Caboto cheers at the sight of the three returned. However, the reddish haired Florentine's smile fades as exhausted Tolik fades to sleep almost immediately. Caboto sets his astrolab down beside his satchel box and approaches. "Antonia, Daegwyn" he says, "you two must also be exhausted. Rest, and take some water, whatever you need."
Daegwyn turns to Antonia, "Get some rest. I can relate what has happened to the others, then I too will rest."
Antonia nods her head and yawns and glances back at Grey who has already shivered his saddle pack off onto the ground. She smiles as she sees that he did not drop it anywhere that would be a pain to retrieve it, glad that he understands her weariness. She moves over to him and takes off the halter and lead rope and drops them to the ground. He snorts at it in disgust as she lies down at his feet, not having the energy to put it away. Shadow comes over and lies next to her and the three nod off in the presence of those they trust to wake them if there is danger. As she nods away she thinks of trust. the immense amount of trust she gave to those who went with her. Her thoughts wander and she falls into a deep sleep.
After Pietro returns from giving the horses their well deserved attention, he walks over to the other two persons. "Somebody get a fire going, they will need hot food and drinks, it will recover them a lot quicker. Antonia, Daegwyn, please sit down. Food and tea will be prepared soon. Can you tell us what happened along the way? It can wait if you are to tired."
Caboto adds: "Daegwyn, I am concerned about Ratlin. The mage stepped into the woods earlier today, around the time we spotted a flying carpet or such passing overhead, and we have not seen him since. Would you check to see if there is a trail to follow? We can show you roughly where Ratlin was last seen."
Caboto pauses, recalling Daegwyn's earlier lesson in the tracking arts. He addresses Forte, Rhune, Ullar and Pietro. "I know Ratlin less well than you sirrahs and lady. Is this a normal action for him? Do any of you know enough about our absent mage to guess at what he might be up to?"
"To be honest..." says Ullar, facing Caboto, ".. I have to admit that I don't know. Ratlin was very silent, seemed to be preoccupied by things which I don't have the slightest idea about. Perhaps some of us can follow his tracks?" Ullar suggest, while looking around if anyone volunteers.
Plebius steps forward to help in the task.
Caboto nods at Ullar's candor. "We have had little time to become familiar with each other. I too recall that Ratlin is a quiet mage. As for tracking, Daegwyn is the only skilled tracker that I know of among us. We could take a cursory look for Ratlin without Daegwyn, but if he is far gone, I would be loath to disturb the trail for Daegwyn, once he's rested."
Plebius nods," I will gladly go, but I would wait for Daegwyn and his skills."
Once she is finished, Rhune goes back to sit down to wait. Hearing Caboto, "I don't know him that well myself. But don't think it is like him to wander off like that. I know he wanted to go to Threshold to see what he could find. You don't suppose he went there do you?" she asks in soft, tired voice
Arkady butts in. "Ratlin is trustworthy. I would swear by it. He has been my friend and trusty throughout."
Plebius sighs relief slightly," It is good to hear a word of faith in the missing Ratlin."
Pietro looks at Arkady. "Nobody said he wasn't, Arkady. As long as he has been our companion, he has been valuable and trustworthy. It's obvious though that we are asking ourselves why he chose to leave us, without saying anything. We can't do anything about it, as soon as Rhees is back and Tolik and the other two are rested, we will have to travel pretty fast again probably. I remember his last name though all of a sudden. With our first encounter on the ship, he told us that his full name is Ratlin Moroccu."
Daegwyn answers, "There is no need to track him. We saw him traveling on the road toward town some time ago. He was moving slowly. A guard was speaking with him so we were not able to approach, but I get ahead of myself."
Daegwyn waits until everyone is near so that he can speak once and then get some rest. "We were easily able to track the group to town. The gates were closed when we arrived, but Antonia was able to persuade them to allow us entry. Shortly after we entered we saw what appeared to be a large carpet rise from the city, with those we sought aboard." Here Daegwyn pauses and locks his eyes upon Rhune. His voice is filled with pain as he continues, "We attempted pursuit, but our weariness and the objects speed prevented us from catching it. I am sorry, Rhune, we were not able to speak with Asif."
")(@&(*^(#%(*^" Arkady begins to swear with vehemence and roughly kicks at a stone on the ground. He calms after a moment and his mind begins to plan ways of entering the unknown Death's Head.
Daegwyn continues, "Our pursuit of the object attracted the attention of the local garrison. Luckily we were able to escape. Several patrols, however, are now searching the town and the surrounding area. On the way back here we saw a man who at first we thought was Ullar riding with Rhees, but again, to avoid the guards we did not approach them. Later we saw Ratlin as I mentioned, then we arrived here. We should give the area a wide berth when we continue. Do you know who was with Rhees?"
Daegwyn waits to answer any quick questions before going to rest.
Pietro answers Daegwyn's question quickly. "We got ambushed by a few mercs who were hired by a woman. The leader was big and wearing plate, just like Ullar. Rhees and the man are going to the village to try and get us a guide. Now rest, this was the short version, the long version will probably follow later. So much for being rested in the elven village," the elf finishes with a small sigh.
"Rhees is accompanied by Hrothgar, a mercenary hired to get us, at least the group which was traveling with me, to Threshold. We managed to counter their attack and found out that Hrothgar and his men, who call themselves the Scange, were not terribly happy with the whole situation as well. After some discussion, I suggested that they went to Sukiskayn to help Petr and his clan there, in any way they can. However, we need a guide to pass the mountains towards Death's Head Country, and now Rhees and Hrothgar are traveling to Threshold to find us one." Ullar says.
Manus listens to the report of Daegwyn and the quick answer by Pietro then says..."At least we know that Hrothgar has kept his word and Rhees is still safe. Hopefully they will not have any trouble with the patrols searching the area."
Having heard that they were not able to catch Asif in time, Rhune goes off to the side of the road and slips in among the trees for a few moments. She is gone for nearly 15 minutes before slipping back to the group from a different direction. Though she studiously avoids looking at anyone it is quite obvious that she was crying. When she does return she goes about doing anything she can rather than having to talk to anyone for the moment, though if approached she will listen to them.
Arkady notices Rhune's return and see her pain. He walks to her and gives her a hug, not saying anything but understanding her pain.
Rhune takes the offered hug from Arkady, then she pulls away from him.
Leaving the elf to her emotions, Arkady walks back to the fire and begins to patrol the perimeter of the camp, watching for enemies or anything strange. He keeps the Silmar blade out and ready for action It is late afternoon before Tolik begins to stir. He rises, slowly, but looks much better than before. The light has returned to his eyes, and most of his energy seems to be back. After eating what, for him, is a large amount of food, he seems in good spirits, despite failure in the attempt to catch Asif.
Asking around, he discovers the tale of what happened was only told as an overview to those who stayed behind, so he makes himself comfortable and begins the story.
"Well, we set out to catch up with the riders, but they had a long head start, so we were at a disadvantage from the start. But we started out, Antonia and I in the lead, Daegwyn following behind with the horses. As night pressed on, we grew close, but I began to tire, and had to land and wait for Daegwyn. Antonia continued without me, and found that they had stopped in town."
"She returned to tell this to Daegwyn and I, and we decided that it would be best if we rode on through the night to try to catch them before they left in the morning."
He shakes his head, as if remembering a bad memory, then continues, "Antonia thought we could get some sleep as we rode. Can't say that worked out too well. As weary as I was, I couldn't stay on the horse without my full attention. So I gave up on that, and rode onward. Wasn't too bad at that point, just wanted a couple hours. Antonia had more luck than I, but I don't think even she got much rest out of it."
"So we arrived shortly before dawn. At first, they weren't going to let us in, but Antonia, well she sweet talked them into letting us in to look for Asif. We headed in, after a lecture about not carrying certain weapons and not using magic."
"The city was just starting to rise for the day, and we didn't really know where to look for Asif at. As we wandered through town, I think Daegwyn was following a trail, we saw a thing rise from the ground. It was certainly magic, stupid double standards. Anyway, it was flat, long, wide," he gestures with his hands to indicate the dimensions of the object, "And there were about five guys sitting on it. One happened to be wearing a turban, like what Asif picked up from the Arab merchant. It was dim, so we really couldn't tell faces, but it seemed likely that it was Asif."
"We started riding to the gate, but realized it would be gone before we could get outside. Slipping into a side street, Antonia and I made ready to give chase. I managed to get to the air, but that's about it. I was still sore from the previous flight, and just didn't have it in me to get out of the city, much less catch it. I was forced to come down on a roof of one of the buildings."
"Unfortunately, some of the citizens saw me, and well, called the guards over. Thinking quickly, I cast a spell to change my appearance to that a human peasant, and slipped out the gate in the confusion. As I left, I saw Antonia had about the same luck as I. She had come closer, but she wasn't able to catch the speeding object either. And she too attracted attention from the guards."
"I met up with Daegwyn, who had left the city when Antonia and I decided to give chase. I took the horses, and he retrieved Antonia. "
"While waiting for Antonia and Daegwyn, I saw a Norseman, savage brutes," He says this with a look of disdain, as if those of the far north are worse that even the goblins. "And a man with red hair, now that you mention it, it could have been Rhees. Was he carrying some spears? I dunno, might not of been him, this fellow looked more like a squire than I think Rhees would have... Anyway, we passed Ratlin on the way back here, but he was approached by a guard and so we could not reveal ourselves to him."
"Staying off the road, we avoided detection, but were slowed greatly. We headed back to meet up with you, and I guess you know that part."
After the three have rested some and wake up, Rhune goes to them and looks at each one. "I just wanted to say thank you for trying. I know you did your best but it appears that gods have other ideas for Asif and me. If they have given him a way to settle what has happened at home with his family then that is what is needed at this time. I know that that has stressed him more than anything could possibly have. And I also know that Asif said that he will be back then I believe that he will be. I will just have to wait. In the meantime let us see if we stop the Bishop and his plans." She says to them as she tries to smile, though if any of the three look close enough they will see that she has been crying.
"It is the least we could do," replies Daegwyn.
Lack of sleep is beginning to catch up with Daegwyn. He walks over to where Antonia, Grey, and Shadow sleep. Seeing Grey's saddle and halter on the ground, Daegwyn picks them up and moves them a few feet away, straightening them as he sets them down. He stands for a few minutes, silently watching the horse, wolf, and woman he has fallen in love with. Quietly he joins them on the ground, ready for some much needed rest.
The group resumes their watchfulness, as the day gets hotter it becomes increasingly difficult to rest except for Antonia and Tolik, who do not seem bothered by it. Either that or their extreme exhaustion makes it irrelevant.
The heat irritates Arkady's temperament and he becomes snappy and jumpy as the day's heat blazes. He tries to draw and study the local fauna but he is uncomfortable and easily distracted. Finally in frustration he throws down his journal and stands, fists clenched, sputtering and fuming at the wait and inactivity. "How long will we wait, huh??? They are gone or captured. Why is it so blasted hot?? Damnable bugs!! ARRRRR!!!"
Forte walks over to Arkady, his borrowed longsword in hand. "Arkday, I know it's hot, but I was hoping perhaps you could teach me how to use such a blade," he says, nodding toward the long sword. "You carry a similar blade," Forte looks at the Silmar sword, "and I thought perhaps I could learn something from you." Forte pauses a moment before adding jokingly, loud enough for Ullar to overhear even if it means shouting, "Since I may never get my greatsword back from Ullar." His friendly expression clearly indicates he is joking.
Forte's jest breaks Arkady's mood for the time. The Russian laughs loudly with great guffaws. Gathering his gauntlets, helmet and blade he nods to Forte and walks a short distance up the road. "This is an excellent way to spend the time, my friend." He draws the Silmar blade and then pauses. He looks at the others. "Uhmm Could I borrow a blade to practice with?? This one's magic may not make it the best practice weapon."
After having practiced until the heat got the better of them, Arkady was sitting and resting by the road when the foul word was passed among the group.
Some hours later, the sun has begun to dip toward the western mountain range. There is no sign of Rhees, Hrothgar, or Ratlin. You begin to realize that something may have happened to them in Threshold.
Looking toward the town, you see that the trail you are following leads there, and there are no forks. The small lake that the town abuts has a short outpouring then joins into the river alongside which you have been traveling. The main part of the river comes from the north, passing by the lake. It's origin appears to be within an enclosed mountain valley. You can see that it stretches for several miles within that valley, which twists and turns. More than that you cannot tell from this distance.
The others that have been here for much of the day become restless to travel, but where do you go? To Threshold with the hopes of retrieving your wayward companions? Pass it by and head for the Death's Head Valley, hoping they manage to dig themselves out of whatever trouble they find themselves in? And hoping that you can find your way without the promised guide?
"I knew it!! Our friends are fallen!!! What now?? Wretched hateful peninsula." Arkady begins to mutter an incoherent string of curses and frustrations.
Forte stands, long sword in his right hand with it's tip in the ground. He cups his chin with his left hand and shakes his head slightly. "I fear you are right," he says to Arkady.
Arkady is lost in his anger and doesn't hear Forte's reply.
Stephen, who has been quiet since the suggestion for Hrothgar to go to his village was introduced speaks up, "I think that the northman must have betrayed the Celt. I don't doubt that he is either dead or has been turned over to the woman, and possibly Golthar. The way I see it we still need a guide. We cannot hope to enter that valley and simply stumble our way through. The hyena-men will surely plan our heads on stakes within the hour if we do that."
Tolik unconsciously runs his hand across his neck. "You're not being literal, are you?" he asks, with a little fear in his eyes. Blinking several times, he puts the mental image aside and refocuses his thoughts. "If this place is as dangerous as you say, are we going to be able to just conveniently find someone trustworthy, or whose loyalty can be bought, to lead us? How many people are there who have both visited the area and done well enough to not mind going back?"
Arkady leaps up eyes blazing. "Betrayal!!!"
Forte grimly nods at Stephen's words and Arkady's reaction.
Stephen looks askance at the verbal ejaculation, "As you say, if we all enter the town, then we are lending ourselves to whatever villainy awaits us there. But if we do not, then the villainy within the valley will face us, equally, if not more so, dangerous than the city. The choice is yours, though in either case we will be at risk, I think."
Tolik nods. "As long as you behave yourself, I think you'll be fine getting in and out. Just don't make trouble for yourself, and try not to hang around people that want to make it for you."
Looking at the others, "If you want I could try and sneak up to the town during the night and try to scout out the surrounding area. If I can find a place to get a good look in without having to go inside maybe I can see if anything is happening. The only thing is that I would have to leave the chainmail armor here. It would make traveling quietly extremely difficult, though if I took extra special care I might be able to do it. If Tolik followed me he could return quickly if I need help or something. Other than that we could still try for the valley and just go a day's travel inside the border and stop and let them come to us. Perhaps if they are the ones that know about the blue tube if we show it to them they may not harm us." Rhune says
Tolik shakes his head vigorously. "I'm not going ANYWHERE near that place. I barely made it out last time, and I don't want to count on getting lucky twice. And it is well guarded, at night trying to sneak in would merely get you filled with arrows. Unless you want to be a pincushion, I suggest you not try it."
Daegwyn nods in agreement with Tolik. "I think it would be wise for Tolik, Antonia, and myself to stay outside the city. We have already been placed at the time of one altercation within the city today. I would not want to press our luck and have the guards start asking too many questions."
Arkady stamps at the dirt and struggles to get himself under control. (Think Damn you Think!!!) "We should abandon the town and go into the mountains, I do not believe that it could be so bad as Stephan says. Maybe some diplomacy......." he trails off as he thinks of the other diplomatic successes he has had.
"No, we need a guide," counters Forte. "But how the hell can we get one now?" he looks around at the group, clearly exasperated at their situation.
"I do not know. Maybe there are other small farmsteads or whatnot that we could go to." Arkady muses.
"No!" interjects Ullar. "We're going to get Rhees out of there. Of course, it's dangerous, but he deserves it, and I promised him."
"All for one" answers Caboto.
Tolik bites his lip, as he tries to remember a name from the chaos of the event. "The guard mentioned a place, ohh, 'Fog or Island?', maybe it was 'Forget Isle?' Something like that. In any case, the guard said it was a rather rough place. And if the guard is afraid, you've gotta wonder. He was a BIG guy too. That might be the best place for you to find the kind of person we need. Not overly loyal to the clergy and its authority, and rough enough to have visited Death's Head."