In the afternoon, the massive group approaches the fog-enshrouded lake. There is no one about to begin with, but within moments, like wraiths the Vyalia come forward out of the fog, which seems to be even more dense than usual. The ones here are not familiar to any of you, and one young male speaks out cautiously, "Hail, strangers? What business have you here?"
Ullar looks at the elf with a sad look in his face. "We've come to return to you a fallen comrade and a terribly wounded comrade. Hopefully you can save the light in his eyes." he says, solemnly.
The elf turns downcast, fetching his clansmen from their perches. He sends out an eerie sound across the water, a high-pitched cry like none you have ever heard before.
Arriving at the lake, Arkady takes careful notes and sketches of the entire scene, including the elder if he can get a good enough look.
Within minutes, some more familiar elves emerge as well. The elder whom the first group dealt with for some time comes forward first, a pained expression on his face. "My sons..." However, his face quickly becomes calm again, "From the waters we come, to them we return." Then several of the younger elves come forward and take the deceased boy away into the mists.
As the elder emerges from the mist, Daegwyn slides down from his horse and gently helps the injured Vyalia from the horse. He places the elf on the ground, propping him up into a half-sitting position until he can be seen to.
The elder bends down to his other son, making calming noises of the same ilk as those the earlier fellow made, and they seem to please the injured man. He incants softly in elven, and the man's injuries close. More importantly, his spirits lift immensely, and then he rises and walks into the mist with his father.
Left behind are three of the Vyalia, one of whom was the fellow who spoke most often to the first group. He seems to be some sort of tribal spokesman, though he is very young for such a task. "Well met, though you bring unfortunate tidings." He seems to consider for a moment, "Also tidings we have for you. Fortuitous it is to have encountered more fellows on the road, for the elders have seen a parting, and feared there were not enough heroes among you to do what must be done." With that mysterious comment, he smiles briefly, and walks into the mist himself. Over his shoulder, he comments, "You may make yourselves comfortable. We shall return shortly."
Ullar listens intently to the words the elf speaks. Not going to underestimate their value, he thinks about the spoken words for a few moments before responding.
"Ehm..." he starts, hesitating, ".. could you explain to us what your elders have foreseen? Currently our ranks have been filled again, but I doubt that we all have the same motivations and goals in our near future, so I think we will split up again. But before any of us can make a choice it would be convenient to know what might have an impact on that decision."
However, the elf has disappeared by the time that Ullar speaks up, and there is no response from within the fog.
As the Vyalia return to the mist, Daegwyn turns to face the majority of the group which has been to the lake before. Daegwyn speaks to the group in general, "Since it appears we have some time, could you enlighten the rest of us about your previous encounter with the Vyalia?"
"Well, I had seen this lake in a vision. We came here after suffering many injuries and the waters healed some of us. I was almost dead, but the lake restored me to perfect health." Forte pauses before continuing. "We then traveled to the middle of the lake, and we were attacked by fairy-folk before we got to the island."
"On the island, "here Forte pauses to look toward the island even though he can't see it, "we fought much evil. A mirror was there, and someone we knew was in it. But now she was evil. And Augustus was trapped in the mirror."
Forte feels it imperative to leave a few details out, but finishes by saying, "We were almost all unconscious. Then Xania broke the mirror and we were saved. Except Augustus and Marika, I guess. Then we returned to these shores, rested, and began tracking Stephen. Eventually, we met up with you."
Forte looks around at the others who have been to the lake before. "That about covers it, doesn't it?"
"Well the last time we were looking for Stephan...we had found some tombs that had proved to be a bit more dangerous than we thought and a great many of us were hurt. I...well...I had gotten possessed because of something I did..." she looks over at Forte then looks back. "Well we came here and the elves wanted us to try and do something for them it proved to be a most harried time for all of us." Rhune replies obviously uncomfortable with the discussion topic.
Rhees' face moves from a troubled look to sadness, "Brother Augustus was a good man, I am saddened to here of evil befalling him." As he continues, Rhees looks over to Ullar, "and though I never met her, I recall you all speaking kindly of Marika - I am sorry for the hurt you must be feeling. One thing troubles me though. It may be nothing, but when I asked the Vyalia about Marika, they denied any knowledge of her existence . . ." Rhees trails off, unsure how to phrase his question.
"Hmmmmm...that is interesting." Rhune utters lost in thought at that.
"Hmmmm...I thought we told them her name, but maybe I am mistaken." Forte shrugs his shoulders - or tries to, but only the left one responds properly. "Maybe I've been hit one too many times and my memory is going, "he muses with a smile.
Ullar is quiet when Forte tells the story. He notices Rhees' look afterwards, but from the look in his eye it's pretty obvious to deduct that the warrior is not going to comment on this issue. A big sigh escapes his body, while he shakes his head slowly.
Within an hour or two (or perhaps more, the tranquility of the placid lake seems to escape time itself), the elves return. They are all dressed in blue-green, flowing robes, and are chanting in unison, the same type of eerie sounds you have now heard twice. They bear with them a shrouded body, which is strange for elven customs. Not acknowledging the group, the entire party descends toward the water, gradually swallowed by the fog.
After quite some time, some of them return, though the elder and his son are notably absent. The spokesman speaks to you all, "The waters have decreed that you must return to your course. Those who are to continue on will be strengthened for that purposes. Those not destined to follow this course will follow another, which the waters have not told us as yet. Finally, those whose hurts are too close to their soul will remain with us, as the waters have sighted dangers among you. The largest threat to the well-being of everyone is contained within you, not from without."
He seems sadly contemplative, "The waters have told us that we cannot remove this danger without removing your destinies, and that we cannot do. However, the danger will be ameliorated until the waters inform us what further measures may be taken." At that point, you can see what appears to be the elder and another Vyalia, most likely his son, down by the shoreline, making grand gestures and shrill sounds. The spokesman turns to you, "Little time remains. While your spirits may ask what purpose these smaller deeds, the waters espouse that in fulfilling them, the larger purpose in all will be revealed." He smiles broadly at you all, "Great things are in store for you, and great hardships. Many will die, and some will become great. For some, both will be true. More you cannot be told."
He gestures toward the lake, "The waters await. You will find your destinies within them." He stands with arms crossed.
Daegwyn awaits the reactions of the others who have met the Vyalia before he proceeds.
Staring in awe at the elf, Ami shrugs his little shoulders in resignation. " Last time I was here, I had a vision of myself in that cursed mirror... It was a strange vision, one of beauty and greatness, but the mirror was evil - who knows the purpose of it's visions..." He looks at the water, and shrugs again. " Let's see what will be shown to me this time, "he says as he walks towards the shore, entering the foggy lake fully dressed.
Following Ami's lead, Daegwyn approaches the lake. His thoughts turn toward the events of the past several days. Perhaps answers will be revealed, perhaps more questions will be raised. Only time will tell.
Dakath sits on the edge of the lake "I'm not looking for greatness and I'm certainly not looking for fame, notoriety maybe I could live with but not fame."
He watches as the others approach the lake "After last time, having uninvited guests in my head, I prefer to think that my fate lies in my own hands."
Manus heaves his great bulk off of the overloaded horse and makes for the waters...he stops upon hearing Dakath mention his last experience...turning to the man he says..."What do you mean by uninvited guests in your head?" It is clear that Manus will not step one inch further until he knows what he is getting into. "Erin is full of magical lakes and has proven to be the undoing of many a great man to step blindly into the magical waters. I may not be a great man but I do not need undone at this time."
Dakath looks up at the huge man "Before we came to the lake for the first time we decided to loot some tombs, it turned out that we freed two elven spirits trapped in the past, one saw fit to live in my head for a while, it turns out he once lived here."
Dakath shrugs. "He's gone now, if your injured I would recommend you bathe in the lake. I just don't want to be told I'm going to die."
"Manus, many of the 'great men' who found their undoing either brought their own trouble on or were at odds with the Sidhe who watched over the waters. We are welcome guests here and the caretakers of these waters appear well-intentioned. I suspect that if you bring no evil in with you, none shall find you." (OOC: forgive the shades of Yoda ‹I know eg is an evil grin, how about sg for a silly grin›)
Manus replies..."I am not at odds with the Aes Sidhe nor do I bring my own trouble...but evil has long had a home in this shell I carry about. We shall see what the Great Queen has in store for her warrior today eh?" As he says this he bends down and shrugs his mail coat off of his massive frame. He carries his Sparth as he enters the water wearing his linen shirt and short breeches.
Giovani removes his traveling clothes and places them in a folded pile by his wooden box and satchel and his Jacob's cross. Lastly he removes his hat. After taking a few steps towards the lake, he returns, and puts his hat back on. "Away" he cries and charges into the lake like a boy.
Rhees looks quite solemn as he goes into the lake
Forte awkwardly throws his left leg over the horse so both legs are on the right side, and jumps down leaving his left hand on the horse to steady his leap. He follows Ami and Daegwyn. "Hello, lake, it's good to see you again, "he says with a smile and walks into the lake.
Pietro is standing next to forte when the elves are doing their burial ritual. "If you guys say that it is ok to get into the lake, then so be it." The elf stands still for a moment, eyes closed, as if still doubting. After he opens his eyes, he just silently walks towards the lake, following the others who went before him.
Ratlin looks at the lake, unsure as to whether or not he wants to go into it. finally he decided that a little water won't hurt him and walks into the lake.
When Daegwyn reaches the waters edge he loosens a half-open pouch from his belt, allowing Nix and Hep (his ferrets) to scurry to the ground. From another pouch he grabs a handful of nuts and berries which he tosses to the ground near them. He then straightens back up, takes a deep breath, and proceeds into the lake.
Noticing Daegwyn, Ami wades over to him, smiling broadly. "I see you have ferret companions too, Daegwyn, "he says shyly. " I should introduce them to Natasha..." he gestures towards his pack on the shore.
Daegwyn nods to Ami as a smile crosses his face, "It is good to be in the company of others who share a love of animals."
Asif now disrobed to just a loin cloth notices the reluctance of Tolik to enter the lake. The dark skinned man smiles with friendly intent. Turning he gestures to the lake. "Come efendi, fear not the waters of this place. Heka flows within it and all hurts of the mind, body and spirit are swept away.."
Tolik stands a few steps behind everyone, both because he is unable to walk as quickly as the others and because he prefers being toward the back of the group. They reach the lake, and he watches while most of the others wade in, disappearing into the fog. Realizing if he doesn't go now he will not be able to follow their trail, he hurries off, keeping his eyes on the barely visible form in front of him.
Rhune looks to the elf then to waters and then to Asif. The last time she was here the waters didn't seem to do anything for her but maybe this time they will...smiling with him and holding out her hand to Asif she takes it and begins walking toward the lake...she stops for a moment to slip off her clothes and when Asif does take her hand she walks into the lake with him and then ducks completely under the water and comes back out.
Asif takes Rhune's hand and dressed in his simple loincloth jumps into the water with her. His long black hair free of its turban floating upon the surface of the lake as he ducks under the water.
Giggling slightly Rhune jumps in with Asif and swims around with her lover for a little bit.
He takes pleasure in the cooling waters of the lake. Grinning from ear to ear he kisses Rhune warmly, before splashing her with water and attempting to swim away.
Rhune giggles and swims after him ducking under the water and coming up behind him to splash him with water before swimming to shore.
Waiting till all who go to the lake are on their way, Antonia gracefully slides off Grey, Making sure to take the saddle pack off immediately. She stands looking in the direction of the waters. Whining to Shadow, her packmate, she begins to move to those depths. Shadow follows as far as he chooses even going a bit into the lake if he is allowed, not wanting to be separated from the Alpha. At the edge of the waters, whether there are any about or not Antonia divests herself of her clothes. Her slender form silhouetted in the mist as she slowly moves to the waters. When she goes to the waters she looks to see if any are around to see her, as there are several party members nearby, she basks in the water , wishing that she could change and feel the freedom of the form once again.
Daegwyn cannot help but to notice Antonia as she enters the water. He watches in awe at the freedom which she feels and the unity she has with nature.
"Oh, wait!" Tolik cries out, breaking the quiet of the surroundings. "Shouldn't we be bringing those with injuries?" He stops in his tracks, knowing that he cannot carry anyone, yet worried that they have been forgotten.
"Sure. we need to go get them." Rhune says from the water. Wearing only a light tunic now she returns to help the wounded to the lake.
"Thank you, m'Lady." Tolik says, with a slight bow to indicate his gratitude.
Expecting no answers on any questions asked, Ullar strips himself from his armor, his clothing and his underwear. Naked he approaches the water, his impressive body full of bruises and nearly closed wounds.
With his eyes closed, he sets foot in the water and continues to walk into the lake until the water reaches his chin. Taking a big gasp of air, he dives under and emerges about 45 seconds later.
In deep thought the ex-gladiator returns to the shore. He doesn't dry himself, but quickly gets dressed again, asking for help with his armor once again. The constant memory of Marika at this place makes him become quiet; his deep blue eyes and wet black hair making a perfectly sad depiction of a man who tries to hide his true feelings.
Seeing Ullar's reaction and waiting for Asif to exit from the lake Rhune crosses over to the big man. Laying a hand on his arm, "I miss her too, Ullar. Maybe we will find her again someday. We just have to hope that she is alright." Rhune offers up to him.
A faint smile appears briefly on Ullar's face. He puts his other hand on Rhune's, covering it completely. With a gentle squeeze he says all there is to be said when friends are around each other.
After exiting from the lake, dry and refreshed. Tag brings out his lute. He tunes it and then plays for a while snippets of wedding tunes and dances. His fingers trot lightly over the strings, as a bird on the surface of water. Then his voice joins the mellow tune and a hymn fills the lake side. He turns to Asif and Rhune. "A hymn for a wedding from my home, for you both, si."
Tag sings in a sweet falsetto voice:
Thou God, whose high, eternal Love Is the only blue sky of our life, Clear all the Heaven that bends above The life-road of this man and wife.
May these two lives be but one note In the world's strange-sounding harmony, Whose sacred music e'er shall float Through every discord up to Thee.
As when from separate stars two beams Unite to form one tender ray: As when two sweet but shadowy dreams Explain each other in the day:
So may these two dear hearts one light Emit, and each interpret each. Let an angel come and dwell to-night In this dear double-heart, and teach!
Ah! my friends it has been long since I sang with such Joy. Truly this lake is a gift from God, Si. Is there a true priest among our companions?"
Plebius replies, "I am a priest to Jerboha."
The relief on Tag's face is evident. "Ah! Father I am glad to see you. Would you take a young rogues confession before we split up. It is long since I was absolved of sin."
Plebius smiles sheepishly, "My brother, there is no need to call me father. We are all equal in our god's sight. I am a priest to Jerboha, but not after the accepted Katolik manner. If you so desire, I would gladly hear your confessions, as I too must confess. But I cannot absolve sin any more than any other mortal. Jerboha has reserved that right for himself. What I can do is assure you that he will forgive and smile upon you if you turn from any wrongs and follow him. I hope this does not disappoint you."
Ullar shakes his head in confusion when he hears about the combination of confession and Jerboha. Clearly remembering by which means the Bishop tried to make him confess, Ullar wrinkles his nose in disgust.
Tag looks thoughtful at these words and hesitates long before answering. "Brother Plebius then as befits an equal in faith! Brother I have had my faith tested sorely in these last few months. First I lost my father to murderers and thieves. He was a devout man. Then I learned that my hero Dante Algheri had been called heretic by the church, though I know not if it is just the evil Bishop of Firenze or the Holy Father himself.
I had been brought up to believe that Dante was a great visionary and his work Di Divina Commedia gave great hope of what to expect as the great reward for faith. I also being a poet myself had used him as my inspiration. I found his tomb in Ravenna destroyed by the priesthood however, and the priest there told me that it was grave pride and sin to think that the poet a mere man could profess to know what the Lord would bring us in heaven.
Lastly, I met my friends and learned how the evil Bishop is beguiling peoples minds and controlling them for his own greed and power. Brother Augustus and I had many discussions of this nature and we agreed that the Bishop is an enemy of faith not a leader in it. My friend my faith in Jerboha has not waivered, but the Catolik way may not be the way for me. If your faith can give me hope in Jerboha again, I would welcome it."
A sad line crosses Plebius face as he hears of the trials that Tag has been through, "Alas, the actions of many of the Katoliks cast a shameful light on all of Jerboha's true followers. I have come to learn of their deceptions and corruptions as well. I fear for my family now that I have come under the eye of the Katoliks."
"Tell me more of your family and your faith Plebius, I am curious. What has lead you across the Aegean to Italia from fair Greece?" Taglio requests.
Plebius replies, "I came to join the monastery to learn more of Jerboha. I do not regret going there, though I do not wish to go back. While there, I transcribed a copy of Jerboha's words, and I carry them with me. The Katoliks use coercion and other methods to protect their political power. I care not for political power, but for freedom for all."
Plebius continues, pulling back his shoulder length hair to reveal slightly pointed ears" My mother is human, but my father is an elf. They are simple folk who live off of the land and the skill of their hands. I pray that the distance will protect my family from the Bishop and his minions."
"You have a copy of the holy book of Jerboha? Ah! I would read those fair words again with you if I may. Tell me Plebius it seems to me I may be traveling with the group who are going to the mountains and to dwarven haunts. Do you intend to travel with that group or with Ullar and his friends as they search for their missing friend?" Taglio asks.
Plebius smiles, "I do, and I would have kissed the Bishop himself to obtain it, and it would have been a small price. I value it greatly and would gladly share it with you. But take great care as it is the only copy I have, and the only copy I know of outside the walls of the Katolik monasteries. I plan to go and help wherever I am needed. Presently that is toward the dwarven haunts."
On hearing this, Forte turns to Plebius, "Do you know a priest named Augustus? He's kind of gangly, with blond hair that's starting to thin." His face looking as anxious as he feels, Forte awaits a response.
Plebius replies to the questions about Augustus, "I have known a few by that name, but none that meet with that description."
It is hard to tell whether Forte's face is more disappointed or relieved that Plebius does not know Augustus. At any rate, he smiles at Plebius, and listens as he and Tag exchange stories.