Asif sits with his arm around Rhune, his face beaming with pleasure at the song. Sneaking a quick kiss with Rhune he then as the song finishes breaks into great applause.
Rhune returns the kiss and "Yes that was so beautiful Taglio. Thank you." she smiles brightly.
"Efendi great is your golden tongue. What wealth a man such as yourself could make in my land. Your voice brings great joy to both my heart and my wife to be. Soon shall we all have cause for celebration, but alas I worry as to who will perform the ceremony. I fear this son of Aten is alone in this land, no Inman or priest of Aten dwells here...Without such a man to hear our vows it be not in my mind. I Worry much in recent days and I pray knowing that Aten will provide. Answer come to me, I think with effort we can find an priest whose aspect is similar to mine. Maybe not of Aten, but of his aspect the sun. Upon the ship coming to Italy I was lucky to speak to a sailor who approached me after my morning devotions. He tells me of our similar shared faith. He speaks to me of the Druidic faith of Belenus, a deity like Aten of the Sun. Methinks Aten takes this foreign name here to look after all that he has created. If such a Druid be found he could perform ceremony. Have you ever heard of such men?"
Looking over at Rhees, "Asif I think Rhees is a druid but you will need to ask him." Rhune replies.
"Ah by the prophets beard that is indeed true. If any man could provide the answer it would indeed be a druid. He speak not of his faith the last time we trod the path together. He may be of Belenus or similar faith. I need go speak with him. Excuse me my friends."
"Asif mio amico, I do not know if he is a druid, but I have heard Rhees comment on that deity. I am sure he could help you, si. Thank you for your kind words. It is a great pleasure to play to such appreciating company." Tag pauses, then looks at the happy couple.
"My friends I think our paths must part for a time. I feel my work is undone and that I may better accomplish it with our new friends. Know you that I value the time I have spent with you and will remember it always. If we survive I hope to see you all in Venezia at a happier time. If we die then I meet you in Paradiso, si."
"I will miss you Taglio...But you be careful and I hope that our paths cross again." Rhune replies with a lump in her throat
Tag takes Rhune's hand and kisses it tenderly. "Fair Rhune, I will miss you too. But, do not fear, I will watch for you and your Arab. I will come and sing for your children if you will have me."
"Of course, my friend. I wouldn't have anyone else singing to them." she says with a smile as she hugs him bye.
Asif looks towards Tag with undisguised sadness.
"Efendi it is with sadness that I here of your departure from our company. Such great pleasure have you brought me not just as a master of song but also as a true friend. Worry not I shall remember you each day in my prayers. Aten sees all and recognizes all honorable men even if they follow a different path of truth. I pray that our parting is not a long one, and that in more pleasurable times you may once again share our fire. Next time I play my instrument I shall remember our nights of shared playing of song. Both Rhune and I shall miss you my friend"
Asif stands up and reaches forward embracing Tag quickly in a brief bear hug. "Follow your destiny, efendi with my blessing"
Asif stand his hand lingering for a moment on Rhune's shoulder, and then departs in search of the elusive druid.
Arkady disrobes entirely, showing a body built for warfare. He is long and thin with hard wire like muscles. He has very little body hair and his skin shines pallidly in the light. Scars crisscross him, especially his arms and thighs. "Dueling? Ha First blood is not a man's way to resolve an insult" he mutters to himself. He unwraps his hair and shakes out a back full of thick curly locks. His moustaches are caked with dirt and filth from the forest and hang stiffly from his lip rather than their usual curls. He stiffly enters the lake and finds a spot to submerge himself completely. He stays beneath as long as his breath will allow and then rises to refill his lungs before sinking again. He repeats this 3 times and finally climbs forth. His long hair and long moustaches hang limp and lank with damp. He shakes himself to dry and then sets to drying more fully with his blanket.
Arkady gathers his clothing and carefully and rigidly washes each item. He hangs them on bushes and trees and then lies naked on his blanket until they are dry. His sword is never more than 6 inches from his slumbering form.
As the wounded are immersed, and the other gradually immerse themselves, each seems to experience something strange, private visions of what is, what was, and perhaps what may be. The more obvious effect of healing injuries you do not see. Not one of the group emerges more healthy than when they went in, rather more contemplative.
Plebius, the cautious sort, had waited to see the effects of the water on all those who went before him. See its results, he helps the wounded to the water and bathes their wounds before stepping into the water himself, fully clothed.
Brought forth from the water, Celest and Kyo still remain unconscious, having gained the effects of healing no more than any of you. However, the waters do bring about uncommon clarity of the mind, and invigorate you even though many remain severely injured. Those with spell-casting abilities realize that they have been rested enough now to regain those spells.
The Vyalia elder seems very disturbed to observe the lack of effects of the waters physically, "This is a very bad sign. The lake has not granted you the physical replenishment it usually gives to outsiders. This is most distressing." He summons one of the younger elves, who then rushes off. Within a few minutes, he returns with a small pouch. The elder opens the bag. He walks up to the large group. "Two of your companions will remain with us, as the damage they bear is too serious. They must contemplate life and gain understanding. Then they can return. The waters fate that they will not accompany you on your path, though." He gestures to Kyo and Celest, immediately after which several young strong elves pick them up and carry them away along the shoreline.
A sad look crosses Tolik's face as he sees the elves take away the two injured.
Returning his attention to the bag, he gives a handful of berries from within, several to each of the injured group. Those uninjured number among them none from the original group, Ratlin, Arkady, Antonia, Plebius, Giovanni, and Daegwyn. Amibar gets one of the berries, as does Pietro and Tolik, while Zifnab gets three, as does Manus and Dakath. Taglio gets five berries while Rhees, most severely injured of the second group, gets six berries. The elder looks in despair into his bag, giving the remaining six berries to Rhune.
Tolik looks at the berry, trying to decide if he knows its origin. Deciding this would be a better topic for another time, he pops the berry into his mouth and fixes his attention on the elder.
Upon consumption of the delicious green berries, all those mentioned have their physical injuries completely healed, even the ones many days old. However, Forte and Ullar still are terrifically injured, and Asif bears the wounds of dozens of battles, never recovered.
Putting away the bag, the elder elf approaches those with specific debilitating injuries, Forte's injured arm, Tolik's leg, and incants upon them, making them useful limbs once again.
"Thank you good sir, "Tolik says, testing his leg against his weight to be sure it is back at full.
"Thank you!" Forte cries, ecstatic that he once again has the use of his right arm. He swings an imaginary sword, testing out his restored limb.
Incanting again two similar incantations upon each of Ullar and Forte, he ameliorates some of the damage inflicted upon them. He then turns to the three warriors (including Asif), "I am afraid that I have run out of resources. Perhaps my associate across the lake can help." He turns to the lake and ululates loudly, an eerie, ear-splitting cry.
Within a few minutes, a group of small winged elves, much different than Tolik, come flying across the water and land close. One of them, his only noticeable difference being the silver band around his neck, which all the faeries share, is colored gray, approaches them. He raises his hands and with a poof, a tiny (by human standards) flask appears in them. He hands it to Asif. He follows the same procedure with Ullar and Forte. Then, without speaking, he bows to Ullar and flitters away.
Forte quaffs the potion quickly, wondering exactly what it will do.
It's effects are not remarkable, but he does feel somewhat better physically. He suspects that the faeries failed to make the potion strong enough for someone of his bulk.
Tolik watches the faeries closely, studying their actions. A glazed look covers his eyes as he remembers the story of these other flying people; when he looks up again they are gone.
The elder turns, "I fear that is all I may do to help. If you wish to use the old village to rest in, you may do so. There is much I must speak of with the others." He seems very bothered, and departs into the fog, not waiting for any further questions.
A young elf guides the whole group into the ancient hamlet that the first group spent their magical time in. It is tiny, only a few building, but they find that the beds that were there before remain. However, no one feels particularly sleepy. The forge that Forte worked so hard at last time is still there as well. There are plenty of places in which the spell-casters can meditate and study, and within an hour, they have their full abilities restored to them.
Tolik sits outside the buildings, at the end of the small village opposite the smithy, studying his spellbook raptly. Occasionally he draws marks in the dirt with a dagger, but always wipes them out with his hand quickly after.
Ullar's injuries are still somewhat severe, though both Forte and Asif feel much stronger. Debating how to spend the time, Rhune brings up the subject of the weapons from the attackers. Dakath, having waited quite some time, gathers up a bow and quiver of arrows. Of the rest, the leader had a long sword, chain shirt, and shield, while the shaven-headed fellows had leathers, bows, arrows, and short swords.
Asif realizes that his leathers, taken off the furrier some weeks ago, has several rents in it from his many combats. The leathers of the archers, while ragged, would serve better protection.
Asif examines the archers leather armor with interest, evaluating its flexibility and protection. Happy with his evaluation he removes the rendered armor of the furrier and replaces it with that of one of the archers.
"I hope none mind me claiming this haulberk my friends. (Asif looks to members of the party) Only armor light in its manufacture suits the style of combat to which I am trained.".
Forte looks at the leather armor, hoping at least one of the pieces will fit him.
He might be able to squeeze into a suit of the leather, but it would look rather foolish on him. However, he will take whatever protection he may get.
While the spellcasters study their tomes, Forte retrieves Ullar's armor and sets about fixing the dents and scratches as best he can in the brief time available. When done, he approaches Taglio. "I'm sorry Tag, but we don't have the right materials to fix chain mail.
"Hmm! Forte I believe the captive was wearing chain mail armor. Perhaps you could use some parts from that? Or I could see if that armor will fit me, si?" Tag goes and examines the armor of the captive. If no one else has claimed it he tries it on.
"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" Forte mutters to himself, before going to investigate the captive's chain mail, seeing if it can be modified to fit Taglio appropriately, or at least the links may be used to repair Tag's existing armor.
Tag takes off his armor and gives it to Forte. "Mio amico, This armor was my fathers. This broken link the damage from the arrow which took his life. It has great sentimental value. If you can repair it please do and I will be very grateful."
Forte takes some links off the captive's chainmail and uses them to fix Taglio's chain mail. With the links already made, it is a relatively simply operation to reuse them as replacements for the bad links on Tag's armor. When done, Forte hands the armor back to Tag. "This should do; at least for a while." After the armor is again fitted over the bard's body, Forte says, "I will miss traveling with you. Take care; I hope we will meet again someday, for then I will have something for you."
Forte does not tell Taglio that he has kept the broken links from his father's armor, placing them in the small pouch he now keeps in his pack.
He is successful at straightening out Ullar's armor dents, but only succeeds in making it appear even more battered, as each hammer blow designed to make it more stable makes it less appealing. However, it is still strong.
With Taglio's chain mail, Forte is able to do a passable job, though the patch of new links is heavier in width and thus looks somewhat mismatched. However, he now does not suffer the lack of protection, and is surely grateful for it.
After some time the tribal spokesman comes into your resting place, "The waters are disturbed by the presence of a new evil among peoples that have treated our tribe with friendship. This disturbance has created a situation where your physical strength cannot be stabilized by it's powers. As some of you have spoken, and the waters have foretold, you must separate now. One group will deal with this new evil, amongst the mining dwarves to the northeast, and the other shall continue on after the hobgoblin king in pursuit of their friend. It has been foreseen that not all of you will ever see each other again, and if so, it will be under different circumstances than these." He speaks calmly and slowly, as of matters already decided.
"The waters have ridden the newcomers of the magical effects rested upon them, but warn that the damage has already been done. They were not more clear on that. Each of you has a purpose in the great struggle to come, and if that purpose is not fulfilled, many will suffer, including perhaps those you have come to care for. The waters are disturbed, and cannot make matters more clear, though whatever was given to you individually I cannot speak of." He turns to his left, and a young elf comes forward leading the herd of sixteen horses, including Grey. All look remarkably contented, and through some miracle those cut saddle straps have been mended on the new horses.
There are eighteen of you, two of them being gnomes who cannot ride, and so the steeds work out rather well, with Zifnab and Amibar riding behind whoever they choose.
"Some of you we shall not see again, and to those, we wish you well. Dark times are coming, for you and for us, and you must be prepared. Fare well to you on your voyage." He indicates the first group with that comment, and then to the others, "For you, your travels will take you to the mountains north of here. The spur that runs most south is only a dozen miles away and there you will find the mining camp of the Gnomes Tekaryon and Vissaryon. They await you even now."
Looking about, you all see that the sun is coming up in the eastern sky. You cannot recall a night passing here, but it must have been so. The clouds are forming and you can feel a chill wind. "Remember that all your trials and tribulations only serve to make you stronger for the great challenge to come." the voice of the tribal spokesman floats to you from the mist, and he, and the village, are gone, like a dream.
Soon after the group has left the village, Daegwyn moves next to Antonia and Grey. "I have never known such beauty of spirit and of form together, as I have seen in you. You surely have been blessed, as well as being a blessing." Daegwyn looks slightly away from Antonia as he continues, his selfishness showing, "I hope that our paths continue together."
Looking at the map Ullar has, you can see the mountain spur that the elves spoke of. Feeling a sudden urgency, the groups travel northward for a few miles, needing to pass the lake's northwestern tributary before they split. They come upon it within a couple of hours, and realize that the time is upon them for a decision. That you will not all see each other again is the foremost thought in many of your heads.
Arkady comes to look at Ullar's map. He grins at the ex-gladiator as he approaches. "Ullar. I hope that we will get the chance to discuss tactics and battles while we travel. But now...can you tell me who Stephen is and why you are pursuing him? I think I should know since I'll be riding with you. I also heard you talking about Varth, Varsk Something that started with a V."
"Sure Arkady." replies Ullar, looking over at the strange warrior.
"Stephan is a brother of a clan head of a nearby village called Suskachuwan. The clan head is called Petr and our group assisted him in saving his village against the Goblin raids. However, his brother was captured and we made a promise to help him find his brother. I tend to stick to my promises, so now we're chasing a guy called Vlack, a huge Goblinoid, who happens to be the boss of the Goblins."
"However.. it seems that there are even higher powers involved and the last clue we had was leading towards some tower none of us has any direction for. Perhaps you know where we can find that ruined tower?" Ullar asks, showing the map to whoever likes to see it.
"Ah Ullar, we passed the village you were talking about before we met you guys. They were well when we last saw them, doing a hard job of rebuilding what they lost in the raids. They were good to us, giving us shelter and water. I think that was very nice of them, especially considering the hardship they have been through. It was a bit of a strenuous stay though, because of some misunderstandings in communication, but those were solved in the end." Pietro gets of his horse, and walks towards Ullar. "Please, let me heal you a bit further, you still look like you are in a lot of pain?"
"Did you speak to Petr? And mother Kuzma?" asks Ullar, with enthusiasm in his voice "It's good to hear that they are doing well in the rebuilding of their village. I hope that the miscommunication you had with Petr and his clan did not result in any tragedy."
Upon hearing those names Arkady flushes and rides away from the rest to hide his embarrassment.
Ullar looks at Pietro and wonders about his offer to heal him a bit further. His pride being the biggest obstacle right now, Ullar just nods, thanking Pietro with a gaze of gratitude. "I think me getting in a better health would enable me to join battle again. However, isn't Forte in an even worse condition? If that's the case, I think your healing abilities would be better served there."
"I spoke to Petr, we had a good chat and I think he is a wise man, I have not really seen mother Kuzma. We were looking for you guys, and they thought that we had bad intentions towards you. Since you are the ones that saved their village from the goblins, he did not feel to happy about that in the beginning. Everybody was just a bit shaken and unsure. We made him clear that we had no bad intentions towards you and your group." Seeing the mixed emotions on Ullar's face, Pietro starts to look for Forte first. "Please let me check you, so I can determine which one of you proud men is in need of some healing."
Pietro quickly determines that Ullar is in moderately poorer shape than Ullar, and uses his healing magic upon him. Rhees quickly follows with a spell of his own on the muscular fellow, and as a result, Ullar feels better than he has in some time (since last he left these waters).
Tolik sits raptly listening to the speaker's words. Upon the finish, he sits quietly, listening to the others before speaking up.
"Asif, I would like to go after Stephan...Will you come with me?" then looking around at the others..."I" she says to those that are not coming with them...the ones that she has been traveling with for sometime now..."I hope that we do meet again." Rhune replies.
"Even if our hearts where not bound my love. That too is the path that I must travel. Your safety and the rescue of a man who I owe a debt of honor gives me two reasons to keep upon this path. I thank you from my heart for not putting my love for you in opposition to my sense of duty. Our purpose and path is one, and I thank the gods for it."
Dakath smiles "You wouldn't last five minutes without me, how would I feel if I let the two of you out of my sight ? I follow my rescuers."
Smiling at Dakath, "of course...I would appreciate that. And you are right we wouldn't last more than two minutes without you." Rhune answers.
"That you shall continue your journey with us my dear friend does indeed lighten my heart. I think I can speak for my beloved in saying that is good that yours and our path remains the same. We each owe each other much in the short time we have known each other. Your are a man that despite your roguish heart I fear not to trust with my life"
Asif bows slowly his eyes meeting Dakath's briefly. Within that brief glance is revealed a message of great thanks for an act of friendship in the recent past.
Dakath smiles slightly before returning the bow and a slight nod of his head.
"I will continue in the task I accepted first; that is rescuing Stephan. The hint the elves gave us will probably lead us to another clue in this mystery and I'd like to see all the puzzle pieces together. So Rhune and Asif, we'll travel together again." Hearing Dakath his words, Ullar smiles: "So you will not go to the city but stick with us instead? I must say that I admire your willpower, my friend."
Dakath looks over at Ullar "What and miss out on you becoming the stuff of legend ? Oh I wouldn't miss that for the world. Besides, I'd hate to see you die because I couldn't save you."
Ullar grins. "Well.. perhaps.. someday.. I'll become a Lord and stuff of legend, as you phrase it." Seeing Dakath nearly laughing out loud, he adds with a smile: "Hey.. every man deserves the right to daydream!"
Asif turns in his saddle and looks at the party.
"Well it is good that Rhune Dakath and Ullar are decided. I would welcome any other that will ride with us. Much hardship have we experienced on our journey together. If part we must, you who have lost blood by my side I shall keep you in my prayers. So what of you others? I confess I know not many who have just joined us. For this I apologize, I am new to this land and wary of strangers especially after the circumstances of our first meeting upon the road. Meeting in anger as we did, I did not feel inspired to offer my hand in friendship. Only to Manus and Tolik have I redeemed this misunderstanding. If any of you will join us we shall welcome you happily."