Where's the Groom?

The night before the wedding, Arkady gathers all his drawings from the week and comes to sit beside the hearth in the taproom of the inn. Taking the first from the pile and speaking to it softly in Russian, Arkady folds it in half and casts it into the blaze.

Rhune comes down to the main room of the inn just as Arkady starts to toss the pictures, her excitement concerning the next day knows no bounds. "Hi Arkady. How are you this evening?" she asks him. looking over, "What are you doing, my friend?"

Arkady looks up at Rhune and she can see the glitter of tears in his eyes. "I'm purging my soul. My hope is that by burning the effigy of my pains then the pains will leave. I am consumed with pain Dear Rhune and I can't stand it anymore!" He casts another folded page into the flames.

"Can I see one of the drawings, Arkady?" she asks him trying to get a glimpse of the drawings over his shoulder.

Arkady hesitates for a moment and then hands her the next sheet. It started as a fine drawing of a many legged beetle with large mandibles, but then the beetle has been made into the base of a dark throne. Upon the throne is a dark and shadowy man in black robes that obscure his face. The man holds a long basket hilted sword that drips with an ichor or a venom. Chains run from the bottom of the beetle throne to a huddled human figure lying on the floor. Tear streaks stain the drawing and smear some of the ink.

"I don't know anything about drawing or anything, but can I ask you where you get your ideas, Arkady? and could I see the others, please?" she asks as she studies the drawing.

"Sniff" Arkady wipes his nose across his sleeve and blinks away some tears. "Dreams, visions, pain. I am haunted Rhune! These are the images and voices that I live with in my mind day and night! They torment me and mock me all the time. My life is a living Hell and all I want is to be free of them!!!" He breaks back down into tears.

She reaches out and takes him and pulls him close to her just holding him while he cries. "Tell me about them, Arkady. perhaps that will help as well." she says to him quietly.

Arkady weeps silently for a while and then he begins to tell the story in a low voice.

"Do you remember when we were at the lake?? Everyone had visions, mine was terrible and horrid. I dreamt that I was hunting all of you down for the Bishop and killing you with a poisoned sword. I had become a mind slave of the Katoliks and I gave him the blue tube. then I calmly locked my self in a prison while he took over the world. Since that time I have been unable to sleep without nightmares of that vision returning to haunt me. I no longer feel I can trust myself, I worry that I may become that man who I see in my dreams and I am terrified. Combine that with the cursed voices that goad and mock me and I am of shattered mind. Perhaps I am insane, I don't know. Nor have I found anyone who could help me."

"Tell me more of those visions, Arkady. and don't worry. For a while I was possessed by forces that were a part of that lake. I nearly destroyed my party as well, but they helped me through it and rescued me. I will help you with this. Now let me see the rest of the drawings. Who knows they may actually help us." she says in a comforting tone.

Arkady smiles weakly at Rhune and hands her the stack of pages. They are all terrible, nightmarish drawings of Poisons, shaved headed men, The Bishop, Golthar and Arkady fighting his friends. He weeps openly as she looks at each one and finally lays his head on a table covering his head with his arms.

Later that night, everyone gathers to discuss what next. However, Asif is not there. No one thinks that particularly strange, until Rhune adds that she has not seen him all day either.

Curious, the group asks Stubbs if he had seen anything. Stubbs nods his head, "Yeah, his family came to visit him today. Bunch of guys dressed like him. He seemed not surprised to see them, and went along with them cheerfully enough, so I didn't figure I needed to alert you. Why? Are there any problems?"

"His family? That is impossible. His family is nowhere near here. Something is wrong. Oh my what if some thing has happened to him. We have to find him. He is under a death sentence in his homeland and it has nothing to do with the bishop's stuff." she cries out her lavender eyes brimming and with a worried look crossing her face

"Is it normal for the groom in a human wedding to disappear night before the ceremony? Sounds like a rather odd practice to me." Tolik doesn't sound overly concerned, and he sits drinking his wine not rising.

Rising to her feet, "No Tolik it isn't. At least not for elves. but I do know that they couldn't possibly have been from his family. There is something wrong here and I think we should try and find Asif before it is too late." she says worriedly.

Arkady hisses and then kicks the corner post of the bar. "DAMNIT!! Stubbs, have my horse made ready!! We are gonna have to go after him. I'll go. Who else??"

"Get my horse ready, too; I'll join you," says Forte shaking his head. "I should have known something was up. Asif seemed very....distant recently." Without waiting to see who else will go, Forte hurries to his room with a quick stride, takes off his new shirt, and puts on his old ripped one. Donning his armor, and then grabbing his quiver, bow, axe, and mace, he hurries downstairs.

"Oh, by the nine hells," swears Tolik as he realizes what is going on. With a scowl, he takes off his cloak and tosses it over the back of a chair. "I suppose I'll be needed to help as well," he says, stretching his wings to be ready for what could be a long flight. "I'll fly overhead, try to spot any sign. If anyone finds them don't try to overtake them by yourselves, or you'll just end up in the same shape," cautions the elf needlessly.

"I'm coming, wait for me!" calls Ami as he scrambles up the stairs for his stuff. He makes sure to grab the pouch with his components, grateful he took the time to learn the new spell he acquired.

Once the search team is organized Arkady jogs upstairs to get armored and equipped. He runs out into the yard and quickly mounts. "Let's go, quickly now." He calls to the others.

By the time Arkady returns, Tolik is already gone, taken to the air to search for Asif. He tries to keep part of his attention following the other searchers, so he can get to them if he sees anything. In his hand he holds the handful of sand he gathered earlier that week.

Forte mounts his horse in his usual graceless manner, and prepares to follow Arkady.

"Someone ask Stubbs which way he went!!!" Arkady yells into the inn door as he rides past. Riding after Tolik's shadow he keeps his sharp eyes open for any sign of Asif.

This Ratlin does while gathering his things. He waits for an answer before rushing out the door.

As Forte responds, Ullar joins him in the chase after hearing in which direction the 'Asif' group went.

"I hope nothing has happened to Asif," he says, concern in his voice. "Stubbs said he went willingly, so that's a good sign, right?" he adds, hoping to get some reassurance.

Rhune is nearly out the door when she realizes she is not dressed for battle and rushes upstairs get her chain on and her weapons. Tears well in her eyes making it difficult to see. she brushes them away as she fastens her sword. Rushing down the steps and toward the door she passes Ullar as he heads out. Just as she gets to the door a wave of dizziness washes over and she grabs a hold of him just in time to keep from falling to the ground, everything looking gray and a huge roaring in her ears.

With his strong arms Ullar easily picks her up. In a soothing voice he tells her that everything is going to be alright and he hands her over to Pietro's good care.

Pietro is just returning from his search for Prestelle, and sees Rhune stumbling and holding on to Ullar. An alarmed look is immediately visible on the elf's face. "What is happening, why the rush? Please leave her to me, Ullar, I will put her to bed and try to get her examined by a doctor to make sure that there is nothing serious with her. I will stay with her." He takes the women from Ullar's arm, and takes her inside to get her upstairs to her room. "I'm not sure what is happening, but you are in no state to go anywhere, I will take you to your room and see that you will be taken care of." The tone in his voice is friendly, even though it is obvious that objecting will do the female elf no good.

Ratlin, concerned for Rhune gets a glass of water for her and hands it to Pietro before rushing off to help find Asif.

"Please I want to go. I have to find Asif. Please" she cries out as she bats at Pietro, though it she doesn't seem to have the strength to really accomplish much and he as no trouble getting her back upstairs and out of her armor and weapons, though by that time she seems completely okay.

Pietro smiles at Rhune. "Wherever Asif is, I'm sure that Ullar and the rest can find him. What would he say if he saw you falling against Ullar all the time? You only have to do one important thing in the next few days, and that is to be ready for the wedding." The priest puts Rhune to bed, and checks her pulse and temperature. "Have you had these problems before? Feeling nauseous, dizziness, strange eating habits?"

Feeling rather silly at the fuss, "ah.....no Pietro. The only time I have ever been around anyone that was sick in my family was Mother." she replies.

Pietro thinks for a minute, before asking. "I do not mean to be rude, but can I ask you what kind of illness your mother had?"

Thinking for a moment. "Well it was when I was a little girl, hard to remember. Oh wait. Now I remember she had exactly the same symptoms. She was sick like this for a couple of weeks then she and daddy found an herbalist. She did an examination. I was outside but when they came out Mother and Daddy were so very happy cause the herbalist said she was going...." she pauses as her lavender eyes widen, "She was going to have a baby and my brother was born not long after." looking up at him, "Oh! Pietro...I...I think I may be pregnant. We have to find Asif. He has to know." her eyes brim and she tries to get up to go after Asif.

Surprise clearly shines in Pietro's eyes, "I had a hunch it would be something like this." For a moment, the elf just stands there, then he grabs her hand, starts shaking it, and kisses Rhune lightly on the forehead. "Congratulations, Rhune! May the love of light shine on you, Asif, and your baby!" As she tries to get up, Pietro gently pushes her back again. "You stay here, " he says in his most commanding voice. "I will go and join the group in search for Asif, I will do everything in my powers to get him here as soon as possible. You will have to promise me though that you will not get out of the inn though, and I am serious about this. Do you agree?"

Shaking his hand and she starts to smile, then begins to chew her lip, "Yes Pietro I will stay here." she says. After he is gone she waits a little more then gets up and paces the floor for little bit, then sits down and says prayers to both Erevan and Henali for everyone's safe return and the return of her lover. Totally unaware that as she is doing this she is lightly caressing her belly. After nearly 20 minutes of praying as no one has returned she slips down stairs and simply paces the floor till Stubbs makes her sit down.

Immediately after hearing the news, Tolik heads outside, unfurls his wings, much to the astonishment of the elves in the village, and begins slowly rising up into the air, beating his wings furiously to gain altitude.

The others in pursuit, meanwhile, grab their horses from the stable. They note that Asif's horse is gone, along with his share of the supplies. There are no clues that he was forced to depart, at least none that you can note in your hurried condition.

As you emerge, Stubbs informs you that they rode north less than an hour ago. All were very lightly armored, on lightly encumbered riding horses. Other than a few of you, you realize that you will never match their speed. Ullar notes that if they all ride like Asif, you have no hope of doing so.

Rhees quickly packs up his traveling gear - leaving excess supplies and some gold to continue paying for the room. As the search party mounts up, Rhees moves his mount towards Arkady, "Arkady, I know you are anxious to find these men and see what they intend for Asif. But Tolik's warning was a good one - they may have insidious magics working for them. It may be best to approach them with caution. Let us move with due haste but avoid stumbling headlong into their midst."

Arkady doesn't seem to notice Rhees' words. He is hurriedly adjusting his straps and buckles while riding forward at a fair trot. Once his armor is fully situated, Arkady spurs Wing-Foot to full speed and tears after the flying elf. He mumbles and curses in an incoherent stream as he rides.

Ullar, who is riding next to Forte and Arkady overhears this conversation. "Thanks for the words of advise, Rhees, but one of my dearest friends is probably in great danger. So if you don't mind.. we can discuss any 'battle plan' once we found them. Because, if they all ride like Asif, we are going to have a real problem chasing them...." says Ullar, while spurring Zephyr.

Muttering something about, "Some ways take a long time to change . . ." Rhees shakes his head and follows the impetuous pair.

After Manus has greeted all in the inn and received the disturbing news that Asif had vanished he joins the search party trailing behind Rhees almost like a hound following it's master. His great bulk and heavy armor weigh upon his mount making it work harder than it deserves. When he hears Ullar comment on the speed that the men were traveling he rolls his eyes and pats his horses neck..."Looks like me and you will be bringing up the rear my friend."

Above, you can see the largish form of Tolik circling. Shouting out to him the direction Stubbs tells you, he glides northward as you ride that way below. There is a beaten path leading northward, easy enough to follow, and the rest of the country is rather hilly and rough, thus it is a fair bet which way the mounted group went.

Tolik flies far ahead of the group pursuing, catching gentle winds and making good progress. After nearly an hour, he sees a hard-riding group ahead, dressed in flowing robes and riding black horses. They are making excellent time, and from Tolik's observation of his group, they are traveling nearly double their speed. Even the fastest riders in the current group could not maintain the rate of travel, and Tolik wonders what the rush is.

Looking down, Asif is indeed among them, riding hard as well. As he flies overhead, one of the mounted fellows spots him, slowing his horse, and draws forth a wicked Arabic bow like that of Asif. Tolik realizes that if this fellow is a shot like the other Arab, he is in trouble. But before he has to dive out of the way, Asif stops the group and also stops the archer.

He motions for Tolik to come down. The rest of the group seem very impatient to leave, and quite nervous around the winged elf.

Asif spurs his steed Desert Wind forward matching with ease the strides of his companions steeds. He looks to his left seeing the man who introduced himself as "Ahmed' rein his horse in and unsheathe his bow from his back. Asif looks to the sky following the fear filled eyes of his companion. Recognizing the flying form of his former companion, Tolik he reaches over to stay the hand of Ahmed.

"Fire not in Aten's name Efendi. He who rides the wind above like a bird is a friend. Wait but a moment as I exchange words with him. He shall then not prevail upon the path of destiny that I must follow" Asif waves to Tolik, beckoning him to land so that they may exchange words. Once he has done so Asif dismounts and walks over to him.

Landing nimbly in the midst of the horses, Tolik gives the man with the bow a look of distaste. He turns with a scowl towards Asif and listens to the Arab talk while catching his breath.

"Fear not the actions of my companions Tolik. As I have spoken before, those not of mankind are rare within my land and therefore inspire some fear. That I draw no arms as I come to speak to you as a friend means no harm shall come to thee" Asif makes the ritualized bow which has become his trademark in conversation with his companions.

"Sadness tears at my heart efendi, for fate I fear has caught up with this poor son of Aten. My heart bleeds with despair for the happiness in the arms of my beloved Rhune I abandon, but fate will not release me from its clutches. The terrible news of my family troubles has cut me deeply, and the obligation of the heart and of honor I gave to another which has brought about these troubles I cannot forget. Redeem all that I have done in the land of my father is my only option to salvation, to not just myself but to my families very honor. They must not suffer for pledges I have made, when I was less worldly. My heart is split in two Tolik, both Egypt and Italy claim it. I know not what to do. But this I do know efendi, the Sultans hand reaches far and I will let none suffer for my actions. If death I face so be it. It is the will of Aten. Beg do I thou that you take my heartfelt words to Rhune, that her love, shall I never forget. It will give me strength in the trials to come upon my path of destiny. Fate can be cruel...... to even the most pious."

As Asif speaks and older well dressed Arab rides up to Asif's side. A jeweled scimitar pokes from beneath his billowing black robes. With similar hawk like eyes, and pointed beard and hair now grey with middle age he speaks to Asif with a commanding but sympathetic tone. The words heavily accented. "Come Asif by Aten, enough talk we have many miles to make this day."

Asif looks over his shoulder a peers into the face of what can best be described as an older version of himself. He bows respectively. "I come now brother. I bid you farewell Tolik, my brother Karim bids me haste. I ask but one favor, give Rhune this to remember me"

Tolik's scowl remains unbroken as he listens to Asif. "I respect your loyalty to family, but no matter how hard we try, we can never go back to how things were. The bird can never go back in the egg."

He bites his lower lip, gathering his thoughts. "Now, you know I can't force you to stay, nor will I try. And I don't know much of your reasons for leaving. But before you just ride off into the sunset, think for a moment. Behind you leave poor Rhune, who since I have met has been deeply in love with you, to the point of exclusion of all else. If you think anything of her, you at least owe her an explanation. And I think you own her a LOT more than that, but its none of my business."

"If you leave, it may be something you regret for the rest of your life. Even if you someday come back, things will never be the same. Be warned, you have before left with bridges burning, don't expect that it will produce favorable results this time either. Your future is your own, but your choices affect the lives of others. Rhune fainted when she heard you left, what will her reaction be when she discovers you are gone for good?"

Turning his back to the bunch of them to stare southward, he adds in a scornful tone of voice, "Or does marriage mean nothing to you Arabians? If you can't have one, there will be two more later to make it all okay."

Asif physically shudders at these words, his body as if pummeled by the desert winds. His mouth opens as if in response but not sound issues forth. He swallows deeply, his mouth dry and his brain void of Italian words he wishes to speak. Some moments pass and then he whispers.

"Efendi...... we choice not our path of fate. Despite the bitter memory of this day and this sacrifice I make for the honor of my families name my heart could not carry more grief. Clanship, family and marriage has more importance to us than you can imagine. Rather I see Rhune suffer the pain of my parting, than have her see me dragged to the execution ground by the Sultans guards. Marriage and the bringing of Aten's children into the world is a sacred duty, and the love and support of ones wives.......(Asif stalls in mid sentence, giving hint to part of his troubles...)........ is something one cannot run from. The wrath of a jealous father, especially one who has the wealth of an sultan will find you no matter where one hides. Love is a bitter sweet pill efendi...... taste of it with caution.."

Asif returns to his mount and pulls from his saddle bags a small stringed musical instrument which closely resembles a sitar. "It is not much, but it is something personal to me. The Bard, Rhune and I often took some pleasure in it. My mother gave it to me and I treasure it, and so I now give it to another who I also treasure...... A token of our lost love"

Tolik takes the instrument, but steels himself and doesn't meet Asif's eyes. "I will tell her, though, she is entitled to hear what you have to say, even if you won't tell her yourself."

Asif mounts Desert wind, waves to Tolik his eyes moist with disguised tears. "Farwell efendi!" He then spurs his horse forward catching up with his companions his eyes not looking back.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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