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Rory | |
(aka Dakath) (aka Jacobus Faern) |
Dakath was the second (known) identity of the rogue known as Jacobus Faern when the party met him.
Dakath is a fearless fellow, often scouting ahead and endangering himself. He has managed to keep the party out of a large amount of trouble, but he also has managed to stir up quite a bit. Briefly engaged in an amorous relationship with the sorcerous Xania, he now searches for a town, a wench, and a drink, not necessarily in that order. It is rumored that he plans to change identities once again very soon. Jacobus "was" a rather small man who always seems to dress in fine dark colours, black's and grey's are the norm. His face seems open and friendly, although his bright soulful eyes give the impression of intelligence and a calculating nature. His smile is never far from those lips and he uses it to good effect. His outgoing nature and daemenour have enabled him to befriend a vast number of people. The party encountered Jacobus in the gnomish mines while they were hiding out from the Bishop's men. Soon after departing the mines, he changed his appearance, identity and personality, becoming Dakath, the wild rogue. Shortly before the party arrived in Threshold, however, Dakath disappeared, leaving only a note implying he was going for help. He was last seen climbing aboard the departing ship of an elven hero. As the party was being worn down by their work in the Valley of the Hutaakans, they were reunited with Antonia, Daegwyn, and a stranger named Rory. The mysterious Rory turned out to be their old friend Dakath. Or was that, Jacobus? |
Antony O'Donaghue | |
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© 2000 Ben Lomax
Webmaster This page was last updated on 21 May 2001 |