"I'd say we go get them. Anyone volunteering for the job?" Ullar asks, well aware that if he enters Threshold it might very well get him captured, or worse. Still, the warrior doesn't seem to care about that.
Manus pipes up....."Aye, Rhees is a man of Erin as am I. I would go into Threshold to retrieve him be I alone or with companions. He is the only thing I have of home in this land of Katoliks." He then begins to pack up his gear and get ready to move onto Threshold.
Holding his axe in one hand he swings his backpack onto his shoulder with the other. Horseless as he is he says. "Is it to be only Ullar and I?"
"Of course not!" Forte exclaims in an annoyed voice. He turns to Ullar, "You know I'll go with you. Just give me a minute to get my horse ready."
Arkady grins macabrely and begins to re-strap his armor, helmet and gauntlets. "I will go Ullar. But know that I go as Judge not Friend. If Rhees has betrayed us I will send him to Hell." That said he finishes his preparations and Mounts Kril-Pesh.
If looks could kill, Arkady would lie in the dust from the gaze that Manus shoots at him. "It seems you have as much trouble controlling your tongue as you do controlling your actions. Just remember that Rhees has friends among both groups. If it comes down to trusting Rhees or you I am afraid my choice would be sending you to the Katolik Hell you speak of."
Arkady stares coldly at the Irishman. "Erinmans, listen to me carefully. I will allow no harm to come to any of my friends and comrades. If that brings me conflict with any man, then I stand ready and so does my blade." The Russian turns with a disdainful glare and saddles up.
Manus cocks his head to the side and asks...."And just who has suggested otherwise? Is Rhees who left with the consent of the party on a dangerous mission any less worthy of your camaraderie than Ratlin who left secretively yet was pronounced trustworthy by yourself? You seem to like the sound of your own voice but I do not think you listen even to your own words." He shrugs his massive shoulders as if this conversation has become pointless.
Caboto kept silent, reckoning that this heated exchange had diffused itself on its own. However, when he caught Manus's eye, Caboto nodded and grinned. "Well said!" he mouthed.
"Both of you." says Ullar, quite agitated, "Let's not judge anyone yet. If the two of you are engaged in combat with the enemy, you both should trust each other with your backs. If not, than it's no use fighting at all, for..." and Ullar stops, not wanting to waste any more time on this matter.
Arkady turns his horse and rides at a slow pace towards Threshold.
"Let me scout the area out first, Ullar. Maybe if I can find a back way in we might be able to sneak in and find them without to much trouble." Rhune adds.
And so the party gathers up to travel. Unless you all wish to travel at the pace of a walking man, someone must double up to let Manus ride their horse, as he is too large to double up with anyone. Once this is done, the group makes steady time.
Taglio gladly offers to double up with Manus, planning on the journey to discuss fencing technique.
Tolik says, "If I can ride with someone, Manus, you can take this beast to ride on."
Seeing that Taglio's horse would be unduly burdened by both Manus and himself, Tolik's choice makes more sense. As Tolik and Daegwyn are both lightly armored and weigh little, Tolik doubles up with him and gives over his horse to Manus.
Rhune listens to all that Tolik has to say "Thank you for trying Tolik and you, Antonia and Daegwyn. Thank you for trying." She then just nudges her horse a bit ahead of the others and rides by herself for awhile. If anyone gets close to her they notice the traces of tears on her cheeks.
Within a couple of hours, with the sun still above the horizon, you reach the city gates. Those who stay outside are left at a safe distance from town and the others enter. There is no sign of the patrols outside earlier in the day who were after Antonia and Tolik.
Dark smoke rises into the air above the town of Threshold and congeals in a dense writhing mass above it's stone walls. A gatehouse towers above the road, and to it's right the river flows around an island crowded with buildings. Along the town's wharves, river boats bob up and down at their moorings.
The gatehouse manned by about ten men, some above and some below. Standing at the open gate is a gigantic human. Some six inches taller than either Forte or Ullar, and heavily muscled, he is the largest human any of you have ever seen. He is grizzled, with short stubby black hair and a long, vicious scar running across the left side of his face, culminating in a black eye-patch over his left eye. He wears chain mail and a white surcoat. His only weapon is a plain long sword.
Forte looks up, a rare occurrence for him when looking at a human. Obviously impressed by the man's giant size, he says nothing.
Standing alongside the massive fellow is a female standing next to a heavy tome, open with much writing upon it. She stands there with a quill but is not writing at current. As the party approaches, both they and the other guards become quite interested. The giant asks for your names
Forte gives his name as "Vitale Cerrutti" while looking the taller man straight in the eye.
Manus steps up and bows deeply in front of the large man....."George Silver from London towne, traveling abroad." he says with his best English accent.
"My name is Rhyiah." Rhune replies to the giant as she looks at the surroundings.
Arkady looks at the scribe. "Igor Stikanovich"
The scribe dutifully notates these names and whatever creative aliases you offer up without blinking.
With his huge hands, the sergeant unrolls a scroll of parchment and, giving a mighty cough reminiscent of distant thunder, the sergeant clears his throat, "Right, we can get this next bit done and then you go in. Threshold is a law-abiding n' peaceful place. To make sure it stays that way, yer only allowed to carry daggers, swords, and staffs. What's more, yer can't cast no magic spells in this 'ere town or it'll be up before the clerical court with yer. Any questions? Yer better make 'em quick. I ain't got all day."
"You'll get none from me sir." Arkady says as he rides forward.
Pietro looks up to the man asking his name. "Paolo is my name." Looking up to the sergeant, he finishes with. "I carry no weapons you have not mentioned, I will pass the gate." Pietro slowly enters Threshold.
"Plebius," says the half elf priest mage as he opens his robes to show no weapons and walks into the city.
"Diego of Firenze" reports Caboto. "Two questions, Sirrah. Which chapel and which Inn is most welcoming to wayfarers?"
The great man's voice rumbles with his response, "The Temple is in the center of town. If yer Katolik, then they'll welcome yer with open arms. No other faith is tolerated here. Some of ya outlanders..." With that he makes a sweeping gesture toward the whole group, "should keep that in mind." You notice as he sweeps with his arms that the tabard he wears has a small red cross upon the left breast.
"As for an inn, my good man, I myself prefer the Hook and Hatchet." He gestures up ahead to an interior wall some fifty yards to the north. "It's right up ahead past the Inner wall and to the left. They'll take good care of yer there. I'll be goin' there maself in 'bout an hour when I get off."
"Good to know" Arkady pipes as he rides through.
Taglio steps up to the man with a cheeky grin in his eye. "Mio amico, have you seen a friend of ours a young Celt about average build?" Tag describes Rhees, "He was accompanied by two others well known here in Threshold" Tag goes on to describe Hrothgar. "A silver for your trouble would be the least we could do to find him!"
The massive fellow smiles, "Can't discuss that while I'm on duty. Confidential and all that, ya know." Continuing to smile, "But if yer was ta ask me off-duty, over a pail of brew, then who's ta know what ya might hear." He chuckles. You overhear one of the other guards laughing, "Hope they don't follow their friends too close!" The giant looks sternly at him, and he quickly shuts up before the relevance of that comment is revealed.
With his sharp elven hearing, Pietro easily overhears the comment from the guard. His eyes flash towards them for a second, memorizing the faces of the guards, before riding further into Threshold.
Arkady pauses and looks back suspiciously, but he holds his tongue and rides in. (We will find out all later, he thinks)
A sense of foreboding passes over Caboto. He is all of a sudden very glad that they came looking for Rhees. "Glad you're with us, Arkady" he says.
Looking at her weapons, "Hmmmm.....where can I leave the bow?" Rhune asks adjusting the sword belt.
As Tag talks to the gate guard, Forte uses the cover to whisper to Ullar in the lowest voice possible, "I guess that leaves me out. I don't have a sword I know how to use, I'm not going in there without a weapon I'm comfortable with, and I'm not leaving a magical mace with this freak." Forte turns to leave and ride back toward the others hidden outside the city, but briefly pauses to see what the rest of the group do, or if they want him to hold anything while they enter the city.
Manus/George looks longingly at the axe in his hand and then looks at the longsword strapped to his belt. With a shake of his head he jogs over to Forte and hands him his sparthe axe. With a wink and a nod he says. "This is my wife. Be good to her."
Forte can't help but chuckle quietly at Manus' comment. "I'll be good to her. Maybe too good, and she'll dump you for me," he finishes with a wink.
Rhune hands over her bow, and the others that have prohibited weapons, including all missile weapons, hand them over. Forte then rides back toward the advance team, who have kept well out of sight.
Manus then jogs back and says..."No questions Guv'nor."
The rest of the group enters town as the sun begins to descend over the western mountains. Taking the guard captain's advice for the moment, and assuming you might get some useful information from him, you head in the direction he gave you and find the Hook and Hatchet tavern easily enough.
It looks like an off-duty guard bar, filled already with the men, who have begun to carouse even at this early hour. You are able to find a table, but this is not the most appealing place to stay in for wanted men.
"Ullar!! Are we really gonna hang out in a soldier's bar when these men are looking for us??" Arkady asks with admonition.
Ullar whispers: "There is nothing we can do until we find some lead. That big guy at the gate will meet us here, we'll have to wait for him!"
Those men here seem distinctly unfriendly, and you note that the innkeeper and bartender neither one come over to give you any service. Within the prescribed hour, you are feeling thirsty and tired, and are pretty sure this is not the right place to rest your head, though the food smells good and the rooms seem fairly secure.
Rhune glances around trying to keep her nervousness from showing, which is not easy has her stomach is throwing fits at the moment. she keeps close to Ullar and Manus if possible while they wait.
Holding his tongue and temper, Arkady just watches everything. Observing the ebb and flow of the guards. Watching for ones that seem particularly slack or immoral. Those ones he finds he stares at, hoping to memorize their features.
It is easy enough to spot some drunks, but none seem particularly slack or immoral, as you suspect they do not behave the same at a bar as they do on post.
Just as you are thinking about departing, the giant from the guard tower and nearly a dozen of his cronies come in. All the men in the place yell out in unison, "Arthol!" and the giant bows his head, in acknowledgement and to clear the doorway.
Glancing up as the guard comes in the door, Rhune nearly utters a sigh of relief. Then she remembers that she doesn't know this man at all, though it is clear that he is well known here.
Seeing you at the bar, he comes over. Jovially he claps his arm around Ullar, "These men have offered to buy a round for everyone!" Though this elicits groans from you all, it immediately cheers the guards, who hit the bar hard. The bartender does not look to confirm the order before spreading out the drinks to all their sweaty hands.
Resigned to this fate, Arkady contributes the tiny sum he has to the bill.
Plebius will give to the first couple of rounds, but then will withhold any further funding from his pocket on the objection of contributing to the sin of drunkenness.
Arkady finds that the bartender only asks for about thirty gold florens, which he has with change, and so Arkady pays the whole tab.
Arthol sits at a nearby table and orders a round of stout ales for he and his crew. Only the first are you all forced to pay for, and after that, Arthol buys a round for you all as well. Within a few hours, the place is rousing and everyone is extremely friendly. The innkeeper informs you he has enough rooms for each of you plus stables for the horses you have left outside. The rooms are three gold each and the stabling only five silver.
Rhune takes a small mug of ale which she nurses throughout dinner. "Thank you for the drink." she says to the guard in a quiet voice.
Whispering to Ullar Arkady re-expresses his concerns. "We can't stay here. Let's find another inn to sleep at."
Ullar just nods, but gestures to Arkady to wait a little longer.
The food is indeed good, though a bit heavy for the more delicate among you.
Even though it is a bit heavy for her taste, Rhune finds herself eating rather heartily given her condition. At the mention of a room though she looks around at the others then leans over to Ullar, "Are we going to stay here for the evening?" she asks.
Gradually the topic comes around to Rhees and Hrothgar. Arthol proves quite congenial with the information. "Your friends came in early today. Weren't here more than fifteen minutes before the wild-looking one tried to pickpocket someone. Fella was a drunk, and we'd probably a' let him go, but then the big guy with the heavy armor, like yers there" He says, pointing a long finger at Ullar, "He says that he's a magician and that he's laid some spell on him. Well, we grabbed both of them and threw them in the gaol right quick."
Pietro eats a bit, and sips a few times from his beer. Sitting next to Ullar, he shoves a lot of his meal in his direction, since the big guy probably needs a large quantity of food just to be able to walk.
Arkady rolls his eyes and mouths an apology to Manus. "I knew we should have killed that lout" he mutters to himself.
Manus nods in Arkady's direction, accepting and agreeing with what the Russian has to say. He then shrugs his shoulders as if to say, "What can you do?"
Ullar slams his fist on the table. "Damn... if I get my hands on him..." Seeing the confusion in Arthol's eyes, he quickly adds: ".. that magick-user of course. I can't stand it when does idiots start their curses on warriors like you and me."
Ullar looks at Arthol to ensure if this explanation is sufficient to reassure the big sergeant of the party's good intentions.
Arthol takes a long sip of his huge tankard, "Figured they'd be charged right away, but I guess the Patriarch wants something ta do when he comes in tomorra'. He told us to leave them for trial then. We gotta dress up and the whole bit, but it should be a nice show. Shermlaine always does it up nice for the folks 'round here. Trial should be quite a scene. Usually doesn't do them himself. I expect that yer partner won't fare too well, though. He's a bit harsh on magicians." He shrugs "Don't cause no trouble, though, and I'll see what I can do about cuttin' them some slack on sentence. If yer would like ta speak for them, I can put yer on as character witnesses?"
Listening the guard, Rhune sighs inwardly. This does not bode well at all. There is no choice now but stay and see if they get the others back.
Pietro looks at the man, and casually asks, "Would it be possible to speak to the two men before the trial?"
Arthol shakes his head, about to respond when Taglio speaks.
Tag laughs, "When I said he was a friend of ours, I meant it tongue in cheek, mio amico." Tag contributes to another round of drinks for Arthol and a couple of his friends. "Actually, he owes money! The matter has been already been decided before the court in Firenze. We have been charged with recovering the debt in any way possible." With this Tag flexes a gauntleted hand and crushes a piece of bread in it as if destroying the head of the man in question, "A matter which I am sure you can see will take precedence over any minor criminal matters here. In fact we can pay any fine out of his estate as it were. The matter is quite personal I am sure you will understand. Perhaps you could show us to the place where he is being held, after another drink naturally. We need to interrogate him, of course." With this Tag lets his tunic fall open revealing the silver cross of Jerboha (hoping the guard will see it as a sign of authority. Tag slips Arthol a gold coin, "The Bishop rewards those who help his cause, si."
"Aye, he does!" The big man laughs, "However the Patriarch will decide what to do with him. If you've got a rightful claim, you will be heard during the trial tomorra' mornin' I'm sure Shermlain would be glad to hear of it." He smiles a bit, obviously at some inner thought.
"What sentence does this judge normally pass in such cases?" asks Caboto.
Arthol smiles, "Depends on the mood. If he wants to set an example, maybe he'll have him cursed. Or maybe spend thirty days in gaol. Shouldn't be too serious, even the magic part. It's against the law, but as long as nobody got hurt. It'll mostly depend on how yer friend answers the questions he gets. The priests often find out about other crimes by their questioning, and if this fella's got a guilty conscious, then he might be in trouble
He chuckles, "Strange day it's been for visitors, though. With the Arabs in the middle of the night and then that flyin' elf, the wild goose, and the elf with the wolf. Been quite a day."
At the mention of the Arabs, Rhune looks up, "Did they talk to anyone before they left?" she asks him.
The giant seems surprised to be spoken to by Rhune, "Who? The Arabs? Nah, they only gave their names and went right in. Heard they took a ride on Cardia's Carpet right after that."
Ullar frowns: "Cardia's Carpet? Who is Cardia?" he asks.
Arthol smiles, "The elf chick who flies people in and out of here. Costs quite a pretty penny, but some people gots money to burn, I guess." He chuckles, "Her booth is usually set up outside the Courthouse, but with her being gone, it won't be set up today."