie Compangie di Itali B company, si."
"It's too bad you missed us with a couple of days. We had a nice encounter with an Arab trader, called Akhitos, who provided us with valuable information about our group and about each person. The information was not cheap but I think it's worth it. Do you remember coming up with 'Lord Ullar's Resistance Army?" Well, it seems that in Florence this news is spreading as well...." says Ullar, laughing at Taglio.
"I will indeed come up with a suitable rhyme, mio amico. I thought it was Dakath who was the most talented at spreading rumors, not myself. I must tease him about that when I see him. Well I suppose your heroic deeds are taking on a life of their own, si." Tag replies.
"As long as it's a good life, I don't mind..." replies Ullar with a smile!
Lost in thought as he speaks Rhune suddenly looks up and utters an elvish curse, "Aaaghhhh....how could I be so forgetful? It must have been all the preparations for the wedding. I remember something that Mother Kuzma said about the blue tube. One of the runes on the tube was the same script that the Death's Head creatures use. Maybe they are the key to the tube." she nearly shouts.
"Maybe? Maybe? Of course not! That is it. I remember now as well. It was several weeks ago, when we were in Sukiskayn for the first time. You asked me if we should travel to Death's Head country to find out if this was true, but I don't recall if I answered that question." replies Ullar, slapping his forehead, again.
"Well, this pretty much covers it all. Now we are certain that if we are to find out what kind of map is in this tube, we have to travel to Death's Head country." The warrior smiles. "Again we have managed to put ourselves on a quest. We should pray that the Gods are with us..."
With a good natured grin, Rhees follows up on the warrior's thoughts, "If you are actually thinking through your problems now, Ullar, the god's will have no choice but to favor our quest." Rhees pauses for a moment, "I do hope I can call it, our quest. Does this mean you are putting off the recruitment of a militia in Threshhold?"
"Huh? I thought that was already covered. Tolik clearly pointed out that passing through Threshold was NOT the wisest thing to do. Recruiting can be done another time..." Ullar eyes Rhees with some suspicion, not particularly fond of the 'actually thinking through' part, but says nothing.
Tolik sits quietly for the next several minutes, hardly even moving, seemingly in a daze at the all too ordinary events that proceeded before. Even after he seems to recover, he is much less outspoken than before.
When a convenient moment arises, Ullar approaches Tolik to speak to him in private. "Tolik, perhaps I have to offer my excuses to you in person. It seems we kinda started off at the wrong foot, at least I felt some tension between the two of us. However, I've come to realize that my suspicion towards you was, and is, unfounded! I've come to see you as a very valuable party-member, not only for your ability to fly, but for your approach regarding delicate issues as well."
Ullar pauses for a moment, trying to find the right words: "Well, let's just say that I tend to run into battle a bit to fast. Perhaps the mirror Akhitos offered us by telling us what is known about us in Florence made me realize that, I don't know; it could well be that it was you who made me realize that confrontation is not the best solution. Threshold is just another example of this. Now I have the feeling that if we would traveled through Threshold, our group would end up in major problems."
"I offer you my friendship, for what it is worth. You already have my trust. Just like the other companions, I will do everything within my possibilities to get you out of trouble, if necessary of course. I don't assume you'll do the same for me, but I hope I have your trust as well." says Ullar, while offering Tolik his right-hand.
Tolik takes Ullar's large hand with both of his own. He looks down, and can't help but notice how small and child-like his hands look compared to Ullar's. He gives it a quick squeeze, then lets go of it, leaving his eyes focused on the ground.
When Tolik looks up, his eyes are slightly teary but the elf is otherwise doing a good job of controlling his emotions. "I seem to have a talent for rubbing people the wrong way. At home, I was always the youngest son of the Speaker, someone to be babied. I hated that. But here, I see how easy I had it."
"I, of course, knew the histories, but somehow the reality of how the world was outside our isolated homeland didn't really sink in. Now I am here, everything moves so fast and is so confusing, yet the vitality and aliveness of it, it is so..." He shrugs for lack of words.
"So now I am in a strange land, and my troubles are merely a shade of what some of the others face. And yet sooo many of my actions have been immature and out of line. Lately, I'm trying to behave myself, but its so hard to change."
He sighs deeply, then continues, "I'm working on it, but don't look for an overnight change. On a more successful note, I at first found it hard to learn to... let my wings down, so to speak, around humans, but thankfully that has been an easier change. Not that I would just wander around among everyone, mind you. If I didn't trust you, you wouldn't know my secret, and I wouldn't be here."
Tolik looks around, and for moment looks about ready to lose his tenuous grip on his emotions. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going down to the river." He doesn't move for the door for several seconds, but then slips out the door taking a chance to consider the conversation.
"When is the wedding? Ah! there are so many questions. I must compose a song for the feast, or maybe the ceremony, si."
Tag enthusiastically talks with the others, particularly listening to the story of the Gnoll and the Bishop, at the meeting, which he has not heard before. Tag spends the day catching up with the others and exploring the shops of the town. He goes along with Rhees asking for a good price for the necklace and belt if he can find a jeweler who can afford them. He then goes around looking for bookshops, libraries or places of learning, where he might find spell books and the works of Dante to purchase. He spends the evening by the fire composing music and talking with Caboto about spellcraft.
The village only has one jeweler, who has already tried to make a couple of deals with Ratlin, but failed. His eyes look hungry upon seeing the jeweled necklace. He immediately offers up 600 gold florens for it. He also says that if the rumors are true and you are part of the group with the mage who came in the day before, he is willing to trade straight across for the pearl that he was interested in earlier, a good deal as the pearl cost 1200 gold florens. Looking at the pearl, Taglio estimates it's worth at about 500 gold coins. The silver and gold belt he likes as well, and offers up 180 gold pieces for it.
Taglio laughs, "Ah, I can see why you can afford such a magnificent shop, mio amico, and why there are no other jewelers in town. You would surely have them all out of business in a trifle. My friend I am Taglio di Gondola and you cannot play me for a fool. The necklace I must put safely away for another time I see, for it is worth five times what you offer and I know a pretty neck I would see it grace, before I sell it I think. The belt too is far more valuable than you estimate. Make me a decent offer or I must depart empty handed!"
Although initially taken aback by Tag's bold approach with the elf, Rhees nods agreement, "Yes you are right Taglio, we can always sell the necklace farther down the road - we should be traveling through a couple of cities in the coming weeks. It is a shame we cannot get a fair price here though - I know a few of our companions were looking to make there own purchases here with their share."
The merchant grins at Taglio's negotiations, "Ah, my friend, would I be a wise businessman if I did not attempt to obtain something for less than it's value?" After strenuous haggling from both parties, the merchant comes to his final price, "Though it will beggar my wife and make it impossible for me to maintain my poor lifestyle, I will agree to pay you 1800 gold florens for the necklace and 500 for the belt. No more, as even now it will be impossible for me to recoup my losses!"
"You drive a hard bargain, mio amico, and I expect you to remember my generosity when I next return here." Tag replies.
The merchant smiles, obviously pleased with the final deal, and nods his head.
During the rest of the day, Taglio spends a fruitless search for Dante's works. No elf that he talks to has ever even heard of the fellow, except as a name in passing, and none have ever read his works. After quite a bit of searching, he finds a mage who is willing to trade or sell spells. He mentions that he has already dealt fairly with your gnomish friend. He will offer Taglio the same deal. 600 gold florens, or he will take one of your spells as 100 of that.
He has only a few spells in the power level you desire. One places a false magical trap on a treasure chest, while another alters existing fire to create sounds and sights of some magnitude. He also has a spell to detect magically hidden things or people. Lastly, he has a spell which creates an itch or rash on the target, making it difficult for them to concentrate on anything else. He mentions that he sold the detection spell to the little fellow after he seemed unable to comprehend the itching spell.
"You are a useful fellow indeed. Such a wonderful store of magical treasures. I am indeed privileged to have found you. I will gladly show you my own store of magical tidbits, though I fear they pale in comparison to your magnificent library. You may transcribe them if you wish, but I cannot part with the originals for I have no copies. I would purchase the wonderful fiery display spell, what use I can make of it for entertainment. The itching spell as well if I have enough gold for you. Here let me see what I can find."
The magician examines your works, sighs, "Ah, my friend, I fear I have no need of any of the works in this volume. In fact, from the variations herein, my guess is that you got this book from a fellow that has dealt with me in the past. This sound illusion spell is an exact duplicate of mine, as is the spell to reflect harmful visual attacks back on their wielder." He looks grim for a moment. "In fact, I am worried from this that you might have stolen it from one of my customers, or in fact done worse to obtain it. No, I will have no dealings with one of such dubious nature." He seems quite disturbed.
Tag looks at the wizard genuinely hurt. "Mio amico, if you knew me and knew the man who gave this to me, you would not say such a thing. He was very dear to me and I to him. He was a very lonely man and I suspect I his only friend. But, never mind. If you will not deal with me then that is it. I will not deal either with someone who holds me in such suspicion." With this Tag leaves, obviously offended.
The man mutters, "I think I did know him, and that is what worries me." but Taglio does not hear as he departs.
As the spelldealer is an elf, Rhees turns to him in his courtly elven, "Your intentions may have been true, but you have given insult to a preciously good man - I have seen him risk his blood for the well-being of strangers and his quest is not for riches or personal power, but for his art. It saddens me to see him treated thus." He turns and follows Taglio out, not waiting for a reply. "I am sorry you were ill-used my friend and sorrier still that the memory of one who was dear to you was used in the process."
Tag talks to Rhees out of earshot of the wizard. "Thank you mio amico. The man I got this from was a poor hermit I traveled with called Barley Nimblehands. He bequeathed it to me with his dying breath, after I had tried to save his life during a goblin ambush. He was a kindly old man and I was quite fond of him. There could be other misunderstandings of that sort I suppose, if there are others who knew him and do not know me." Tag shrugs.
When he has a chance, Rhees will pull Taglio aside, "My friend, I know you will be that much more effective with these extra spells. And I would be happy to turn over my share of the spoils - beyond my own modest needs. But I think the others should be given a say in how they spend their share. In your enthusiasm to become a better opponent of the Bishop, please do not spend others' share."
"Don't worry my friend, I would not dream of keeping a cent for myself, I am not entitled to. The price of the belt is about one seventh of the total value of the necklace and belt, si. Perhaps, a fair share, if you agree. If you object, I will leave the wizard to his spells and we can get on with other purchases and deals, si. I have some gold of my own and I will exhaust this first.
We need several other things, mio amico. I will list them as I remember them.
Rations! I suggest bread, dried fruit, oats, potatoes, dried meats, salt, flour, nuts and honey if we have the cash. Some wine and beer would be welcome also, si. I need a sturdy dueling dagger (from my 'share' of course) and we are in desperate need of torches and lantern oil. I would suggest a dozen torches and six vials of oil if we can afford it.
If we are not going to sell the necklace, we will need to guard it closely. There are some unsavory characters about. Do you think a small lockable chest, with a sturdy pad lock would be a wise investment? What was it Daegwyn wanted, that should go on the list too. Anything else you can think of mio amico."
Rhees brings his hands together and taps his fingers to his lips, quietly chastising himself, "I do you a disservice Don Di Gondola. Already you are thinking of your companions with a sure knowledge of the true items you deal in and I distracted you with unfounded concerns. I'm sorry Taglio, how about I let you do your work and worry more about what the scoundrels on the other side of the counter are up to. As for the supplies, some cheese would be welcome as well, and I think more than 6 vials of oil would be good. I imagine some extra rope would be wise also. Instead of a chest, what would you think of a fine pouch and belt which could be worn under your clothes - the chest may be hard to open, but one small enough for us to carry would also be small enough for a thief to take off with."
Taglio laughs at the druid's jest. "Done, mio amico. The cheese and rope are a good idea. Our friend seems more amenable to paying what we wish, si. Perhaps the pouch will not be necessary. It seems we have made him an offer he cannot refuse!" Tag chuckles again.
Locating Prestelle the Trader at some point during the stay in Rifflian, Taglio takes his considerable negotiating skills toward resupplying the entire second group.
A weeks worth of dry rations for each of the seven members of the second group cost 12 gold each. A tun of wine is 28 gold, and a barrel of beer costs only a few silver, as the elves find it distasteful. Finding torches and lamp oil proves troublesome. The elves do not use such things typically, and Prestelle has none of either in stock. She could get some from Threshold or Arezzo, but it would take about a week to get them.
The supplies are put onto the horses, and Taglio purchases a dagger with some of the change, holding onto the rest for the moment.
When Ratlin hears of Tag's interest in spells, he offers a trade with him for the simple price of spell for spell.
"Bonjourno signore, I believe we have not been properly introduced. I am Taglio di Gondola, Troubadore, Gondolier and bane of the Bishop of Firenze. Si, in the past few weeks I have learned much about the art of the sorcerer and would gladly discuss it with you." Tag says to Ratlin by the fire in the Swan Inn. "This old tome was left to me by an old friend. I have been able to decipher a spell to throw my voice and one to created illusory sounds of whatever I wish. Truly, a great gift for one of my talents. But I would learn more of these things. There are some other spells in the volume you may be interested in, but I cannot make head or tail of them. Any spells I can share with you I will gladly. Let us talk over a glass of chianti, si."
Ratlin smiles, truly happy to be trading spells and learning more of the art, "Well hopefully we can be of use to each other then. I am Ratlin Moroccu from Florence." He joins Tag for the drink and proceeds to get down to business.
Working together for some time, Taglio is able to master the usage of Ratlin's spells to create a fan of fire from his hands, the ability to detect magical emanations, and the spell to identify the magical properties of an item. He is unable to comprehend Ratlin's spell to create sleep. Ratlin gets three spells in exchange from Taglio, the audible illusion, magical casting of his voice, and the magic to reflect visual attacks. The only other spell Taglio has Ratlin already possesses.
"That first spell is really handy for creating forest fires," Ratlin chuckles a bit at an inside joke, "It would be best not to use it around trees and the like."
Taglio's eyes go wide at the effect of the fire spell. "Grazie Ratlin, a useful effect, though I am sure until I get the hang of it I will be more likely to singe myself than an enemy."
"Well just make sure your fingers are spread, your thumbs touching and the tips of your fingers are not pointed anywhere near yourself." Ratlin replies with a grin.
Tolik also takes the opportunity to mention to Tag that Ami picked up the spell of invisibility detection earlier that week.
"Thank you, my fine feathered friend. Where is the little rogue? We should offer him a glass of Rifflian's finest too and include him in all this spell swapping, si?" Tag replies.
"I don't plan on staying to ruin your fun, but thanks anyway. If I see Amibar, I'll send him over." Tolik tells Tag.
Ami veritably shines when Taglio offers he join the study session. He scrambles up the stairs to get his traveling spell book, and hurries back to join the other mages. "Here Tag, I just got this spell from a scholar here in town a couple of days ago. It's supposed to make you see hidden things and people!" he tells the bard excitedly.
Ami pores over the spells in Tag's book, checking to see if he can learn any new ones.
Plebius picks up on the conversation," I too would like to participate in the pooling of our resources."
"Grazie, of course you are welcome, mio amico, please join us." Tag replies.
Plebius joins the group in discussing spells. He presents his repertoire to the group, naming each one and asking for a repeat of those that the others are willing to trade," I have the same sleep incantation and magic detection spells that some of you already have. I also have an enchantment that will charm the mind of its subject, and a spell that creates a semi-permanent mystical armor."
"Can you cast your own spells while protected by this mystical armor, mio amico? If you can I would love to learn that spell, it would save me taking on and off my chain mail, when I wish to use my new skills." Tag asks. "I have the spells to cast my voice and create the enchanted sounds and one to reflect the attack of a gorgon. Like Perseus did for Medusa in your own myths Plebius. My other spells I got from the others, so perhaps they can tell you of them."
Plebius replies," I am familiar with the tale of the Gorgon. Thank you for your willingness to share your spells. Yes, your actions are unhindered by the armor spell, though it will not protect you as well as your chainmail, and it only lasts for a few blows."
Ami is very interested in Plebius's spells, especially the one allowing the caster to charm another, and he sets to studying the new ones immediately.
During his stay, Taglio is able to master the other two spells within his spell book, a spell to reflect baleful visual attacks (Gaze Reflection), and one of many minor magicks (Cantrip).