Fight the Real Enemy! | |
Xania |
Noting Stephan's terms, you find Kalanos' boat at the dock. He appears a bit impatient, "You all were supposed to be here yesterday. You've put me a day behind schedule." He shakes his head, "Damn mercs never care about anybody but themselves. Bah!" He turns to the boat again, "You all will stay up here this time, on the deck, in case there's any funny business. There's goblins running around these woods, and worse. So stay sharp." He shakes his head again, "All right, me, let's get moving. Our friends here have put us behind schedule, and your backs will pay the price. The sailors grumble, particularly the oarsmen, as they begin to work. You note that the crew is made up of nine men, eight oarsmen, the helmsman, and Kalanos, the captain. Two oarsmen are new to the crew. There were only six before, and you note that the cook will not be with you either. You each take up a position on the dock when a lovely young woman rushes up. Rhune looks decidedly dishearten that hers and the others actions of purchasing the equipment should be taken out on the oarsmen. She looks up, just abit startled as the woman rushes up. She wonders what the woman could possibly want. "Captain, it...." she starts to say, but then thinks better of it given the captain's mood. Ullar pretends to stay as calm as the african guards at the Bishop's place could, but his eyes are fixed on the appearing woman. As she is really, really beautiful, those of you who glance at Ullar see him stare, his cheeks burning as they did when he first saw Marika, Rhune and Teague, the poet who is no longer with us. "Excuse me, are you Kalanos?" the woman asks upon boarding. "Stephen sent me. He thinks I might be of use. I apologize for the delay. He just talked to me today, I'm afraid." She flashed the man a smile that lit her whole face. "He said there were some others too?" She looked at the others without really waiting for the captain to speak. "Greetings. I am Xania." she nodded to them, eyeing each appraisingly. Xania is dressed in black. Her cloak is loosely fastened, revealing black leather pants beneath and a form-fitting black silk tunic over them. Black high boots complete the picture. Her hair is dark brown with hints of black in it. Her eyes are also dark brown with a sparkle of amusement in their depths. A dagger is worn casually on her right hip. She bears no other obvious weapons. Xania is left-handed. She moves with supple grace and has a muscular curvy body with nice hips narrowing to a slim waist and long muscular legs. Her full, sensual lips are curved slightly upward in a smile. Rhune looks at the young woman for a moment, "I am Rhune Morthaine. Well met." she says in an easy tone of voice though she does not take her eyes off the young woman. Xania smiles at the wariness in her eyes. But does not speak further. Instead, she looks for a comfortable place as possible to spend her journey. "Ah, Xania Sqeulaiche, since we are giving full names today." she added, with another smile for the one called Rhune. Marika emerges above deck after stowing her equipment. The priestess has exchanged her usual scholar's robes for a more practical traveller's outfit. She still wears light grey robes, but these are shorter and cut very high on the sides for ease of movement, and worn over a pair of slate-grey linen trousers. For a change, she has her cowl thrown back, and her hair is pulled back from the sides of her head, braided with the colorful ribbons which Rhune supplied, leaving her slightly pointed ears in full view. Rhune was right; Marika looks better this way, confident instead of hunted. Marika catches sight of the newcomer and regards her with curiousity. "Greetings, Xania," she says, overhearing the introductions but not yet hazarding an attempt to pronounce the woman's last name. "I'm Marika. It's a pleasure to meet you." She extends her hand to the stranger. Xania extends her own hand and shakes Marika's hand firmly. She nods at Marika in greeting. Jacobus bounds up onto the deck grinning, obviously pleased about something, when he notices the stranger the grin slides off his face. "Good day to you my lady" he says to her bowing low "For my sake I do hope you'll be making this arduous journey with us. Your very presence will ease my suffering considerably." Jacobus smiles at her and takes her hand "My name is Jacobus, if there's anything I can do ?" he left the rest unsaid. "Oh yes," Xania almost purrs. "I wouldn't miss it. We have to help Stephen now, don't we." Her dark eyes look amused. Some of you might hear a pretty loud 'GULP' and see Ullar with cheeks burning standing on the boat. "My name is Ullar Capachio" is all he can say. Pretty ladies make him nervous, that's for sure. He is used to Marika and Rhune now, although not completly but it seems that women are Ullars weak spot. Xania eyes the tall warrior appreciatively. "Very nice to meet you." she says, her smile broadening when she sees his nervousness. Jacobus moves up next to Ullar with a slight grin on his face he talks softly into his ear "Are you alright my friend ? You seem a little uncomfortable." Ullar whispers: "Argh! I just don't know what to say to beautiful women when I encounter one!" Poor Ullar sighs deeply. Jacobus grins at him "I'm sure I can teach you a thing or two, you've got to be on your guard, if they see that your uncomfortable around them they'll twist you round their little finger." "You may find this strange coming from someone such as myself, but rule number one, be yourself." "Hmm.." replies Ullar. "That does sound interesting!" "But how do I keep my cheeks from burning with this red color?" Jacobus grins at him, "That will go with confidence my friend. What is it that you find so scary about women ?? Granted they are infinitely more devious, with impacable twisted logic but they are not so much different from ourselves. You find it easy to speak to myself, there really is no difference." "Well.. the are fragile and supposed to be devoted, but the women I've encounter so far are nothing like this. They seem very confident of themselves, and they are traveling alone. I wonder what has happened to their husbands!" Jacobus grins at him "My friend, it would be best to keep your cultural views on women secret. You are in a foreign land where women are different, I would keep those views of yours quiet less you find yourself fighting a woman." "Ehm.." Ullar replies to Jacobus his remarks: "I'm an Italian myself, I'm no foreigner. And it is not a bad thing that in Italy most of the females at least pretend that they are married, for we, the Italian males, are famous for our advances towards 'unbound' women". A huge grin appears on Ullar his face. Jacobus pats him on the back and whispers to him "Although there is that small matter of sexual attraction !!" And there he goes again.. his cheeks are burning. Ullar is about 2 meters high, and his head seems to glow like it never did before. It's a funny sight for those not directly involved (in this case, all but Ullar) Jacobus laughs out loud "Ullar my friend we are going to get on famously, you are a breath of fresh air in these dire times!!" Ullar softly whispers, to noone in particular: "Hmmpf.. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. My cheeks are still red.." Jacobus grins "My family hailed from England, when I was a child my Mother moved to Florence, so I'm well aware of Italian men and there so called advances on women." Jacobus tries to place his arm around the man's shoulders but gives up in the end, the size difference being too great. "I'll let you into a little secret my friend. The only time Italian men get 'unbound' women, as you so eloquently put it, is when they want to be caught." "There is one fact that you must understand to capture a woman's heart, you must use guile, cunning, sincerity and above all honesty." "Thanks for the tip, Jacobus. I too do think that should do the trick. But if I have to choose between love or the mission to regain freedom of religion in my home country, the choice is not that hard" Jacobus grins at him "I believe we should agree to disagree on that point my friend. Love conquers all." Jacobus laughs lightly, it seems to the others that his outlook on life is that of an eternal optimist. Ullar nods. "I think that what makes the difference between a warrior who has taken an oath to himself and a trader, who sees opportunities" It is unclear whether Xania was aware of the content of their softly spoken conversation or not. One thing was certain, if she did hear it, it didn't seem to bother her in the least. She favors both with another smile and waits for the journey to get underway--and any further introductions. Jacobus then looks around, his eyes lingering longest on their new companion, "Are we all here and ready to go ??" Upon hearing Jacobus's little speach Rhune rolls her eyes and a small smile
plays across her face. The man had said something nearly the same to both
her and Marika. He promises to be a most interesting companion. She then
smiles at the young woman and steps back toward the side of the boat so
that she can
move to put her things down. Rhune then settles in for a long boat trip.
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Benjamin Lomax |
This page was last updated on 2 May 2002 |