When asked about them, he corroborates Tolik's story to the letter, continuing after they left with the conclusion that someone must have shot the bird down and then took it for food, as they found some feathers and blood not far south of town. They suspected that the elf with the wolf did the deed, as he was seen in the area. No one ever tracked down the flying elf, though word has spread like wildfire around town, and some of the unsavory elements have already begun talking about how much they could get in Florence if they captured it.
Arthol and his crew drink late into the night. Some time after the discussion has moved on to other things, Ullar notices a rat-faced fellow at the bar staring at them. He is not sitting with any others here, and Ullar does not remember seeing him come in. The fellow quickly turns his head and puts his tankard down. As he does so, his sleeve on the opposite arm rides up, and Ullar sees what looks like a manacle scar on his wrist.
Pietro drinks a few beers, which he is not really used in doing. Sitting next to Ullar, he leans against the wall, pretending to fall asleep for a while. In the end his head falls to the wall behind him, where people can't see his face. The elf scans the room, looks at the people and takes in all the details from snippets of conversation to peoples faces.
Quickly, the rat-faced man heads for the door, darting behind heavy guardsmen as he goes. Within five seconds, he is at the door, darting outside. Just as he does so, four brawny guardsmen join the party late, effectively blocking any pursuit. Anyone getting by them and heading out the door see no trace of the fellow.
Rhune noticing the man leave, glances towards the others, "I need to get some fresh air for a bit. I will be back in a few minutes." she utters as she gets up to leave.
"THIEF! THIEF!" shouts Ullar, while pointing at the rat-faced man who is trying to get away. "Get that man!" he says, while standing up, trying to grab ratty-face himself. Muttering under his breath, Ullar says something to Arthol: "Jeez, if they are already pick pocketing in this off-duty-guard Inn, what does that imply for the rest of Threshold?"
As the place erupts into activity, Arthol frowns at Ullar's comment, rising to see what's what.
Hearing Ullar's shout as she heads out the door, Rhune just sighs. This was not something she wanted, the guards chasing this man. Anyway she slips into the shadows so as not to get knocked down by the guards as they come rushing out.
As a few men from the table rush up to see the rat faced man go, Pietro wakes up, which is entirely believable, because the smoke in the place is heavy, and the elf is not used to a lot of smoke. His eyes look a bit red. "What is happening?" he asks not no one in particular, staying at the table.
Outside, Caboto realizes he has no chance of following rat-face. "Manus, Plebius" he asks, "I suddenly feel as if we should find another inn for the night". He asks all outside, "Care to join me looking for another resting place? I would also like to find the gaol, as soon as possible."
Plebius replies, "If you so desire, I will accompany you."
Manus is just about to agree to move on in search of another Inn as per Caboto's suggestion when he hears Ullar shout "Thief!" He looks at Caboto and say quietly...."Perhaps we should wait and see how this ploy pans out?"
"Aye" agrees Caboto. "Finding a new inn can wait. I would like to speak to Rhees at the gaol. We may need to free him tonight, and I would like his opinion on the matter if at all possible."
Arkady sits and watches, waiting for a chance to leave out the back.
Plebius too stands aside to see what will happen.
The guards go out the door after the rat-faced man, immediately followed by Rhune. However, the man has disappeared. It is impossible to tell where he might have disappeared to, and Rhune gets no thiefly intuitions to help her out.
Unable to get a feel for which way the man went Rhune simply joins the others and goes back to the inn.
Returning to the inn, some of the guards look a bit angrily at Ullar. Arthol asks, "Did you recognize that fellow? I thought you'd only been in town an hour?" He looks thoughtful. "Then again, he looked familiar to me as well. Can't remember where I've seen him before, though. Oh, well." Simple as that, he resumes drinking.
UIlar is not really satisfied with the situation and starts to ask Arthol more questions, after ordering another round of drinks of course. "His face looked strange; kinda like a rat. Do you know if there are more of his sort..." says Ullar, with a motion of his head towards the door, ".. living in Threshold?"
Arthol answers, "Fellas like rats?" He laughs out loud, "There's plenty of them in this here town, sadly. Most of 'em live on Fogor Isle and only come out at night. Scum of the earth, them are."
Ullar's group, not feeling particularly comfortable in the place, particularly with the rat-faced fellow about, tries to locate someplace else to stay. There are inns aplenty in the town, and it is easy enough to find one without so much of an official presence.
While traveling to the 'new' Inn, Ullar asks everyone to pay good attention to any possible stalkers around. "It wouldn't surprise me if we are being followed..." he says with a sigh.
Indeed there do appear to be some shadows on the group, but no one in the group currently has the means to do more than spy them for a second, which causes them to fade. However, on at least three occasions on the short trip, one of the elves sees a figure looking at them from a darkened alley, only to vanish within seconds. Not for the last time you wish that Dakath was still around.
Settling down for the night after paying for the rooms and stables, the group gets uneasy rest. At one point during the night, Pietro hears a dog barking outside. Looking down from his window, he sees a disheveled fellow walking along the street with a large mean-looking dog on a leash. The dog is barking at some sound in the distance. Listening intently, Pietro can hear some howling coming from that direction. Strange, though, as the howling appears to have some structure to it. There are several such voices that go on for some time, far to the north, he thinks. After a few moments, the crazed looking fellow jerks his dog's leash and walks around the corner.
Tag starts and wakes at the howling. He sits up in bed in a cold sweat. Then he crosses himself. "Pietro what was that noise? This town gives me the creeps."
"I don't know, there are dogs barking outside, but it seems they are communicating with each other over quite a distance. I never heard something like this before. I can't recognize it of course, but it seems like an intelligent language. Interesting, I will ask a person about the dogs if there is an opportunity tomorrow." Pietro ponders for a moment, but keeps on listening to the dogs barking.
Plebius too stirs and responds to the comment," It seems that the beast-men of Deaths Head may have agents in Threshold."
It goes on for some time, then fades off. Listening intently, Pietro thinks he can hear echoes of it for some time, but it may just be his imagination.
Unable to sleep any further Rhune simply stays up and rests. While she does she thinks about the strange turn of events with Asif....just that morning she was to be married now she isn't and is not sure when she will if ever. Yes Asif said he would return and she believes him but when will he do so? Her hand slips down to her belly and caresses it. She wishes that
he knew of his child she carries. Perhaps she will cross paths with a merchant that is going to Arabia. She could get a message to Asif about it. Sighing deeply she simply waits for dawn to come so they can get the others and leave.
The entire party is awoken soon after dawn to the sound of trumpets blaring and general fanfare. Seems the whole town is outside their door. Some kind of parade? Looking out your windows, you can see that is indeed what it is. People are lining the streets and making a lot of noise. Sounds like something big is happening out there!
Plebius is up at dawn, studying his spellbook and praying for divine powers. Upon hearing the trumpets, he too makes his way to where he can see what is going on.
Tag puts on his doublet and hangs out of the window overlooking the street. He tries to identify what all the fuss is about. "I hope this parade is not a lynch mob for our friend, mio amico." He says to no one in particular.
Hearing the noise Rhune gets up and crosses to the window to see what is happening. She then joins the others, "Do you think it is that judge that is to hold the trial?" she asks as she gathers her things together.
Manus slept in his small clothes with his longsword actually in the bed with him during the night. When the commotion wakes him he jumps out of bed shocked and confused. In a few seconds he fully wakes and pulls on his long saffron leine (long shirt) and looks out the window. "This cannot be a good sign." he mutters under his breath. He then shrugs his mail armor over his massive shoulders and prepares to meet with the others.
Arkady rolls over still half asleep and babbling. "DA DA Ya ne spats!! Tsari parada, Musicka bogi, kak? KAK!??" He comes fully awake and rushes to see the commotion from a window. Considering that it might be important, Arkady quickly dresses and armors and jogs down the stairs to meet the others. He arrives in the taproom, rubbing wax into his moustaches and shaping them in his customary curves. "What is the occasion??"
Ullar rushes to get up and get dressed, which is quite a difficult job with the platemail. After meeting with the others it's obvious that he is not in his best mood.
"Look, if Arthol is right, and sadly enough I don't find any reasons to doubt his words, Hrothgar betrayed us." says Ullar, biting his lip to fight back a curse.
"Dammit!! Why are we beset with this sort of cursed luck??" Arkady swears and kicks a chair to vent.
"There is a slight chance that Hrothgar was just trying to save his own sorry ass, but I don't think that was his true motive. I feel stupid that I told him about Sukiskayn; you never know if he told anything about that to his interrogators. That's something we'll have to find out; if this goes wrong I will never be able to forgive myself." Ullar continues.
"On the other hand, if Hrothgar is trying to save himself, he might very well point at me during his trial, if he recognizes me, so I think it's best that I'll watch the trial from a safe distance or in disguise. Judging these sounds I doubt there is time to get clothing for a decent disguise, so I'll just have to stand in the back."
"I'll have to stand with you Ullar. He's certain to recognize me as I was in his face during his interrogation." Arkady sighs and resigns himself to this task.
"Look, I don't have a clue what to expect. I hope it's as simple as Arthol puts it; just a minor issue to that Shermlain guy. Let's just hope that Rhees plays along. However, if things get out of hand in one way or another we should first focus on getting Rhees. Let's pay good attention to how he is transferred; perhaps we can plan an assault on his return to the slammer. Anyone good ideas regarding this matter? Please tell them quickly, cause I think we have to hurry to whatever is waiting for us out there..." says Ullar, a sad look in his eyes.
"I agree, Ullar. we will just have to wait for a bit and see what happens next. It is to late to do anything about it at the moment." Rhune replies
Pietro joins the conversation with Ullar. "I agree with you that this is a very sticky situation. Just as Arthol said last night, we do not know what kind of trial it will be. There are too many questions for us. Have they been questioned before? Have they been drugged? Have they been subjected to magic or prayers? The woman who is looking for our hide, is she around? Has Rhees been recognized by someone with catholic connections? Just too many questions. We have two choices. One, stand back without being recognized. Two, make a claim on him, claiming Tag's story. Somehow, I think it is better that we wait, and react to the situation at hand. If we make ourselves known by making a claim and something goes wrong, then we lose the surprise part."
"Agreed, although we can still use Tag's story, which I find a very good one by the way, if things get out of hand. We'll just have to pretend that Tag just arrived and couldn't claim Rhees any sooner." Ullar replies.
Tag places a hand on Ullar's shoulder, "Thank you for the compliment, mio amico. I am afraid lying come easily to we Venetians, but sometimes it is useful, si. If anyone has and ideas on how we can make the ruse more authentic, then I would like to hear them." Tag asks. "If only Dakath were here, he could forge some papers from some high authority as 'proof' of our claim on Rhees. I have another idea, sort of a magical ruse. Given the opportunity, I think I can use my new learned spells, to make Rhees appear to have a soft glow about his head, like a halo, si? I could throw my voice magically and make it appear as if Rhees is a saint or something. If we all fall to our knees and claim a miracle, it may give us the leverage we need to execute an escape. What do you all think?"
"Dangerous, dangerous" said Caboto, "but perhaps necessary if the situation becomes extreme. I doubt the higher priests will be fooled, but the guards and crowd might be."
"If we are all on our knees in reverence, and Rhees is tied or chained, what then? One of us should be ready to step in and either unfetter our druoi or carry him away." Caboto looked meaningfully at Manus. "You might be swiftest at carrying him away if he's chained, or swiftest at cutting ropes that bind him."
"I am also worried about priestly attacks. To counter them I have studied two magic missile spells, which I would cast a priests in the process of spell casting."
Caboto considered the scenario further, then added: "Tag, it would be better if the guards unchained Rhees for us. Were you thinking of projecting a holy voice that said something like 'UNFETTER THIS SERVANT OF GOD' or such?"
"Excellent suggestion Caboto. The idea of mine was half thought through only, but I see it beginning to take form with your help. Once again we can combine our magic and the whole can maybe be greater than the sum of the individuals, si" Tag replies. "I agree this should be a last resort."
Arkady listens and then steps up. "I'll volunteer to cut him loose if there is a time of distraction in which to do it."
Chuckling, "If you want a distraction if it comes down to this plan, I can give you a distraction." Rhune says she gives a very good impression of someone who is about to faint.
"What do you have in mind Rhune??" Arkady asks
"Well Arkady, I am pregnant. It wouldn't be hard for me to just fake being ill you know. In fact, speaking of being ill......" Rhune turns a particular shade of green and bolts from where they are and disappears for a just a few moments. When she returns she tries to smile but it doesn't quite work out to be a very good one, "See?!"
Arkady chuckles as he heads out to see the procession.
Plebius replies," I fear the worst. If this Shermlain fellow is informed at all by the bishop, then Rhees will be put on trial for more crimes than petty sorcery."
Pietro nods. "That is just the thing I am afraid of. We will see what happens though. Everybody ready?"
Manus nods his head in listening to Tag and Caboto's plan. "Though it may be our last resort, I think it may be the only way we can save Rhees if the judgment goes bad against him. Trying to cut him free and escape out of the city would be a suicide mission. As much as I value Rhees as a friend and want him to be free I am sure he would not have us throw our lives away in a vain attempt at a rescue."
"I think we should work on your plan and use the ruse of Rhees being wanted in another region first. I would die for Rhees but we have the power to put a halt to the Bishop and what ever his plans might be. Rhees would agree with this."
"I do tend to get carried away" acknowledged Caboto. "Perhaps Rhees will be let go with merely a small fine. If not, we will intervene as Tag's men, after Rhees for being a debtor in Venice. Should that do us no good, Tag will make it appear as if the Holy Spirit has revealed itself through Rhees."
"Again, that would be a last resort. It may be that Rhees is returned to the gaol tonight. Easier to break him free in the quiet of the dark than at a public gathering. We will have wait, see, and act with flair and speed as required. Many unknowns here, indeed!"
Cap and cloak in place, Caboto is ready. "Let's go. Perhaps we should watch the proceedings as two separate, but nearby groups. Easy for communication, but the spread may allow us to respond more quickly should extreme action be required. Let's be on the watch for pick-pockets and rat-faced spies as well."
"No good worrying about it. Let's go see what's there and then we will make a plan." Arkady fires off as he strides out into the street, notebook and charcoal ready to draw anything particularly interesting that he sees.
The group gathers their gear, but you get a nasty surprise when Ullar goes to gather up his. His backpack, nearly full of gold and other things, has disappeared from his room! There are no signs of forced entry.
"It must have been that rat faced man we saw, Ullar." Rhune says to her friend with a sigh.
Once the group hashes things in the inn out, they head for the sounds at the center of town. The crowds are quite thick as they approach, and they see that there are hundreds of people gathered around. Having access to the muscle of Manus and Ullar, the group manages to push it's way through. Finally they can see the source of all the commotion, having slowly wound it's way through town and now approaching the large buildings in the center.