"I am still weakened by the shaman's curse and have very little magic left to me," says Rhees. "Perhaps we should scout until we find a suitable camp beyond the view of the gnolls. I still fear that Golthar and Gactis will be following us, so our camp should allow us to see anyone following us. When we've found a camp, or gone as far as we can while still protected by darkness, we can return for the horses. Will the horses stay in the tower if we leave the door open on this side? A closed door can hide many surprises, and Gactis has provided us with too many unpleasant surprises already."
Hearing Rhees' statement, Rhune looks up, "What do you mean, Golthar following us? Is this Gactis working for him?" there is a touch of deep concern in her voice.
Arkady nods solemnly "I saw him in the mists when I rode Gactis down. I was heading to cleave the bastard when someone's spell put me to sleep."
Antonia enters the conversation, "I do not know this Golthar, but Gactis...yes Gactis was there. There was a Person on yellow robes, A tall woman in chain mail, also with them were two large men, heavily armed and armored, and another armored man bearing a staff. When we come across Gactis, he must die. He deserves no less." She goes silent, her eyes almost flaming in her thoughts as to what to do to Gactis. "I worry if they will get past the gnolls and get to the horses. How much time do we have before they get our trusty mounts?" Again she goes silent as she stares in the direction of the horses.
Looking from Arkady, she thinks of the shaman, then looks Forte and back again, "Then her death is on my hands as I promised in Fogor." Rhune murmurs her eyes welling with tears, which she quickly wipes away.
"Do not mourn her over long Rhune," says Rhees. "She was garbed in the skins of other humanoids or demi-humans and she used an elf's skull as an aid to her magic. Besides, it was Gactis who killed her not any of us. The decision was let Golthar live was ultimately agreed to by all of us here. Shortly after we first met, I was sharply reminded that I should hold no aspirations of controlling any of you. The same applies to you, Rhune, do not assume that you control our actions." Rhees answers. "It is regrettable that Golthar has chosen to pursue us; but it is something we shall all take care of when the time is right. For now we need to take advantage of the night to move on."
"Perhaps, but still that was not truly decided till after I told Forte I would take the responsibility." she replies then falls silent.
Forte opens his mouth as if to say something, stops abruptly, then shrugs his shoulders with a resigned look on his face.
Pietro looks up sharply at Rhune. "Rhune, do not torture yourself with things you did not do. We all made the decision, which still is the right one. You cannot control or bear responsibility because of the actions of others. We are all doing the best we can, the path we chose is a difficult one, but it is just. Golthar is indeed turning to be quite a pain, some might even call him our nemesis. We will see him again, hopefully on our turns next time. However, we must not cloud our judgment when we meet him again. He is a formidable opponent, a pretty mighty and intelligent wizard."
Catching his expression Rhune gets up and crosses over to the big man putting her arms around him, "It's alright, I kind of expected to be taking the responsibility for some something along the way. So don't worry about it I will get over it soon." she says trying to smile at him. Perhaps all the things that Pietro and Rhees said got to her after all.
Forte timidly returns the hug, but can still find no words to say. With another heavy sigh he breaks the awkward embrace.
She pulls away from the big man with a slight blush in her cheeks then returns to what she was doing.
Shadow is distinctively uncomfortable this high above the earth that he has called home up until now, and stays as close to Antonia at all times as he may. He has no interest in scouting, and if forced to by the alpha, he will do so reluctantly and almost certainly not thoroughly.
Taking Rhees' suggestion to heart, the group stables the horses in the tower room for some time while looking ahead, confident that the darkness will conceal them from the gnoll's view. It's an easy walk to the other side of the bridge, where it ends along a narrow canyon path, ascending along the cliff wall. Mounted, you could only take this path single file. There is no remnant of the ancient road, though once again, there is little in the way of options at this point, as the cliff rises high above you, thousands of feet high, and the river below you, several hundred feet, is similarly impassable.
Before Pietro puts Swift in the 'stable', he pats the animal on the side of his head, talking to it for a moment. "Are you ready to ride once again? Wait here with the other horses. I promise you though, once we have the chance, we will ride like lightning." The horse shakes his manes for a moment, somehow sensing the meaning of the words.
Arkady makes sure he takes his pack and all his gear with him before venturing out across the ledge, since there is no sure idea of the horses' fate.
The path is very clearly man-made, hacked into the cliff by some improbable labor, seeing the dangerous conditions, and it's equally ancient as the road before was, in a terrible state of disrepair. From what you can see, it must go on for many miles, heading down the narrow canyon north and then east.
Limping along as best she can, Rhune finds that her ankle feels a little better as she walks on it. However, she knows that once she stops to rest it will start to hurt once more.
Moving ahead some distance, you see your first obstacle, a section of the road has fallen away into the river below, leaving only a narrow ledge a couple of feet wide at it's widest. You get the dreadful feeling that several more such obstacles must lie ahead, and perhaps this is not the worst.
As he walks away, Pietro scans the surroundings. The big cliffs give him the feeling of how small he is in comparison to the grandeur of mother earth. Making a quick prayer to Hermes, he looks up first, then to the rest of the group. "I do not know this for truth, but I am somehow sensing that we are getting near our goal. We have to be careful and cross that small path. I will scan the ledge first. He slowly walks up to the ledge. He checks the state of the ledge, seeing if everybody can pass safely.
"Pietro, we have several ropes and even crampons with us. I'd like you to wear them, for we don't have a clue how stable that ledge is. Our horses have to cross it so it better be good. If possible I'd like to use a rope for balancing when we all pass the ledge, just for safety matters." Ullar says.
"By the way, we don't have a clue what is waiting behind that ledge. Perhaps you can scout first" the warrior inquires. Ullar, who has put his backpack back in place, scans for items in it. He removes two crampons and 50 ft of hemp rope. He checks if the blue tube is still in place and smiles when he sees it. "We're going to find out how to open you, my little friend." he says, still smiling and holding the tube.
Arkady looks up from his drawing of the collapsed road. "Let me finish this Ullar and I'll help you hold the ropes."
"Well, I have nearly a hundred feet of rope, 50 feet of hemp and 50, of silk rope. Let's tie ourselves together, with one strong person at the front and one at the rear just in case." Rhune says.
"Fine with me." Pietro gets the rope, and ties it around his waist. "Ok, I'm going to see what is over there. My sight is probably a lot better than yours with this light."
Arkady clasps Pietro's hand and looks seriously at him. "Be careful friend. We are all needed remember." Finishing his work, Arkady repacks his books and moves to help Ullar and Pietro prepare for the climb.
Antonia seems to be comfortable with the others decisions, though once it is decided to cross the small parts of the road she takes Grey's pack saddle and throws it over her shoulder trying to tie it there with the twine she has.
Pietro makes the crossing with only a fair bit of dread, but the path seems more than enough for humans to walk by. Horses, with their wider gait and much heavier frames, might find it quite dangerous. Nonetheless, you have managed to harness Pietro, who serves as a scout ahead of you. Ullar and Arkady keep a hold of his rope so that if he falls, they should be able to yank him back upward.
Continuing on, you travel several more miles, with the midnight fast approaching, only to be faced with another hurdle. This time the path has totally collapsed above a drop of some 900 feet. It's more dangerous than the narrow road from earlier, necessitating actually climbing down and then back up. Not impassable for horses, but it will take the skill of someone like Antonia to get them to cooperate. With the equipment that Forte and Ullar bought from Akhitos, it proves not terribly difficult for you to pass, but takes some time.
Not far ahead, less than a mile, as the canyon has turned and is now headed almost straight east, as Caboto judges the stars, you see that a small stream has pushed it's way through the cliff wall above you, gradually wearing through the path. However, it's only a few feet wide, and easily climbed over. The water is very cold and quite invigorating, as only a mountain stream can be. Another larger such stream is a hundred feet ahead, as apparently the road has crossed some underground rivulet.
Arkady pauses in the water and briefly washes at his face and arms, trying to remove the blood and sweat of the days battles and exertions. His energy is starting to flag as he keeps pushing forward.
While it has worn the road for some four feet, you can easily leap across or use a support rope to help yourself. This is one obstacle that the horses will have an easier time with than you will, as they could step over it easily.
As you begin to think that you must either keep going and leave the horses behind or turn back now, you see the cliff fade away on your right. It resumes after some two hundred feet. Between the cliff paths is a bridge, supported by what must be hewn columns several hundred feet high. A marvel of engineering, to be sure. However, it is as ancient as everything else, and though there is a parapet running on the sides of the bridge, in places it has broken off, and in several spots the edge of the bridge itself has begun to crumble. It looks very unsafe for passage, and here your mountain-climbing equipment will help you little.
"Okay guys, I think we should go back for the horses now before we get to far ahead. We could get back there here before dawn." Rhune says as she sits for a few moments to rest.
"But can the horses cross that bridge?" asks Forte, never averting his gaze from the massive structure to look at the elf.
"We may not even be able to cross the bridge and if we try and it falls in then we will not be able to get the horses. If we have them with us then they may be able to get across with us." Rhune replies.
Arkady surveys the view with a whistle, amazed the Ancients could build so well. He drags out his book and sketches. "I think we need to keep going forward. the horses will be fine, and if not then we can get new ones."
"Fine? Either the gnolls will eat them or some other enemy will take them," Forte state emphatically. He looks at Arkady, "We have had trouble in the past acquiring horses. We should get them now and...." Forte's voice trails off as he looks at the ruins of the bridge.
"I agree with you Forte. We should get the horses now. We should have time to make it back there before dawn." Rhune replies.
Antonia's eyes alight in anger and her chest rumbles with a growl. Through clenched teeth she speaks, "My friends are not replaceable. I will remember in the future that yours are." With that she walks away again looking in the direction where the horses should be.
Arkady stares after Antonia, confused. "What have I done to elicit your anger??"
Hearing the outburst, Daegwyn follows Antonia. "Our animal companions will not be so easily dismissed. Rest assured that I will not proceed if it means leaving them behind." Daegwyn gently places a hand upon Antonia's shoulder as he continues. "I know that most of the others do not share our belief in the harmony found in nature...all of nature. It has been difficult for me as well. To think that all of this is here for men to use however they wish is to totally miss the point. We know that all things were created to work together, but others have not grasped that truth yet. Perhaps one day, through your actions or mine, they will begin to understand."
Antonia says nothing. she just stands there for a while taking comfort in Daegwyn's hand, words and closeness.
Ullar frowns at Arkady's remark, but says nothing. He quickly gives Antonia a confirming shake of his head, as if he says that Shadow (and Zephyr) will not be forgotten.
Antonia notices Ullar, but says nothing. Instead she thinks about the trust those brave creatures have given to those who ride them and the thought of that trust being destroyed. She knows that she will not leave Grey behind. He chose to go with her. He has never been forced and she will not abandon him no matter what the others say or do.
"We will go back for the horses. I want to get my horse as well. We have been through a lot together. We think alike." Rhune says to her
"I favor returning as well," chimes in Rhees voice. "The horses carry supplies for those of us who aren't quite so well suited to hauling heavy loads. Also, I think some in this group see their mounts more as companions than as a mere means to an end. Since respecting what they value places us in no more visible, immediate danger, I would like to do so."
"I stole that horse from Golthar and if need be I'll steal another. But we will waste so much time if we hike and climb all the way back and then try to lead those horses through that hell. How many would we lose to the ledge and the gorge?? Safer I think to hike our way in and carry the loot back then to risk falling horses and one of them dragging us down with them..........." Arkady explains.
"Maybe, but like I said if that bridge collapses just as we get across then we won't have the horses with us at all. I think we should go get them and come back." Rhune adds.
"It's a waste of time. Assuming we all live through the climb back, assuming Golthar or the Gnolls haven't already killed or taken our horses, there's a lot of assumptions being made here. Go back if you want......I'll wait here till you return."
Arkady settles down near a rock and rummages in his bag for something to eat.
Antonia's eyes flash anger so intense that it seems as if her wrath could catch fire. She stands looking as the man for a long time as if making decisions. Finally, realizing he has no heart for those she cares for she turns to the group, "When the time comes, you can be sure that I will show as much concern for your friend as he has shown for mine." Having said that she walks away, leaving him alone to think about what kind of man he claims to be.
Antonia says nothing else on the matter of the horses. Her mind is made up no matter what the group decides. She will not allow her vision to come to be. No man will ride Grey with spurs and blood. He will never breath blood with the exertion forced upon him. She just waits till the final decision is made to leave to get the horses with the group or without the group.
"Perhaps. I'm just curious if this bridge is going hold any weight put on it, since our horses are way heavier, we first should try that, don't you think?" Ullar asks, while looking at the group.
"I agree with you here, Ullar." A frown on his face, Pietro is looking at the bridge. "Let's test the bridge first, if the horses will not be able to pass, it is pointless to fetch them."
"If we decide to press further, I think this could help: the lightest figure proceeds to the first column and ties two ropes to it. Then he or she will proceed to the next column with one of those two ropes and tie it up there, and so forth. However, at all time the last rope, proceeding to the next column, should be tight around the carrier's body; to have at least one security when taking on this dangerous hurdle." Ullar proposes.
"I could go, but I would like someone to tie a rope around me." Rhune says as she watches the others.
"I will do it. I am not as heavy as most of you. I am not afraid of heights as well, a small bonus here I reckon." Grinning, Pietro collects enough rope to proceed with the plan. "Those ancients must have had a really advanced culture to have built a bridge like this. Does anybody know what caused their decline?"
Caboto, scanning the bridge and the works before him answers with candor. "Frankly Pietro, I have no idea who these ancients were, when they lived or if they were human or not, though they are certainly of humanoid form. I have wondered if they were Latins or Etruscans, but I suspect these ruins are even more ancient. I have no idea."
Pietro walks up to the bridge, looking down for a moment. "Consider me stupid, but I think I sort of have a better idea. Tolik, are you able to fly again, or are you still recovering from your wounds delivered by Gactis? If you are, you are the perfect person for this."
Tolik shakes his head sadly
"It doesn't matter my friend, we will proceed with the first plan." Pietro looks at Forte and Ullar. "Can you hold the rope, before I can tie it up to the first column." He is already walking on the bridge now, slowly advancing and checking the weak and strong points. Suddenly getting an idea, Pietro slowly turns. "Giovanni, you have a lot of engineering experience, don't you? I will tell you what I see, we can decide together if it will be safe for us to cross, with or without horses."
Giovanni grins. "Aye, let me stay within an easy earshot of you, if not closer. Check for cracks in the foundations, not minor cosmetic ones that come with age, but ones that would indicate a loss of strength. The stones in such places may show greater discoloration, and would most likely be in places where rainwater has pooled or flowed. Water is the greatest of weatherers. I will be watching your ground as well, for different perspectives are crucial on such unknown and uncertain ground. If you have seen the ruins of Roman aqueducts you will know what I mean. The greatest dangers will be near the midpoints between columns, furthest from support."
Caboto does what he can, with eyes, rope and cautious appraisal to help brave Pietro. "Oh, for a spyglass to better scan ahead", he curses, dreaming up yet another spell to one day compose.
"No worries, I'll plant my foot behind a solid looking rock and sit down, so that in case the bridge collapses I'm ready for the impact" replies Ullar. The warrior looks for a position where he can see what Tolik does and still has a grip to brace himself if necessary.