Fight the Real Enemy! | |
Shopping |
The group makes it's way to the center of town. It's a fairly large town, though nothing compared to the grandeur of Florence. The group asks for directions and finds it's way to the commercial sector. It is easy enough to make out where the shops are, as there appears to be specific streets for each type of shop. The party may either split up or stay together at this point, either of which I will work out in post. In order to move things along, I will assume the group stays together for the largest part. Priorities being what they are, the group heads first to Weapon Way. There are no less than eight shops, four on each side of the street. Looking for the most quality they can get, the group goes to the finest one. They are surprised to find the inventory rather small, though the weapons are supremely finely crafted. Each is contained in a glass case with a paper denoting it's creator, year of manufacture, and history, if any. More than a few note participation in the various Italian civil wars, local intercity struggles, and some even denote participation in Rome's wars of occupation some centuries ago. Several have their former wielders noted as well, generals, warriors of note, even princes. The prices are predictable very high, though not as high as you might expect in some cases, judging the weapons obviously superior quality. Unfortunately, unless one of you wants to use your full allotment of credit on an exceptional dagger or arrow, you realize that this place is a bit out of your league. So you move down the street to the next best quality shop. This shop's inventory is even lighter than the last, several weapons are not even represented. However, it is the only shop on the street that purports to sell weapons of magical enchantment. Marika casts her Detect Magic on the shop to verify this, and indeed every item in the shop casts a glow. The shopkeeper smiles at this, shrugging to show he is being honest. Quality is not quite as high as the previous shop, but the prospect of magical enchantment is difficult to resist. Ullar, who is unfamiliar with magical weapons, seems somehow focused on one of the two-handed bastard swords. "My oh My! This sure is a quality sword!" he exclaims. "Ehm.. Sir, could I try this sword a bit? Do you have any place where I can swing it around and feel if the sword lays comfortably in my hands?" After trying Ullar is basicly in love with the sword. "Oh.. If you all would like to see me perform I really need a two-handed and this one is really, really fine! So, I hope it's not a problem if I pick this weapon for me?" he asks the group. The weapon is a fine one truly by Ullar's judgement, and it's balance is nice. However, Ullar sees that the price of the weapon is 100 gold, all the credit that Stephan has advanced him. However, he sees that the opportunity is too good to pass up, and he makes the purchase. Just before Rhune goes into the shop she loosens the top of her tunic just a little making it appear as an ordinary thing. This reveals a little of small breasts. As she moves you can see a silvery shadow at the top of her right breast -- looks like an asymetrical star. Rhune looks around at the weapons in the shop. She picks up a long sword that is truly beautiful. The hilt having been wrapped in dark red leather that matches the leather scabbard. It feels nice in her hand and the weight of it is not so great for her. She swings it few times and the men in the party will notice that though small and seemingly slender she does have some muscle. She really would like to purchase the sword, but she has other things that she desires first. She catches the eye of the shop keeper and sighs deeply and then, with a great show of reluctance, she lays it back down. "I really like this sword and under better circumstances I would take it. But I have to purchase a great many other things first. If I have enough money left I will come back and see if I can aford it. If not....well. Will you hold it for me, please? I should be back in about an hour or so." she says with a great smile on her face and her eyes looking inquiringly at him. The fellow looks at her with unflinching eyes, clearly unfazed, "The cost of this fine enchanted weapon is 75 gold pieces, and if you can't afford that, then perhaps you can find the money between your friends?" When she leaves, he waves at her. "Come back soon." Marika roams more or less at random through both the first two weapons shops the party visits. Although she's never made a study of warfare, even she can appreciate the workmanship that went into these fine tools. She examines with special fascination the magical blades of the second establishment, wondering how many of them carry useful enchantments and how many have been given simple dwoemer spells to fool apprentices like herself... The third shop's inventory is decent, quality is good, but prices are high. The fourth has very good inventory and quality is pretty good, but prices are extremely high. The fifth inventory is excellent and prices are good, but quality is remarkably poor. The sixth inventory is light, quality is excellent, almost as good as the first, and prices are fairly high. The seventh inventory is poor and quality is only decent, but prices are very low. The last's inventory is poor and quality is decent as well, and prices are low as well. At the third shop, Jacobus presents the letter with Stephan's seal, at which the shopkeeper nods and smiles, "I was alerted to you, and hoped you would make your purchases here. The finest in town, I assure you." After a brief haggle, he is able to get the long sword for 30 gold and a dagger for 5. Both are good quality. At the seventh shop, Rhune looks around for a bow, some throwing daggers, and some arrows, and finds none of them represented. Mostly melee weapons here. She checks the last shop for the same bit, and has a bit more luck. She finds the throwing daggers in a nice belt for fifteen gold total. No luck on the bow and arrows, though. Seems archery isn't as big in this town as in some others. Rhune has to look about at one of the higher priced shops or settle for lower quality, which doesn't sound very good to her. Unfortunately, long bows are well out of the price range, even if she were to use all her remaining credit. She finds that short bows are also very pricey, as there seems to be a shortage of them in town. Thus she decides not to purchase a bow and move on to look for some leathers, knowing that she still has enough money remaining to purchase the magic sword. There is only one metallic armor shop, whose inventory is light, quality is only decent, and prices are quite high. Seems this fellow doesn't have any competition so he can charge what he likes. Two shield makers are in town. One has almost no inventory and only decent quality, but very low prices. The other has good inventory and very fine quality with only regular prices. There are leathershops of all sorts and sizes, along with many clothing shops. There are also several outfitters with generic equipment of all types and prices, along with specific shops with most items at slightly lower prices. At the armor shop, Ullar looks about, but finds no ring mail at all. In fact, since his credit has been maxed out, his funds would only purchase the lightest of leather in any case. Instead, he relies on the protection of Marika's spell until he is able to either get more funds or find some better armor. Jacobus is able to purchase a suit of studded leather, which seems a popular type in this town, for only 25 gold. He finds the rest of his desired inventory at fairly high prices, but not ones that the letter of credit will not provide for. He also buys a belt to carry his new weapons on, and a scabbard for the sword and sheaths for his daggers. Rhune is able to find a nice suit of tight-fitting leather armor for only ten gold, which she buys. Realizing that she only has enough credit to purchase the sword, she moves into her personal store of cash to purchase the rest of her list. However, as the majority of her remaining money is being held for Kenishiro and Silus, she can't buy too much. However, knowing that the money won't be doing them any good just sitting in her pockets, she figures she will pay them back later. She is able to buy some high boots and two sets of spare clothes, a winter blanket, a bag of marbles, a large sack, and a backpack to carry all her new stuff in. She runs out of money before purchasing any of the rest, unfortunately. She has not one copper coin to spare. Since she herself isn't shopping for weapons or armor, Marika eventually wanders off to visit the adjacent market streets where clothing and drygoods are sold. First she finds a pair of sandals...after surviving mind-stealing magic, hails of crossbow bolts and rains of sorcerous fire, it would be rather embarassing to step on a rusty nail and die of lockjaw, she thinks with a grin. Marika easily gets her feet soled again from a local shop for practically nothing. That business taken care of, Marika seeks out a scribe's shop, where she chats for a while with the scholarly old proprietor and replenishes her supplies of ink and writing paper. The old man directs her to an apothecary, where she stocks up on healing supplies before heading off to find some travelling clothes and the plethora of other items she'll need for this journey... Marika is able to readily replenish her healing supplies along with ink and paper aplenty and clothing. She is able to attain all the items on her list, but finds that once she has all this stuff, she is borne down in a most unseemly fashion, with her backpack totally full and other things poking out and haning all over the place. Though she wears no armor, she walks about as if bearing greater burdens than all the rest of the group combined. Jacobus also wanders town looking for gossip and rumors. However, he finds the town, when he is not buying anything, to be almost amazingly close-mouthed, particularly of matter relating to the Cult. Everyone he meets speaks well of the Church, and seems a happy member. However, Jacobus can pick up that they are not particularly comfortable with the topic, and is able to change subjects before alerting attention. Regarding any other matter, the inhabitants seem uncaring, and totally uninformative. Not so much unfriendly as just genuinely possessing little information regarding anything other than their own common lives. The inns and taverns, as near as he can tell, are entirely inhabited by normal people, no adventurers of any type, most strange in a town of this size. Running fairly late into the night, Jacobus abandons his mission and returns to the inn to get some sleep for the next morning's adventure. Asif in attending the shopping spree visits a leathercrafter to have his damaged scabbard repaired. He shall by here also a small leather satchel and water bottle. He shall also seek out a tailor to buy a bolt of black light weight cloth and a gold coloured cord. . From this bolt of cloth he shall have fashioned a turban, tied by the gold cord and a simple flowing Arabic Style robe which he shall tell the tailor how to make. From a general style store he shall buy a flint and steel, some dried fruit, a cake of soap, a wooden bow and a small bag of flour. While he finds most of the items he is looking for, sadly the repair of the scabbard will take several days, as the work is most ornate, and will cost quite a bit of money. The cloth is also quite expensive, as the tailors in the area are normally in the business of clothing the regular people in the area, and the demand for such nice wares is minimal. It takes most of the day for Asif to explain his needs and see that they are followed through. Regarding his more regular needs, he finds them easily enough. Throughout the trip Asif shall be particulary quiet, his mind obvioulsy fighting for control over his choice of fate. Florence call loudly to him, for that last link he has to his lost love, the princess Drina. What to do? What to do? The Gods contiuned to test him....The path of fate laid down for him was a difficult one. Speak he must to Stephen for him to send word to Farouk to put into safe keeping his last memento's of home. Surely such a favour from one who has gone to such extent to drag them from the river was not much to ask. Asif makes up his mind and upon returning from the shopping trip seeks out Stephen for a few words. Rhune notices Asif's quietness and concern over leaving his rug behind. At one point she goes over to him and places her hand on his arm. Looking up at him she will smile at him warmly, "We will try to get your rug back for, Asif. I know that it means a lot to you. Did she wear a particular color or have a particular scent that she wore?" she asks him. Rhune hopes to purchase something to remind Asif if his loved one once she becomes a bit more liquid. Once you all have equipped yourselves, you make for the inn. It has taken almost all day to do this, and it appears that Sam has wandered off during the activity. He does not return. Later in the evening as you are eating dinner, you receive a note from Stephen saying that Sam has chosen to accompany him as well, leaving your group at it's smallest size yet, only seven members. Asif shall approach Marka upon hearing her offer to cast a magically protective armor. "Efendi the power of the gods is most great. Those who wield heka are blessed two fold. Although trained by the greatest swordmasters of Aswan, one mistake can bring death. I have the training but little experience. If you are able to help with you heka I would be most appreciative. One day mays some favour I do you" "It would be my pleasure to lend you any help my heka can provide," Marika smiles, wondering if she is using the word correctly. "And you've already done us all a great favor with your skill and sharp eyes at the tunnel mouth." From her satchel she takes a piece of finely cured leather a little bigger than her hand. By the morning light spilling in the window, you can make out a shield crossed with a spear etched in the leather's surface, with a dozen or so runes and sigils inscribed around it. Marika holds the sheet in her left hand while making several passes over it with her right, chanting a series of rhythmic syllables. The designs on the leather begin to glow with a steady white light. At the final word of the spell, she presses the leather against Asif's chest, and the luminous white aura spreads out to envelop his whole body for a moment, then fades from sight. "There you go," she says. "With luck, no one will try to kill us again soon...but if they do, then between this spell and your skill with the blades, you'll be no easy mark." Asif smiles at the amazing effect of the magic. Rare is the event that one witnesses such power. "Thank you Efendi, may the gods smile upon you as Aten does upon me." Later, Marika sits in a comfortable corner of the common room, a pot of ink and two sheets of paper laid out on the table before her. At the sound of the door opening, she looks up and smiles, seeing several of her companions also returning from the shopping trip. "Jacobus," she says quietly after exchanging greetings with the group. "Are you still planning to send a message through your cousin to Asif's friends? I'd be grateful if you could also ask him to get this letter to a man in Florence for me." She blows one final time on the second page of writing, making sure the ink is dry, then rolls up both sheets and places them in a leather scroll tube, which she hands to Jacobus. "The man's name is Gabriel Gamboa. A corporal in the Florentine militia, so he shouldn't be too hard to locate...but please tell your cousin not to let anyone else see the message, or even know about it." "Thanks, Jacobus. It's a relief to have someone trustworthy to carry this message. I hope it's not too late to do any good," Marika says with a sigh. Jacobus grins "My cousin is hardly trustworthy my friend, but for the princely sum Asif is offering him I'm sure he can be trusted to deliver your message as well." "I'll gladly match Asif's contribution, if your cousin can get this message through safely," Marika responds. "But when you say he is not trustworthy...would he stoop to turning the letter over to the Church?" Jacobus looks at her pen and paper "Can I borrow this a moment ?" Jacobus looks over at her and smiles, he takes out the note that Stephan had given them and begins to practise Stephan's writing and signature. When satisfied he has got it correct, he then hands everything back to Marika "Well you never know when that may come in handy, if I come back this way I'll be sure to create myself a credit note and get myself somemore equipment." The signature is fair, but the seal, the important thing, would be difficult to duplicate. Jacobus grins at her "I know it's despicable isn't ?" "Yes," she answers sharply, "and stupid, as well. We spend the next three weeks building up a network of allies and contacts, and you would alienate them all in return for some equipment?" Her expression softens a bit; it's hard to stay angry with this odd little rogue. "I'll just assume you were joking, friend. But in case you need money next time we're in this town, you know where I keep mine." She reaches into her satchel and jingles her small bag of coins. "Just ask, or steal it from me fair and square if you prefer the challenge," she smiles. "But don't steal from Stephan, or I'll have your hide." Rhune takes another bath and gives her new clothes to the lady and asks her if she could wash them for her. The laundry is charged to Stephan's bill, so the woman does not protest. She then helps Marika with fixing her hair with some of the ribbons she bought for her, "Marika, you have pretty hair and nicly shaped ears. You should show them more often. I bought you some ribbons." she says to the young woman handing her several ribbons in various colors, "I can help you braid your hair if you want?" she asks her. Rhune will braid Marika's hair for her if she lets her. Marika beams at the friendly young elf. "Thank you, Rhune; I'd be delighted," she says warmly. After a pleasant nights rest, Ullar is only carrying the slightest hint of injury, and the others are all full strength, carrying their standard spells. Just before they head to the boat Rhune goes to the kitchen and asks about
getting several little packets of pepper from the cook. She has no money to
pay, but fortunately the cook is a generous sort and he gives them to her
for free, though he doesn't know what she is going to do with them.
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Benjamin Lomax |
This page was last updated on 2 May 2002 |