Tour of DutyLocation: Highfolk and the VesveAs worried as you were about the prospect of a confining and controlled military life, to this point, you've found militia duty neither confining, nor very controlled. In actuality, your life has never been as chaotic as it has been the last week or so. It started with your assignment to "Team II". It seems Lt. Borsheval was correct, whoever organized your team knew what they were doing. Two fine blades, Dunnan, a dwarf from a wild dwarven tribal society and Arcrane, a ranger from this very region. Lending aid, both spiritual and martial, to the warriors is Defarmerll, an elf of woodland religion wielding a sword. Rounding out the quintet are your scout Falderal, an elf especially adept with crossbows, and Sithrandel... He is also an elf, although his magical abilities lend him an aura of some mystery. After your mission briefing you were worried that you were facing a long an boring boat ride up river. At the beginning of the second day of the voyage you were still under that impression. By the end of that very same day the thought of a slow and boring journey had turned from a worry into fleeting hope. You had never imagined a crocodile that large. At first things look bad indeed, the brute had slammed into your ship several times and he knocked both Defarmerll and Arcrane into the water. A hail of arrows, bolts and bullets finally laid the beast low. Your ship beaten and your eyes open, your voyage continued, although now each blind bend on the river and every odd ripple on the surface causes your heart rate to rise. It was another two days before you saw anything out of the ordinary. This time, thankfully, it wasn't some beast intent on devouring your boat, it was fellow river travelers, travelers that seemed to be having a worse time of it than you. As you approached the run-aground-ship, the trap was sprung. A foul mage blasted a hole in the hull of your ship using a magical bolt of lightening so powerful it stood your hair on end from 30' away. Although Sithrandel received a nasty would which nearly rendered him unconscious, the borders were finally slain. The bad news is you were standing victorious in battle, but upon a sinking boat. Having no other choice, and feeling you had taken a step toward the title of veteran, you doggedly continued on foot. Not far from the river exit, it was decided to follow a wagon track that was heading in roughly the right direction. Following fresh tracks, the camp of Blandhack of Greyhawk was discovered. After being scouted by Sithrandel and Arcrane, Sith made contact with the old wizard and learned of his recent battle with a nearby ogre and its dogs. Fearing a return of the ogre, it was decided to set up an ambush for the stupid, but dangerous foe. True to form, the ogre returned after dark, stupidly using the exact same route to enter the camp as he had in his previous attack. Although the ogre landed a crushing blow on Dunnan, the dwarf took the shot and gave back worse. The air was thick with arrows and bolts and quickly the dogs and their master were no longer a threat. After learning of Blandhack's offer to teleport you to Traft, it was clear that there was enough time to scout and sack the ogre's lair. The cave yielded a fine axe for Dunnan as well as various other items. That day Blandhack made good on his offer and you were before the gates of Traft. After dealing with a group of disgruntled guards you talked to the captain, an odd chap who seemed a little confused. You also met your guide for the next part of your journey, a human named Telek Knor. You'd heard that this region was very wild and dangerous and it didn't disappoint. Only a day out of Traft, a nasty encounter with a nest of dog-sized spiders has severely weakened the party. You now stand amidst the carnage of the battle with the spiders, daylight is waning and you must establish a camp and do you best to tend to the venomous wounds inflicted by the spiders. Location: Sepia UplandsA few days of camping and a slow travel pace helped the sickly green pallor of Sithrandel and Dunnan fade slowly but surely. The area is certainly wild and difficult to navigate, its a good thing you made it to Traft in time to meet Telek Knor. After skirmishes with a patrol of orcs and a quartet of ghouls, the latter of which being made much easier by the holy power wielded by Defarmerll, and a few more days of tough travel, you arrived at your destination. Looking over a rise down onto the plain below you saw an encampment significantly larger than any described to you to this point. As you watched, a strange scene unfolded before you. It seems that a supply caravan on its way to the encampment was waylaid by an unknown force and the remnants which were hurriedly trying to reach the gates. Make it they did, for the attacking force apparently thought better of approaching the encampment in broad daylight. Seeing that you could not take out such an installation with overt force, you withdrew a bit to find a base of operations and discuss possible plans of action. After a good deal of looking, Arcrane spotted a well hidden cave, perhaps this would serve as your base. After a scouting trip to the cave by Sith and Arcrane, your fears were realized, the cave had a current occupant. After much debate, an assessment was made to slay the beast inhabiting the cave. The resulting discovery that the occupant was a fierce owlbear was a bit of a shock, but due to the valiant fighting of the group, including two devastating blows from the enchanted axe of Dunnan, the beast was slain and the cave became a very serviceable, if smelly, base of operations. A short time later, the group was approached by an elven ranger named Haldeer. He explained that he and his companions were in the area because of the humanoid encampment as well, although they were only here to gather intelligence, not to fight. He did, however, indicate that they could assist you in your fight against the humanoid scum. He also informed the you that the Wolf Nomads to the north were responsible for the attack you witnessed on the supply caravan. Deciding that a piecemeal approach to weakening the fort was the wisest course of action, the group decided to try and ambush one of the nightly patrols sent out from the encampment. Haldeer and his companions, Loril and Parthus, volunteered to try and draw the patrol into the ambush area but were only able to draw the six gnolls to the general area of the ambush. The gnolls fought furiously, but again, the prowess of the party was too much for the adversary and they were laid low. While resting and recovering from the gnoll "ambush", help-unlooked-for arrived at your camp in the form of Dalakarin Soldarath, and elven wizard sent from Traft by the militia to aid in your mission. Your ranger allies, Haldeer, Loril and Parthus encountered him and escorted him to your cave. Happy were you all at his arrival, for more magical firepower is always useful! Haldeer also reported news of a more sobering nature, a supply caravan was spotted heading west toward the encampment. It was immediately decided to head out at once to thwart its arrival. Again, the elven rangers proved worthy allies for they lead you to a river crossing especially well suited for ambuscade. When the caravan approached, Sithrandel and Dalakarin immediately went to work, enspelling almost all of the escorting orcs into magical slumber. This made the large and imposing Minotaur leading the caravan much more manageable and he was soon laid low. In an effort to keep further supply trains away, it was suggested by Sithrandel to destroy the bridge, making a river crossing all but impossible for any future caravans. After waiting a night to see if an attempt would be made by the encampment to rebuild the bridge, the group set out to return to the cave for some much needed rest. On the way back, you encountered Rhustev, an envoy from the Wolf Nomads to the north. He implored the party for assistance in waylaying the encampment for the purpose of freeing many of the tribe's horses that had been recently captured by the humanoids. While discussing the strategy for assisting the Nomads, your hitherto safe cave became anything but, as giants ants invaded from below! You were able to slay the vermin with dispatch, punctuated with an obliterating blast of lightning from Sithrandel's wand, but no longer could you safely stay in the cave for fear of larger incursions by the beasts. As predicted, the part you played in the Nomad's horse rescue was fairly limited, although you did face and defeat a sizeable force of orcs and gnolls. Again, magic and missile fire were used to great advantage before a melee engagement finished the job. Only a couple days later, Haldeer reported that a white flag was flying outside the gates to the encampment! Parlay or trap? Of course the foul humanoids were incapable of acting honorably and you approached the gate for parlay, but ready for a fight. At your hails, the gate swung open and the trap was sprung. A small force of orcs loosed a caged and enraged rhino! After goring to death two of the orcs, the beast was among the group, nearly killing the good Defarmerll! Once again, Sithrandel and his wand played a key role and the beast was finally slain. Beating a hasty retreat from your exposed position, may questions linger in your minds... Why wasn't a more sizeable force sent to deal with you at the gates? How many more humanoids are left within the walls? Where and how did the humanoids capture a beast such as a rhino in this area and could there be other such unexpected surprises lurking within the walls of the encampment? After recovering from the battle with the rhino before the gates of the encampment, a scouting mission was decided to be the next course of action. When a solo effort by Falderol revealed a quiet and apparently empty fortress, the entire group cautiously moved in for a more thorough search. Skirting the wall to the main gate, the group was surprised to see that the gate was still open and the remnants of the battle were unchanged, could it be that all of the foes within the walls were either vanquished or had fled? Arcrane's suspicion that there might be an underground component to the encampment was confirmed when the party decided to enter within the walls. Indeed a passage lead further underground from whence the rhino erupted. Recovering the pit so as not to be taken at unawares, the rest of the compound was searched. Nothing was found to dispute the assumption that the camp was indeed deserted. Inside the only permanent structure, another ingress to the underground area was found and it was decided that this would be the way to proceed. The steep stairs lead down about twenty feet underground and the passage promptly split. The choices were a rough passage which apparently lead off to the rhino pit and a worked passage leading to a closed oaken door. Deciding to investigate the door first, Falderol triggered a magic mouth spell and while the group prepared for an imminent conflict, the thundering voice boomed out the name "Iuz!" three times. Knowing the jig was up and their presence detected, Falderol pushed the door open allowing the eager Dunnan and the less-eager Arcrane into the room to join the battle. Indeed the presence of the party was detected and in fact expected. Boxes, crates and tables were aligned to provide cover for the gnolls in the room, many of which were firing their crossbows straight out the door and into the party's midst. Difficult to see through the tumult of bodies and barriers, the most dangerous foe was not immediately engaged, a half-orcish spell binder of no mean ability! As the group dealt with the press of gnolls, the half-orc continued to throw his magic in a most effective fashion. First to fall victim was the dour dwarf when chaotic magic caused him to turn his own weapon upon himself to dire consequences, but the horrible wound did little to deter him only setting him into a rage and fury. As the half-orc's defensive magic did well to keep him safe from the attacks of the party, he again turned his attention to the raging barbarian, magically ordering him to flee the area. Unable to withstand the magical influence, Dunnan departed most expeditiously. With gnolls to still deal with, many of which had been laid low with magic or steel, the half-orc was still able to throw more magic into the fray. Next he enspelled Arcrane so that the ranger could not even move, let alone fight. By this time, Dunnan had been freed of the spell of command and had reengaged the half-orc. Finally this foul enemy was showing wounds and that maybe his end was nigh. His next, and final action would demonstrate with horrifying clarity that his own end was of small concern. Showing all of the look of a rank fanatic, he cried aloud to his foul god Iuz and pulled a magical stone from a necklace he wore. Throwing it down at his feet, he, Dunnan and partially everyone else in the group was engulfed in an explosion of flame. When the flames and smoke cleared he was dead, burnt to a crisp, but alas, so was the valiant dwarf! Hastily, lest more enemies appear to threaten the party in its weakened state, a bier was constructed to carry Dunnan's body out of this foul hole. In a blessing from Clanggedin, the bane of Dunnan also turned out to be his savior. In despoiling the servant of Iuz, several items were found, not the least of which was a scroll that Defarmerll could and did use to revive the burnt, hairless form of Dunnan. After resting and recovering in a forest camp, the group made another foray into the underground complex. This trip lead the group through the room where the last defense was put up and into a more roughly worked cavern. The ruddy red light from burning braziers exposed of scene of evil and horror, the likes of which none in the group had ever seen. Drawn on the floor was the hideous grinning skull of Iuz, the Old One. Worse, crucified upon a wooden X was the disemboweled form of a man. Gasping in shock, Telek Knor recognized the dead man as a Druid from his very order! Certainly this is how the fiends summoned the rhino that was loosed upon you. As bad as this turn of events was, it got even worse as the form of the druid, once cut down from his crucifixion, raised back up upon its own power, now a reanimated zombie. Although a single zombie is of little threat and Defarmerll immediately turned the thing, the sight of seeing his friend and colleague hacked even further had a terrible effect upon Telek. Once again the group left the complex, this time to allow Telek to bury his comrade. After the ceremony, the exploration continued. Following the rough passage out of the sacrificial chamber, the party all felt a wave of dizziness and nausea. Overcoming those effects, it seemed clear that the group had teleported out of the original complex. So this is how the leader or leaders of the encampment were able to escape far at least! Location: ? ? ?The natural passages the group now found themselves in lead through several caverns. It seems that this area at least was the den of some sort of intelligent, magic-using spider-beings for many of these beasts were killed. In addition, a huge monstrous spider and several other spiders were also encountered and slain. At last, the natural caves and passages have turned to worked stone passages that appear to be sewers of some sort. Perhaps civilization is not far away, but where in the civilized world you might be is still unknown. Perhaps the teleportation has taken you under Highfolk or perhaps all the way to the sewers of Greyhawk or some other far off city in who-knows what corner of the Flanaess! One thing is for certain, the servants of Iuz were behind the encampment and the evils you have seen, the score must be settled! As nice as it was to get out of the caves you'd been traveling through, the worked sewer passages that you entered had drawbacks all their own. For one, the stink of the sewage flow was nearly unbearable and when the narrow walkway you were traversing collapsed under Falderol nearly sending him into the filth, you began to think those natural caves and passages weren't so bad. Then the passages narrowed and the walkway disappeared altogether and you really wished for the dry, natural caves. Choosing one of the trio of narrow passages in front of the group, you got in up to your thighs (or in Dunnan's case his chest) and slogged forward in single file. A short while down the passage you were met head on by a patrol of orcs, worse, an ogre further up was lobbing rocks down the narrow passage. While dispatching the orcs and dodging boulders a second, then third patrol of orcs came upon the group from the rear, wounding Dalakarin. Eventually, the orcs and the ogres were slain and you were able to move on. Proceeding through more sewer passages you finally came to an odd smelling room which lead out of the sewer area. Luckily it was decided to extinguish all flames going through this room and there was no incident. Upon exiting, the odd gaseous smell was replaced by that of death and decay, even the foul smell of your filth-stained clothes could not drown it out. Proceeding cautiously, you came to a room which had a floor completely covered by 10'x10' covered pits. Only most of the pit covers were open leaving a grid of 2' wide beams to walk across. Worse yet, the source of the stench was revealed in the contents of the pits. Corpses, hundreds of them in various states of decomposition, were amassed in the pits. If that wasn't bad enough, several Arenea attacked with magic and poison as the crossing was made. Although Sithrandel was so weakened by poison that he had trouble standing, the crossing was made. Moving out of the corpse room the passage split, taking the right hand way lead you into a holding room for live captives. Inspecting the captives were a female warrior and a male wizard along with five orcs and battle was joined. Stepping to the fore very quickly (maybe that Improved Initiative wasn't such a bad pick), Defarmerll ensnared the wizard with a spell of holding before the mystical one could weave a single spell of his own! With the orcs quickly dispatched, Arcrane and Dunnan made quick work of the skilled, but out gunned female and brought her down. Freeing the captives, it was found that one of the elves among the group was of the same order as Defarmerll. He provided two key pieces of information; one that this Temple of Iuz was being operated by a foul undead being known as a Bodak and two, he was able to inform the group of their current location... Near the city of Highport on the coast of the Sea of Gearnat in the wild region known as the Pomarj many hundreds of miles from Highfolk! It was agreed that since the captives could not go back the way the group had come that they'd wait a day or so, praying for the group's success, then try to make their way out behind. As there were no exits from this room of cages, the group proceeded back to the split in the passages and took the unexplored option. Descending some flagstone stairs to a door, Falderol detected a trap that would've laid the stairs flat, sliding the group down uncontrollably. Through the door the stairs continued to a circular room with a moat of sewage around it where six orcs were stationed. Opposite the stairs was an alcove where a priest of Iuz dwelt. Upon seeing your entrance he commanded his orc minions to attack and began to launch his own attacks of a magical nature. Although he was able to call down an unholy blight upon the group, he was caught unaware and wasn't able to withstand the onslaught of so puissant a group. After slaying the servant of evil and his followers, a small winding passage was found. Whether it leads to more of this dungeon or up to the temple proper is still unknown. Location: Near HighportAlthough everyone was loath to even touch the foul servant of Iuz who lay dead at your feet, a determined search of his corpse was made. Although there was little in the way hard valuables found, he did possess a map of the area. Drawn on the map was a trail or course from Highport up into the Drachensgrab Hills. The destination is unknown, but perhaps this has something to do with what the captives you found said about being taken from this place for "special treatment". If that is indeed the case, it seems that Iuz is trying to build power far south of his own territory, an alarming idea indeed! Perhaps, banish the thought, he is even aligning himself with the orcs of Stoneheim! Following the winding passage, eventually a narrow staircase was found leading up. Although no one was sure if this would lead above ground, the thought of going up was a pleasant one. Breaking through the door at the top of the stairs lead into a walled area that was open to the sky above, fresh air at last! Looking around it became clear that the area you were now in was a small cemetery and that you had in fact come out of a small crypt near the center. After a brief walk around this area, the only exit was found. Further, Dalakarin's familiar was able to fly above the structure, confirming that you were in some manner of building that wasn't near to any others. Proceeding out of the cemetery it became clear that this place showed signs of recent use, but also of previous damage from a fire, much of it was blacked from soot and the structure was not sound in many places. While crossing through one of the more badly burned and damages rooms, one of the temple's current inhabitants was met. A gruesome flesh golem attacked and wreaked much damage before finally being hacked to bits. The next room was even more damaged, in fact, the floor was completely gone! Some of it remained around the outside and some beams and timbers lay across the open area, but neither route looked particularly safe. Eventually the group made it across, but not before Arcrane and Dunnan both fell the 30' to the hard floor below. Arcrane's weight caused the beams to give way as he crossed and stuck on the wrong side, Dunnan was forced to try the edges which would not withstand even his weight and down he went. Eventually they were dragged up the further side and the group moved on. The next area was almost a mirror image of the previous, with the ceiling collapsed down onto this level. Although there was no danger of falling, there were several ghouls and ghasts perched upon the remnants of the second floor. In the presence of the undead, Arcrane's sword began to glow brightly as if in anticipation of cleaving the undead flesh. Despite several party members becoming paralyzed (and losing control of their bodily functions), the undead were slain. The next area encountered was perhaps the most dangerous to this point in the exploration. Upon entry, the danger was immediately felt when seeing the plethora of remarkably lifelike statues all over this part of the open ceilinged courtyard just entered. It didn't take much to rouse the inhabitants and once that happened it was clear why this part of the courtyard was walled off from the rest. A mated pair of Basilisks attacked furiously, aided by the wise decision of everyone present to avert their eyes. The beasts used their powerful maws to great advantage but were laid low without being able to draw their deadly gaze upon anyone. The other part of the courtyard proved to be dangerous, but only for Sithrandel. As he scouted the debris filled, partially roofed area he was cornered by Wight. With the group out of range for immediate support he used his elven agility and speed and made a dash past the evil undead creature. Although the thing attempted to grasp him, Sith managed to run past and rejoin the group. Returning to the area, even a powerful undead such as this Wight had no chance against the entire group, one against many. At this point the group seemed to be moving into the better maintained areas of the temple. In fact, the door leading out of the courtyard where the wight was defeated proved nearly impossible to break through. Finally, an unlikely strongman in the form of Defarmerll managed to break through. The repeated attempts served to alert those on the other side. Those orcs and humans behind the door were in fact guarding the main entrance to the temple, but were able to move the defenses to counter the threat of the party, coming from within. Standing in front of the broken door, Defarmerll became the default target for a wheel-mounted ballista which was fired straight through the doorway stunning the cleric and inflicting a nasty wound at the same time. Once into the open area, the orc and human guards were no match for the group and the battle was punctuated with Dalakarin setting fire to the ballista and several of its attendants. At this point, two choices for proceeding were evident. Leaving the temple through the main gates by way of two large portcullises or heading back into the temple through a pair of massive double doors. Having not defeated the foul Bodak that is known to run the temple, the decision was made to delve deeper in pursuit of the foul being. Beyond the double doors was a long passageway lined with statues. Scouting, Sithrandel was zapped when he passed a glyph of warding but survived the magical trap. At the end of the hallway, yet another set of double doors was broken and there was the temple proper. Flanked by four huge zombies was a cloaked figure. As soon as the battle was joined, suspicion was confirmed as the Bodak pulled back its hood and set his gaze upon the magic-wielding Dalakarin and twice upon Sithrandel who was peppering the thing with arrows. Both elves were able to withstand the horrid visage of the Bodak and the foul beast and his servants were slain. After sacking the temple's treasury and seeing that the captives from below were able to escape, the party decided to proceed to the foul and decadent city of Highport. Dalakarin desired to fashion some minor magic items and the entire party was in need of a little rest and resupply. Before the group set off, Telek Knor addressed the party informing them of his intention to return to Highfolk and report to his druidic order on the death of Sorich Glandour and the expansion of Iuzian followers to this area, so far from the Old One's seat of power. Not wanting to see Telek travel so far north alone and having very strong, personal ties to the Highfolk area, Sithrandel decided to accompany the druid. Before taking their leave, Sithrandel presented the group with the magical gloves recovered from the temple. "It is my tradition when parting with friends to leave an item for memory's sake, these I give to you." The next morning, the two set about their journey. Location: HighportAfter the rather sad parting, the group made their way to Highport and entered under the very suspicious gaze of many of it denizens. The city has a very rough reputation and seeing it first hand there was no surprise at that. Smartly, an inn very near to the gates was chosen and rooms were acquired. It was at this time that the group noticed that Falderol was no longer with them. Whether he was off on his own or met with a foul fate no one could tell. Performing in the inn's barroom was a singer of remarkable talent for this cesspool of a city. The combination of her lilting, dulcet tones and the trace of elven blood evident in her features made for a truly captivating performance. While wondering at how such a beauty could possibly survive in this place without being carried off, another female, seated near the stage stood up, glowering at each of the party members in turn. This woman showed no trace of elven blood, but was striking in her own fashion. Her raiment resembled closely that of the Wolf Nomads that the group had encountered when attacking the wilderness encampment now so many miles away. Her physique was flawless and the great axe she kept at the ready seemed light and ready in her hands. After supping, the group, sans Dalakarin who was cloistered above in research, was surprised when the half-elven beauty and her companion approached the table. "Greeting travelers, I am Charysta Galin and this is my associate, Zeva," she intoned, "may we join you?" During the meeting with Charysta and Zeva, the group learned of their plight as well as their strong desire to be gone from the "wretched hive of scum and villainy" that is Highport. As they seemed of decent sort and capable as well, it was decided by the group that bolstering their dwindling numbers was a good idea before venturing into the hostile Pomarj, especially the Drachensgrab Hills! After informing the new pair of compatriots of the group's plan to follow the map into the nearby Drachengrabs, it was agreed that they would stay indoors this night and venture forth first thing in the morning. Location: The Drachensgrab HillsClimbing up into the hills was arduous work, but this far south, the weather wasn't much of a problem so the climb was bearable. Despite the region's somewhat intimidating reputation, the first two days and nights were largely uneventful. On the third day, however, another group of travelers was encountered as they we being set upon by a pair of huge Wyverns. Taking a chance, the group charged in and helped the pilgrim's fell the beasts, learning afterward that the group was devoted to the god Pelor. It seems they, as Charysta, were shipwrecked and landed on the southern coast of the Pomarj and were attempting to get back to Greyhawk by the shortest means possible. After sharing a camp, the high priest of the pilgrims proffered a scroll of healing magic to Defarmerll in payment for the party's succor. After another uneventful day of travel, the party bed down for the evening. Although nothing occurred, during the night everyone was awoken by a fearful feeling of great disquiet. Wondering what this forbade, the journey was continued the following morning. That day, the great feeling of fear returned, only this time its source was made evident. Swooping low over the party, winging over and landing on a nearby rock outcropping was a red dragon of a size the group never imagined. Although a very tense situation, the fact that they were still alive was some comfort. The dragon then spoke, its voice so deep and powerful it could be felt in the chest as it was heard in the ears. It named itself Ayruvoriss (EYE-ru-vor-is). It proceeded, as the group wisely showed proper respect and homage, to "volunteer" them for a small task he required. In exchange for their cooperation, he offer several things of great value. First, of course, he would spare everyone's lives (generous he was indeed!). Second, he would lay claim to no treasure recovered during this mission save one item, the object of the quest. Thirdly, and most surprisingly, he offered information regarding the party's missing three members. Although the group attempted to correct his math by telling him they were only missing one member, he chuckled and informed them that the northward journey of Telek Knor and Sithrandel had met with an evil fate. The task he required was the recovery of an artifact he desired from a nearby cavern complex. The possible results were two; succeed and bring him the artifact (a crystal lamp he gave no details about) or die in the attempt. Disconcertingly, he informed the group that they had not been the first sent on this errand and probably wouldn't be the last. Seeing as their only other options was immediate, certain and painful death, the task was "accepted". As promised, the cavern complex was not far off and soon the group was descending a long, natural staircase into the mountains. In the caverns many monsters were fought and defeated, if barely. Especially noteworthy was an encounter with a golem of clay. As the group learned in the ruined temple of Iuz, golems are powerful adversaries indeed! Unfortunately, the lesson was learned yet again as the clay golem proved to be vastly more powerful than the flesh golem, and only with the aid of a group of Pech, a diminutive race of stone-like creatures, was the golem finally defeated. And so the trek through the caverns continues, what dangers lay ahead no one can tell. After finally dispatching a pesky group of Ochre Jelly, actually one Ochre Jelly that split into a group, the party moved back to the central cavern with the intent of exploring the single remaining passage exiting from therein. Shortly after entering the central cavern the group met Arilarin de'Kador (Aril for short) who apparently was in the same predicament as the group; sent here by the dragon to retrieve the crystal lamp. Unfortunately for Aril, and even more so for his two former-companions, a force of three was not enough to penetrate the cave complex successfully. As Aril tells it, with occasional growls added in from his dog, the three (plus the dog), were dumped into a nearby underground lake by a huge snapping turtle. Only Aril and his faithful hound were able to make it to shore. Although Aril was not pleased at the prospect of returning to the deeper areas of the caves, the thought of facing the dragon in failure made his choice easy and he joined the party to bolster everyone's chances. After some more exploration, being assaulted by thousands of bats, furiously attacked by cave morays and nearly crushed by a pair of unfriendly stone giants, the party was left with no option but to set out across the underground lake to one of the other visible passageways. Combing the caves revealed many beasts, from a pair of Cockatrices to the dreaded Gorgimera. The latter of which stoned Dunnan. Fortunately, the dwarf was made fleshy again and although the process killed him, I heard he's feeling much better. After sacking the Gorgimera's treasure, a search of the area revealed a passage apparently blocked by many stones and large rocks. After a time consuming excavation, a passage has been cleared leading deeper into the mountain. Following the passage from the Gorgimera's lair, the party moved much deeper into the mountain before emerging in a cavern of truly mammoth proportions. In the center was an unnaturally smooth area with an odd ring of inscriptions in the center. After figuring out that the ring was a compass ring, the party aligned the compass and a shaft opened up beneath the ring revealing a deep, dark shaft. The shaft turned out to be more than 150' deep and a rather nasty Water Naga made the cavern at the bottom a most dangerous place. After a pitched battle the party was able to drive the beast away. But while examining the stone doors leading out of this flooded place, the Naga attacked once again. After slaying the beast once and for all, the doors were opened. Inside was a grand chamber but investigation had to wait as a group of mummies attacked. After dispatching the mummies and inspecting the chamber, a tomb chamber was found. Beneath the false bottom of the coffin were many gems but opening the false bottom released poisoned gas into the room. Once the gas cleared, Defarmerll was affected by contact poison on the treasure and was sorely weakened. Dalakarin nearly feinted when he realized that the treasure was coated with poison, but his magical gloves kept him safe. Having seemingly run into a dead end before finding the crystal lamp, the group was at a bit of a loss for what to do next. Eventually, the shaft itself was closely examined and an additional secret passage was located. Beyond the secret door, a narrow passage lead to a battle with yet another Naga, this one a dreaded Guardian Naga. With the advantage of numbers, the group was quickly able to overcome the sentinel. Proceeding, a security archway of sorts held the group up only briefly before the entire group realized that in order to pass, you had to wear one of the helms from the mummy chamber below. Finally, at the end of the passage a door was found, but before it was reached yet another trap was sprung. This one caused the entry passage to this area of the tomb to be blocked by a huge slab of stone! Chaffing to move forward, the group resolved not to deal with that problem until they had to. Turning their attention to the door, the tomb was soon breached. The evil spirit resting within rose in the form of a Mohrg. But fell once again at the hands of the group. Amidst the treasure recovered was an ornate crystal lamp which would hopefully satisfy the dragon that waits above. Also of note was a Deck of Many Things. Although Zeva and Dunnan refused to draw, each of the other party members chose to draw at least once with mixed results:
The dragon accepted his prize and eventually informed the group of the fate of their former companions. The news was grim - the three were taken by the forces of Iuz and even now are en route to the Old One's capital city, Dorakka. This was confirmed by Dalakarin's scry spell. The plan now is to head back to Highport and secure passage on a ship bound for the Nyr Dyv in the hopes of getting in front of the enemy. Getting out of the Drachensgrabs is proving difficult. It seems that the Fanjyr Waystation has been commandeered by humanoids and the weather is closing in.… After clearing the Fanjyr Waystation of humanoid scum, the group finally thought that the way was clear to Highport and the pursuit of the captured Telek Knor and Sithrandel only to find yet another barrier in their way. This time it was the cloud castle of the giant Lachlan who as it turned out had been possessed by a foul demon of a sort they'd never heard of before. Although the group suffered the grievous loss of Zeva, they were finally victorious. First Dalakarin saved the possessed giant with a powerful spell and then the group helped Lachlan cleanse the foul beings from his castle, earning his gratitude. Despite not being able to plunder the castle, the group made several valuable acquisitions, including a special gem from Lachlan himself that will allow the group to summon him three times for his aid. Also, and of more immediate importance, Lachlan offered to fly the group anywhere they wished. Heading north right away, Lachlan later came to the group and told them that he'd have to drop them off at the Free City of Greyhawk. The giant explained that he had learned about more of the demons who possessed him and slew his daughter and decided to alter course immediately to visit his wrath upon them. Knowing of the group's desire to find their lost comrades, he gave them a scroll with his seal upon it. He explained that Sental Nurev, the Captain General of Greyhawk's City Watch owed him a favor and may be able to help speed their journey as well as giving them any intelligence as to whether and when their friends had been in or around Greyhawk, the Captain, after all, is well connected within the city and the nearby countryside. Debarking East of the city after nightfall, the group is allowed passage into the Garden Quarter via the Duke's Gate. On Lachlan's recommendation, the Golden Phoenix is the group's destination. It is decided that a trip to the Grand Citadel and the office of the Captain will be made first thing in the morning. With that, everyone goes to their rooms, glad to be on solid ground and to have made some progress at least in the chase of the captors and captives. After a very delicious breakfast, also something greatly appreciated from many weeks on the road, the group decides to set out. Strangely, Aril did not come down for breakfast, nor has anyone seen him since parting for sleep last evening. With some annoyance, Dunnan heads upstairs to roust the slumbering fighter. He returns moments later in alarm--Aril is gone, the head of his dog was left on his pillow! Questioning of the Innkeeper and several of the guests reveals no information, only shock and horror at the incident. Meeting with the Captain of the watch, the group learned that a minion of Iuz dared to live just outside the city of Greyhawk. After a quick reconnaissance mission, the party decide to attack without further delay. The battle with the servants of Iuz was a fierce one, and unfortunately the dividend is thin. With the evil ones slain, there is no one left to question. Although there appears on the surface to be a wealth of general information on Iuz's plans in the area, there appears to be little information that could help you locate your lost comrades. Sental seems quite happy with how things have turned out, showing little remorse with the deaths. Shortly after the battle ends, he arrives personally with a small company of city watch troops, apparently he was keeping a close eye on things. Also with him is a familiar face, albeit a bearded one, Telek Knor! Although you recognize your friend, the change in him is startling, he seems to have aged years. "My friends, it does me well to see you again," he says somberly. "I've thought many times about this moment, I have grievous news. Falderol is being held in Dorakaa, betrayed as I was by Sithrandel!" He waits a moment to let that sink in. "I understand from Sentel that one of your party whom I did not know was recently killed, the servants of Iuz are not yet done punishing us for the sacking of their cursed temple! It is only by the Grace of the Mother Of Us All that I was able to escape, the ability to change into an animal saved me!" Telek goes on to relate some of the details of his capture, their torments and his escape and personal quest to find the group again. At that point, Sentel comes over to where you're standing. "I want to thank you for the service you've performed, you've done a great good today. For a long time we have watched this place, gaining intelligence about the people who come here. We allowed it to continue as we could gain the identities of those helping the forces of Iuz by watching. We lose that, but with these two out of action, we win something bigger!" He pauses for a moment realizing that he interupted. "I know you folks have some catching up to do, I just wanted to tell you that the City of Greyhawk is in you're debt." "My friends," Telek begins again, "do not worry about the information you sought in this place, for we now know that Falderol is being held in Dorakaa. What we need to know is precisely where, we obviously can't just waltz in and start looking around for him. When I consulted with the leaders of my Cabal, I was given the possible location of an artifact that may be able to help us. Normal scrying is useless when trying to view a place like The City of Skulls, we need something more. The artifact that we seek can do what we need! Let us waste no more time, we must prepare and be off."
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