Assessing the injuries of the party, Antonia is seriously injured, Daegwyn equally so, Forte, Arkady, and Ullar both bear serious injuries, but are not down and out just yet, and Rhune bears one moderate wound. The place is completely quiet and calm, and the door on the opposite side simply opens back onto the bridge, which continues to the other side of the canyon.
Arkady lays on the ground, panting in pain and nursing his wounds. "That was fun, da??"
Hearing his words as she is putting on her armor, Rhune looks at him for a moment, then rolls her eyes and smiles at the Russian. Once she is done she limps around the tower room checking it out and looking at the fallen statues. She inspects the walls closely just in case there is anything they might have missed, like a secret door or something.
Pietro helps the Slaw with his injuries, which make him wince in pain several times. The priest is thorough as always, and is looking pretty relaxed. "You are right there, it is always fun to have a date with death." Dryly he adds. "Especially when you survive the date."
Tolik sighs, partly with relief and partly at the injuries they suffered. He quickly sets to work on Daegwyn, binding his wounds with a practiced hand.
Surveying the injured, all are functional, though Daegwyn is once again in very poor shape. The only other one in similar condition is Antonia, who has risen to consciousness once again, but is in rather a bit of shock. All others, though all the warriors bear many and serious wounds, are able to walk about and fight normally.
After doing what he can to help the injured, Caboto motions for Tolik and Rhees to inspect the contents, if any, of the bone map tube he found.
After helping Tolik, Pietro walks over to Ullar. "Do you still need that staff? Even though you do not know how to use is, you are probably still better with it than I am. Sit still will you, so I can treat your wounds."
"You can have it back, Pietro. If we ever encounter metal statues again I know where to find you.." Ullar adds, with a wink.
Pietro returns the wink with a grin. "Naturally you know where to find me, although you normally can't see me in a fight. I am always behind you!"
Tolik turns to see what Caboto wants, but quickly realizes it is something trivial that could wait. With a scowl, he turns back to the task at hand, treating the injured.
"Gods above, man, we've already tended to everybody. All are as bandaged and as tended to as can be without healing magic. You can do no more."
Tolik turns slowly, meeting the man's gaze. The elf fires an icy glare at the other mage before turning to walk silently across the room and open the other door.
Dismayed but no longer surprised by Tolik's irrational behavior, Caboto commences his inspection of the find without the hoped-for winged elf's input, starting with the tube itself, and later, if possible, any contents.
The tube opens easily, quite a relief, and Caboto is even more pleased to see that it's contents are written in the language of magic. He knows that he will need time to use his own magics to comprehend the scrolls, though. Nonetheless, it is an exciting find.
Caboto considers the bone tube. Are its dimensions such that he could use it to start a false Blue Tube?
No reason why not. It's not a perfect similarity, but close enough that he could, with the proper materials, forge a decent copy.
At the same time, Rhune reports that her search for secret doors or anything unusual on walls and floor has turned up nothing. However, she does find a slender shaft of wood with a shiny stone upon the end. A diamond? If so, the shaft should be quite valuable.
"HMM...I found this but I don't know exactly what it is. If it is alright I'll keep it for now." she says as she shows the shaft of wood to the others then tucks it securely in her belt.
Forte looks around at the others. "Let's get our horses and get out of here," he says, wincing a bit at the pain from his battle wounds. "Are you o.k.?" he asks, hobbling towards Antonia and Daegwyn.
Seeing that the fight is over with, Rhune sighs deeply and rubs her side, then leans down to rub her ankle not sure which hurts worse. Then she goes about getting her armor back on. Turning around to her friends, "How is everyone? I think we should remain here for a bit till we see to everyone or go on? And....hmmm....ahhh...anyone got an extra long sword I could use?"
"I say we remain here for a while, to heal the ones who are hurt the most! If we are going to move our horses we're going to make an awful lot of sound. On the other hand, it's dark now and it might be our only chance." Ullar interjects.
"Forte, Rhune, Arkady; mind helping me getting the horses through this building AFTER we've picked up these bodies and thrown them over the bridge into the water; let's those bastards rust!" says Ullar, frustration in his voice.
"Certainly" Arkady assists however possible.
"Yes I can help." Rhune replies as finishes up searching the room. She heads toward the door, limping along.
Moving to lift the statues, Ullar finds that they are not solid after all, but merely dense, hollowed out inside. If they were solid, you've no doubts that you'd never have been able to dent them with bone clubs and oak staves. Marshalling his considerable strength, Ullar hefts one up with Arkady's help. Walking back outside, the two toss it in, on the riverward side as opposed to in the view of the watching gnolls. They quickly repeat the process with the second.
The disembodied Rhees voice speaks again, he's somewhere near the unopened door as far as you can tell, "We went to some trouble to cross the bridge undetected. Now the noise of this battle and Rhune getting her armor and the clubs - much needed clubs I might add -" without a face supporting the words it is difficult to read Rhees' feelings about what he says "these may have alerted the gnolls. But if we go back to get the horses, it is nearly certain that the gnolls will know something is amiss. If you feel the horses must be fetched, let me go get them - seeing just the horses cross will leave some doubt as to just who is up here.
If this room is big enough, we could leave them 'stabled' in here while we scout further into the tower. Which reminds me of our other concern - we only rested a short time ago, but we are already at a point where we have to marshal our forces carefully and as Giovanni pointed out, we have some spoils which bear examining both his scroll tube and the one carried by Pietro may be helpful to us. Perhaps we should carefully scout ahead but regroup here before engaging anyone - if that is possible." There is a bit of a pause, "Oh, that's right! You can't see me, I was looking around to see what you all thought about this." Rhees' last comment is followed by something of a nervous laugh.
"Rhees, if you can get them, please do so, although I hope they stay calm if someone invisible, for that's what you are, is it not, tries to lead them over a small bridge. After that we should try to avoid any contact if it's up to me; any contact at all." Ullar says.
"Good point, Ullar," replies Rhees. "I have to admit, I'm new to this invisibility thing. The fog disappeared as soon as I stopped concentrating on it - I had to make sure I wouldn't be spotted joining you guys. It turns out it may have been a wasted effort, but we shall see. But I agree with your point, once the horses are in here we don't give the gnolls any more chances to spot us. By the time I come back, Tolik should have completed his care and triage, if anyone needs more care before we go on, I've still got a little bit in the way of healing magics." It was a little disconcerting hearing Rhees' voice move without seeing any movement. The effect is compounded when the door opens and Rhees whispers, "I'll leave the door open so I can lead the horses in as quickly as possible."
"I'll help Rhees." Rhune replies as she moves over to where she heard the voice last. "Ah....could you put your hand on my shoulder so I know where you are?" she asks as she looks around her.
"I'd rather do it alone, Rhune," answers Rhees, "If the gnolls can see in the dark, all they'll see is the horses crossing - a curious event, but maybe not worth incurring the wrath of the ancients. If you come along, they might see you and know for a fact that we're still here. We don't know what lies ahead, so I'd like to minimize the threat to our backs."
Rhees approaches the horses cautiously. If possible he tries to stay in their blind spots; he still feels, sounds and smells the same so if they don't see him he should be fine. If any of the party's gear was left behind, he stows it in saddle bags. He brings the horses across two at a time if the bridge is wide enough.
The horses are surprisingly calm when faced with an invisible guide. It seems they have become used to the unusual, and take the lead of Rhees without too much objection, particularly Forte and Ullar's placid warhorses. Taking a moment to glance over the side, Rhees cannot tell in the dark whether the gnolls are taking note of the events or not, but it seems unlikely, as the most they could see would be something moving, at least from the angle they are at. Nonetheless, he is uncertain, and that makes him uncomfortable.
After all the horses are brought through the tower, Ullar asks Forte, once again, to help him put back on his platemail; at least the parts which he stripped down. "Never know when you need a point man..." he says, with a vague representation of a smile. "If everyone is able to walk or ride, let's push through. If someone has nightvision, could he or she please ride up front; I'd rather not run into another fight!"
Arkady is shrugging back into his armor and refastening his pouches and books. He makes a quick sketch of the living statues. "I'll ride towards the fore. Always willing to fight......" His voice trails off sadly.
"Antonia, could you ask if Shadow wants to scout? I bet that his senses are way better than mine and perhaps he can alert us for any dangers awaiting us?" the warrior inquires.
"I can see in the dark, but I do think your suggestion of Shadow as scout is a good one." Rhune replies
Antonia lies there allowing others to speak and think. She tries to speak but the words don't come out right. She tries to rise but her body won't listen to her head. Her head throbs as she tries to concentrate on the goings-on around her. Her head....
She sees a dark shadow in front of her and instinctually she growls, baring her teeth as it approaches. The rumble starts deep in her belly and her teeth flash in the firelight from the torch still flickering on the ground. She knows this game. 'Show no fear.' Shadow's hackles rise and he stops in his approach. He too has played this game. The huge black wolf advances on her again with hackles raised. 'Maybe this time she is weak enough that she will be unable to hold the alpha position.' Seeing the blackness approach even closer, instinct not logic continues to rule Antonia and her rumble deepens in ferocity. Her head moves forward in a mock lunge as if ready for this fight and her eyes meet his, challenging him to come and see if he can do it. Shadow moves back at the exact moment almost as if knowing that she would do so. His eyes lock with hers.
Hearing the growl, Rhune looks over and watches them both with intense interest fascinated with what is going on between Antonia and the wolf.
Finally after what seems an eternity, but is truly only a few moments his eyes look away and his body and head lowers and he begins to approach her again but this time in submissiveness, clearly seen by all. His head is lower than Antonia's, his body close to the ground and his tail at half mast. His body slinks towards hers though her growl has not ceased. Antonia sees the darkness become smaller, lower itself and her growl begins to loose it's intensity. When he comes close enough to touch her she snaps at the air in his direction one last time and goes silent. Shadow's ears perk forward and he truly approaches her and he begins licking her face and head.
Rhune relaxes herself as apparently everything seems to have worked out for the good.
As Shadow cleans her wounds, Antonia begins to relax. Instinct tells her she must preserve her strength. Her thoughts start to clear as she watches everyone so busy. She tries to turn her head to look at the other door and she winces in pain, realizing she probably will not be very mobile till she has some healing. Her eyes rest on Daegwyn as she wishes she could move to heal him, to help him. She tries to speak and again it comes out as nothing. Her head still doesn't communicate correctly with her body. She hopes that someone will think to heal her so that maybe she can heal the others, especially Daegwyn. Until that times she can only hope and watch and wait till she can do something.
Seeing that Antonia is still fairly injured, "Can anyone cast some type of cure on Antonia?" Rhune asks the others before leaving. She then waits for her horse to get the rest of her gear.
Once Antonia's head clears enough to be able to move about more, she moves over to Daegwyn and prepares o muster her strength. She sits next to him for a long time in deep concentration. Finally she touches his side.
Her healing magics take effect, doing as much as usual for both his spirits and his physical well-being. He looks much better in both states.
Daegwyn needs not to speak a word for his thoughts to be understood. The look in his eyes and his posture speak of the gratitude and deepening love which he feels for Antonia.
Caboto crouches by his more feral companions. After Antonia has cast her healing magic, and it seems an opportune time to intrude, he says:
"By the Virgin and the Holy Spirit, you two are badly injured once again. Never have I met a more stoic and tough man than Daegwyn. I am worried. Each fight is taking its toll on you both. I would have neither of you perish if I can help. Perhaps we could discuss strategy and tactics? Though, these close melees are much beyond my ken. I myself have been very lucky in our fights so far. "
"There is never a winner in any fight," Daegwyn comments. "We are all lucky to still cling to our lives."
Caboto is clearly distressed by Antonia's and Daegwyn's battle injuries.
Rhees returns with the last of the horses in time to hear Caboto's outburst. With a slight chuckle, Rhees put his hand on the urban Italian's shoulder, "I imagine your concern is appreciated, Giovanni; but I don't know how much Daegwyn or Antonia value the intercession of Katolik spirits. As far as tactics go, we haven't always the time to plan as well as we would like. And I fear it is a reality of the dangers we face that we will get injured . .some of us may even die." The hand comes off of Caboto's shoulder and you hear leather creaking.
Caboto flushes at the invisible Druoi's kind words. "Antonia, Daegwyn, Rhees is right. Forgive me for invoking the Catolik gods in my concern for you. The habits of childhood and dockland banter. I hope that in the end the Catolik evils are more the doings of the Bishop and his power than of my childhood faith, though I fear the events to now have placed my understandings in crisis."
Antonia smiles at Caboto, "No worries. I personally do not value your god but it doesn't mean he doesn't have his place." with that said she drops the subject and turns away.
When Rhees speaks again, his voice comes from closer to the floor. You surmise that he has knelt by the ailing pair. "These two, however, still have many miles to travel with us. Daegwyn, Antonia, I still have some healing magics left. I think it would be wise to get you both in better shape before we move on. May I?"
The familiar, if incomprehensible, lilt of Rhees' healing prayers are repeated as both Daegwyn and Antonia feel an invisible touch, followed by warmth and energy as contused tissues repair themselves.
The spell on Antonia is particularly strong, as she goes from near death's door to feeling very nearly herself again. Rhees' power seems to have strengthened over the time you have been with him. His spell on Daegwyn is not quite as effective, but combined with Antonia's, he is now close to his full strength as well.
"Thank you," Daegwyn says with a nod of his head. He is beginning to get accustomed to the experience of having his body healed by the supernatural, not necessarily a good thing he thinks to himself.