Fight the Real Enemy! Characters
  Rhune Morthaine

  Rhune Morthaine stands about 4'2" and weighs about 75-80lbs. She is willowy slender with shoulder-length, curly silver hair. She is fair skinned, though she does appear to have a tan. She has deep, deep purple eyes. She is wearing a pine green linen shirt, black linen pants and a shaded green linen hooded cloak and brown knee high soft leather boots. She is also wearing magic chain mail retrieved from Fyodorll the Horse-Trader. You notice a black leather long sword scabbard and brace of throwing daggers across her chest. other than that she is not wearing any other weapons or armor. She has a belt with several pouches. She appears to be young, though for an elf you may not know the exact age. She appears to be the equivalent of a 15 or 16 year old girl.

Recently, Rhune was perpetually in the company of the Arab, Asif. They made plans to wed, and indeed, Rhune was able to think of little else.

As of late, however, Asif had to rush back to his homeland, leaving even before he found out that Rhune was pregnant with his child.

  Kathy Ewan
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  © 2000 Ben Lomax


This page was last updated on 4 December 2000