Fight the Real Enemy!
  Introductions, pt. II
"So now I travel. In every town there are those who still remember the old gods, but they are isolated and fragmented. I carry news among them, and try to fan their hope by letting them know that the others exist. And I gather whatever knowledge I can find of the Church and its methods, to pass on to the next folk I meet."

"So for me," she concludes, "the natural next move is to make sure that the opponents of the Church in Florence know what we have discovered there -- especially since they are in such danger of betrayal from their own former allies from the forum -- and then to move on, and carry this knowledge to other places. It is in this context that I advised taking Stephan's commission. I'm curious about Stephan's brother, and the 'Riffliani' with whom he trades...there may be valuable allies there, and important knowledge to be shared on both sides. I also want to seek out someone who can help us open Rhune's scroll tube. And when the opportunity arises to strike at the heart of the Church's power, I hope that it will be in Rome, alongside people of goodwill from throughout the lands..."

Marika turns back toward the young shaman. "Urak, if you feel that Stephan's commission would take us too far from the core of your duty, then what do you envision as our next move? I'm certainly willing to consider any ideas, and I imagine the others agree. I would never give up a proven ally in order to search out hypothetical ones."

She smiles softly at the Urk and waits calmly, giving him time to quiet his inner turmoil and formulate a plan...

Rhune looks at Marika and then at Urak. "I, too, have a mission. But it seems different from yours. My father owed a life debt to an old hermit that may be a rogue wizard. This wizard came to us several weeks ago and claimed his debt. But instead of asking father for help he said that my skills and talents would be better suited for this aid. What he wanted to know was what was information on the Cult. Why so many wizards are apart of it? And why so many turn willing to it. As a few of my own people have turned to it, Father agreed that this would be useful. Now, the Bishop and his men and this cult have much to answer for." She sighs remembering the deaths in the forum

Ullar wonders about what has been said between Marika and Urak and now even Rhune adds her two cents to this debate. Waiting for the right moment to 'butt in', Ullar starts spreading his view upon the situation:

"Marika, Rhune and Urak. Sorry to 'butt in' but I really would like to say something about missions and stuff. Before the meeting in the Forum I didn't know any of you. After these 60 hours we spend together, I realize that I was very lucky to have met you all."

Ullar pauzes for a moment, being more a fighter than a spokesman, he searches for words who would accuratly describe his feelings.

"I'm worried about what has happened. In the Arena I've fought for many people of the Church, but never met one from close by. The Bishop was the first person of the Church which confronted me with was has happened to the freedom of religion in my country. It was my understanding that those of the smaller occults were converted to become Catolicks, peacefully, in full understanding. But the recent events worried me and I have to say, I'm rather immune to injustice."

"Injustice was the major reason for me to flee the Arena. And being a runaway doesn't improve my situation at all. However, I'm not afraid of what might happen but be assured that I will resist to which or whatever religion who tries to overwhelme (spelling) my fellow Italians. It's not to offend you, but I see this spiritualism in it's aggresive form as a plague, a plague to mankind. And after the resent events I've decided that I cannot live with something like this plague, so I'll try everything within my powers to ensure that the freedom of religion will be restored in Italy."

"Call me young, call me foolish but standing up for what you believe in is very important, very important indeed".

Ullar takes a look at Marika, Rhune and Urak, trying to figure out how they respond to his words. His blue eyes are sharp and have a determined look. He is not kidding, that's for sure.

Looking at Ullar, "I would not call you foolish, Ullar. I believe that one reason that the old man asked me to go instead of my father is that he somehow knew that I would see how dangerous this cult is and decide to help on my own. I have seen that and he was right. I would like to do something about this cult. And perhaps once we get this blue tube open we will be able to do something. In the meantime let us go and escort some horses. I for one would like to meet these Rillifani"

"If you're foolish, Ullar, then your madness is one that we all share," smiles Marika. "I'm honored to call all of you allies." Her voice chokes slightly, completely losing its ironic edge, and her dark eyes glint with emotion as she continues, "I've had few of those in life, outside my Temple...and despite what we've just seen of the Church's power, I feel more hope now, with you seven working alongside me, than I have any time in the past two years."

As Stephan still takes Jacobus for your spokesman, he returns to the table, "So, has your group made their decision?" Jacobus nods, "With some reservations, we have decided to take your offer. It may not be all of us, depending on the group's final decision, but you'll have most of us, it appears." Stephan is not particularly excited by the rather apathetic decision, and you all get a distinct impression that he is rethinking the entire offer. He speaks again, "Then those of you that have chosen to accept my offer, I shall continue to be most generous with you." He hands Jacobus a letter with a seal attached to it. Besides the seal, it is blank. "This shall provide the merchants that you are working for me and have my credit extended to you. It should be more than enough for you to properly equip yourselves for the trip." He thinks for a moment, then motions for Krige to speak with him privately. They have a brief conversation, which Krige nods at the end of. He returns to the table and abruptly announces that he will be accompanying Stephan to Sukiskayn, leaving the rest of you. He informs you he is being well compensated because Stephan needs someone of his skills. He then departs with Stephan just like that.

After the group has made their decision, and told it to Stephan, they adjourn to Rhune's room upstairs.

Jacobus waits until Stephan has left the room "What now, magic, mysticism and Religion. I want a simple uncomplicated life and I stumbled upon people who justify their actions by blaming them on a higher force. Mind you I'm not going to argue if he can find the equipment I need." He grins to himself "At least now I don't have to go and steal it."

Rhune chuckles, "there is that, isn't there. However, that "higher force" as you call was responsible for the deaths of several people over the past few days. I, for one, would like to get even with this "higher force"" she says her eyes becoming a deeper shade of purple.

Jacobus shrugs "I'm more comfortable with the realisation that I'm responsible for my own actions and I make my own decisions." Looking around and thinking that people have probably had enough of his cynical views for the time being, he finds something to write on and begins making his list. He gives his list a quick appraising glance before nodding to himself.

Catching Jacobus's momentary look of disgust, the priestess gives the heretic a wink and a broad innocent smile, intentionally fueling his annoyance. "Or a simple lucky break, if you prefer. But either way, Stephan hardly seems a friend of the Church, and he and his associates are broadly travelled. If we cultivate their good will now, who's to say what information they might be able to provide us in the future? I'm curious to see what we might learn on this mission...and it's certainly not where the Bishop would expect to find us."

Jacobus grins at her "Now lucky breaks I can rationalise with." he says. "your hunted by the Bishop you say ? He has a long arm and his reach is long, I'd be careful if I were you."

"It would seem I can be of more use to you, since the idiot at the head of the Cult doesn't know me." he grins. Jacbous looks for Sam amoung the group "Perhaps Sam would like to accompany me into town for a bit of shopping ?" Jacobus' hands begin to move rapidly < 'to trawl for information and a bit more'

Rhune notices his fingers and hands and an imperceptible nod of her head answers them. Outloud, "you know Jacobus you are right about that. The Bishop and his men would not recognize you. You were not with us at the forum." A thought occurs to her, "Perhaps, Dax was quick enough and able to, he may have been able to convince the Bishop and his men that he was not with us. Perhaps he might have even been able to send them in the wrong direction. I hope so." she smiles at the human for lifting her spirits up a little with regards to Dax.

Marika tilts her head and shrugs slightly. "Of course, I'm open to other suggestions. I just can't think of any brilliant plans to engineer the Cult's downfall at the moment..."

"Don't worry I'm sure your God will do all your necessary thinking for you." Jacobus' tone isn't mocking, merely playful. He grins at her.

Marika's eyes roll back in her head, and her face empties of emotion. "Goddess says we must stone the heretic," she recites in a dull monotone, bouncing a pebble harmlessly off Jacobus's head.

Suddenly she shudders at the memory of the Cult's new recruits at the forum. "Sorry," she says. "That's not really funny right now, is it?"

"Ow" Jacobus turns a look of confusion on his face "did you always resort to stone throwing when you were engaged in religious debates ?"

Looking around, "And perhaps we can find someone or someway to open this blue tube." Rhune says as she pats the pouch that holds it.

Jacobus then rolls his paper up and goes off in search of Stephan hoping he can give it to him personally.

Just before he leaves Rhune places her hand on his shoulder, "Be careful. You never know just where these cultist might turn up." her hand in front of them is moving, "I, too, will look for information."

Jacobus grins "Don't worry, you won't recognise me when I get back, I need to get suitable attired as well. Does this look like a face that gets into trouble easily ?" He indicates his own face with his hands.

Jacobus nods at her and moves off out into the town.

He catches up with Stephan, who is outside still, speaking with Krige. When Jacobus presents his list, the man shakes his head, "No, son, I am afraid you'll have to make your own purchases, though I wager I could get you a bit better deal if I came along. However, I have some other business to take care of with your grim friend here." He looks intently at Jacobus, "Your group has the heart to do this small thing, I take it? I don't know what type of experience you all have, but I trust from the augury I received that you are the ones for the job. I trust fate enough to not have provided me with mercenaries that couldn't do the job." His jovial attitude seems to have faded almost entirely, "I will be straight with you, though. This will be quite an expense for me, and if your men do not perform the deed, I will go to that much expense again to make sure they do not steal from me. I am a generous man, but not that generous."

He looks again at Jacobus' eyes "You understand me well enough. You have the look of someone that has done business before. I will meet you all in Sukiskayn in a few days. Petr is genial to strangers. You will be welcomed in his home, doubly once you let him know what you are there for. If he offers to pay you, you must say yes, but not be selfish in your request. Once I arrive, the deal should already be made, and my brother is not one to go back on his deals. Having you all escort the horses will keep my nephew Taras at home where he belongs instead of treading the dangerous waters on the way to Rifflian." He seems to have cheered somewhat. "Yes, I made the right decision. Your group may not all know that yet, but they will. Yes, everything will work out very well for all of us, I think." Nodding his head, he concludes, "You must leave either today or tomorrow. I will see you on the Rest Day (three days hence) or perhaps earlier. I will meet you then."

Jacobus turns and heads back into the inn to tell the others what Stephan has said. He catches up with them just as Rhune has divied up the money.

Rhune asks the others all to come to her room for a few minutes before going to provision themselves. Once there she sits on the bed and takes out the pouch with the money. Pour it onto the bed she then counts it out and looking at up the people in the room concentrates for a few minutes and then begins to make smaller piles of the money. All except for the 8 Italian silver which she puts back into the pouch. The rest she divides up and then hands the following amounts to you all:

5 Lithuanian Copper, 16 English Silver, 5 Italian Gold

There are two piles left, "That is for Krige and Silus when they join us again." she looks up and shrugs, "I am hoping that Silus did not die. And if we run into Kenshiro as well I can share the rest that is left over with him." and there are a few coins left over. "Also, if we do for this little job, I, for one would like to rest another day. We will need to purchase our items and that will take a little bit of time. I do not want to be rushed to get them." Then smiling, "I would very much like to have another bath and soft bed to sleep on" she chuckles a little.

Asif looks towards Rhune with a look of great humility upon his face..

"Honour you bring much to elvenkind, Rhune. Alms to those who have little is one of the great virtues of those who walk the path of the enlightnened. That you who has so little can share to those who share her fate is an act which shames me that I cannot too do the same. What little I now own is held by a countrymen who runs a guest house in Florence. Until I return there, can I not recipricate this great act of piety. Accept can I only if I may do some service in return for your kindness"

Rhune frowns for just a moment, "Asif, your ways are unfamiliar to me. Where I come from when a party adventures together one divides the spoils as best one can. I did this expecting no repayment, but if you feel that you must repay for my kindness, then maybe you could teach me how to speak your language. It sounds very lovely and I would enjoy learning it." she smiles at him as she places her hand on his arm.

Asif smiles. "Many words spoken by all here are unfamiliar to me. Sorry much I understand not all what you say, but honour me much to teach you lanuage of the Great Aten and his children. Such a task help me speak this tongue much better. We have deal, I able to accept your kindness without shame. In my tongue I would say Kattar kherirak. It mean much thanks"

Rhune mouths the words that Asif used to thank her. She look up at him and "Kaettar Kheerirak?" she asks him her french accent becoming more noticeable with the unfamiliar words. "How do you say you are welcome?"

Asif smiles at Rhunes attempts to speak his tongue, he barely conceals a chuckle. The voices of elfkind are most musical, and unlike anything he had heard before. He repeats slowly the words for thankyou and then says:."Not sure I, exact words, but to words of thanks I would say EL - hamdu Efendi......"

Rhune repeats the words for thank you and then the words for you are welcome. This time she says them much better though her french accent is more pronounced.

A thoughfull expression comes over his face and then a tumble of words...

"What town this, how far from Florence? Go we back soon? Clothes untorn of Faris, Gold Dinar, Silvar Dirhams, Scroll of the prophets and prayer rug stored there in Caravesai run by man from Damascus. He treat well I. Good man is Farouk Ali, I come ship owned by his brother. Worry he, at my none return? Time not long I, in land of merchants. Moon past through less than one cycle since I arrive. Rug most precious it gift of the princess Drina. Twin sister and I grew up in same harem as that of Sultan. She most beautifull like desert flowers after rain.... she.....gave me rug .. as ... token.....".

Asifs voice fades to a whipser, some hidden pain taking his voice. Betrayed by his young years the boyish features of Asifs face goes bright red. Asif turns his head away and stumbles to his feet.

"Go I must.... Cannot loose it..... Drina's gift ....all I have of her " Asif moves quickly to the doorway

"Asif." Marika's voice is gentle as she reaches out to touch the troubled warrior's arm. "Florence is too dangerous for us right now. The Bishop's men know us there. But I'll help you find a way to send word to Farouk Ali that you are safe, and to guard well Drina's gift."

Rhune adds to Marika's protest, "Wait Asif. The boat, if I understand correctly will pass by Florence. If it stops we might be able to get your rug and other things. If it doesn't maybe we can get word to the man some other way. It is almost certain that the bishop will have people patroling the roads. You may get caught." she calls after the anxious young man.

Asif fighting to hold back a tear, hears Rhunes words and stops in the doorway. The world is so cruel, and by Aten he misses home and those he left behind. Exerting his will upon his trembling body he turns on his heel and faces the women calling out to him.

"What that you say, Efendi? Destination we go is past Florence? Heart be most calmed by being able to stop briefly and visit Farouk to get my things. Worry much is there lost to me. You speak to Amir of boat. Ahh.... Amir that not word you speak, Captain I mean."

Matteo shakes his head, "No, Rhune, I am afraid you have misunderstood. We are going upriver away from Florence, not downriver toward it. Also, you can be sure that the Bishop will have Florence's docks, gates, and surrounding area well wary of our return. Everyone within miles is in service to the Cult, even our host had to cross himself when he mentioned the church, though he didn't appear to enjoy it. I would say that a return there would be suicide, surely."

"Hmm," Rhune muses then, turning back to the group. "I wonder if Stephan has contacts who could help us send messages to our allies. Or perhaps you know someone, Jacobus? But they'd have to be more reliable and discreet than your old business partner. We don't want to bring our own troubles down on the necks of our friends in Florence."

Jacobus thinks for a moment, "Hmmm, I still have a few reliable contacts in Florence, let me see." Jacobus paces the floor thinking, it looks as if he discards a number of possibilites before grinning to himself "Asif, I have a cousin in Florence he and I have worked together before, it is quite possible that if I could get word to him I would be able to secure your possessions."

He thinks somemore, "Perhaps in town we can arrange for an outrider to go to Florence and give a note to my cousin. He should then be able to secure your possessions and send them via messenger to Sukiskayn."

"It may prove costly however and my cousin may require further persuasion. Ah-ha, if we send a messenger I will send an additional note explaining to him that should the equipment arrive on time and in order I will supply the messenger with a further scroll giving details of my business contacts and locations of my secret cache's of goods."

Jacobus smiles "That should wet his appetite." Jacobus looks at the group "Don't worry, most of the cache's will of been looted by now and those business contacts wouldn't touch him with a barge pole, but he doesn't know that."

"Well Asif do you want us to try ?"

Asifs eyes light up at this.

"You able to do this enfendi? Debt owe will be most great. Son of Masour never forget such favour done for him. Friend of Asif al Mansour most lucky soul. Family most genrous to those who do good service. . I write message to Farouk, tell him trust your cousin with goods. They returned to me unharmed. You and cousin be friends for life.. By the prophet Amonhotep, much worry do you ease from my heart. I write now..."

Asif shall take the offered parchment and pen and start writing in the true arabic style, writing from what to you is strange, starting from the right hand side of the page, not the left. . In a fine and practiced hand he shall pen a full page note in the arabic script which has absolutely no meaning to you what so ever. He shall then seal the letter with wax and hand it to you.

"Most compasionate Jacobus, letter you give to cousin. He give to Farouk at the Silver cresent Caravasai behind the 3rd wharf in the harbour district. In letter I instruct Farouk to trust him with my goods, and to gift him a purse of 30 gold. Will that surfice? I shall compensate you for your great kindness from my share of our payment for our services to Stephen."

Jacobus, not understanding the importance of such items, shrugs "if it bothered you that much you should of said earlier."

Jacobus grins "For 30 pieces of Gold it wouldn't surprise me if he hand-delivered it to you."

"Thank you Efendi for this kindness. You understand not the importance of this which you do. Now Efendi, this son of Aten must go to pray. It is time for my midday devotion. Good day to you"

Asif shall rise from his seat, touch his heart with his right hand, make a slight bow and then depart the room.

While Rhune counts out the money she took from the slain guardsman at the tunnel, Marika says to the warriors of the group, "If you're thinking of buying armor today, bear in mind that I have some defensive magic I can offer you instead. It will take me a few days to prepare enough spells for everyone...but once the magic is in place, it can last for quite a while. Its main disadvantage, though, is that it is fragile. A good blow or two can shatter the spell entirely, and leave you defenseless until it's replaced."

"I've already cast the spell on Ullar," she says, and turns to the big warrior. "You might try sparring with them a little, Ullar, and letting them know what you think of the spell compared to physical armor. Many of the defenders of our temple in Sardonia swore by it...but I'm no expert on warfare, so all I can offer is secondhand information. Your advice would be more valuable than mine."

"That might be a good idea, milady. Perhaps Urak or Matteo could assist me with it."

A more serious expression comes over Marika's face, and she rises to make sure no one is within earshot in the corridor outside. Returning to the group, she says, "Besides the scroll tube, there's one other reason why the Bishop sees us as a threat. We're first-hand witnesses to the way in which the Church gains its converts...and we know that almost everyone at the meeting the other day is now likely to betray their comrades. Perhaps the wizard who protected us that day, or that young poet who escaped with us, have already spread the word about what happened...but in case they haven't, we should pass on what we know, and soon. There's a man in Florence who is trusted by my temple... but all I have is a name, and I'm afraid of blowing his cover if I send word to him. Do any of you have a more reliable way to contact the Church's opponents in Florence?"

Rhune looks up from her position on the bed, "I unfortunately had just arrived the day of the meeting. I had not even had the chance of getting a room before I had to go. I am sorry." she says to the young woman.

"These parts are most strange to me," Urak says with a helpless shrug, "All I have is this safe-conduct pass from Rome. More than that, I do not know."

Ullar shakes his head. "Nope.. no contacts there". "But, besides that, are you sure you want to risk the life of your contacts for spreading this news? If it should be spread, we should do it. I do not want anyone, anyone at all, end up in that torturing chamber Krige, Silus and I were put into. If it wasn't for Juma, the african guard, I'd be dead by now!"

After she has given out the money that she had, Rhune looks around at the others, "I think that I will go buy the items now. I really do need to get a new pair of boots and some new cloths. If anyone wishs to go with me I would like the company." she says to them as she looks down at her bare feet. She takes her pouches with her including the pouch with the blue tube.

Matteo stood and nodded to Rhune. "I, to, am feeling quite naked without my accustomed equipment. I will gladly join you, Rhune. Will you come with us, Urak my brother?"

Urak nods uncertainly, clearly somewhat confused about the exact procedure used in gaining equipment. Among the People, the standard procedure would have been to ask a friend's or family member's wife to make the appropriate exchanges. But here, among the Italians... Who knew? The humans had many peculiar habits. Resolving to put his trust in Matteo, Urak gathers his things together.

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  Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 May 2002